Master of Beasts

Chapter 997 Lei Lan

In the vast ancient city, there are decayed buildings everywhere, thick and broken stone pillars, scattered randomly, and dust is everywhere, creating a desolate and boundless scene.

Soon, with the disappearance of the Wushuang City's restriction, a series of figures shuttled through it, either in groups or alone, but they all had a tacit understanding and stayed away from strangers.

None of the people who can afford to go to the city is weak.

They will not take risks rashly before they are sure that the opponent has the value to make them do it. Otherwise, it is very likely that they will risk their lives to kill the opponent but get nothing.

"Three days later, it's time for the opening of the Divine Mausoleum. I don't know how much my Divine Mausoleum fragments can be exchanged for."

"You don't want to try climbing down from the Divine Mausoleum?"

"You're kidding me, even the owner of the Jinshi Shenling Ring dare not say that he will be able to climb it, let alone a small person like me."

From time to time, there were figures, passing by Henry Zhang, and there were voices.

"Baptism in the tomb of the gods." In Henry Zhang's eyes, there was a flash of light.

These days, he has heard the news of the baptism of the tomb of the gods more than once, and he also roughly understands that the richness of the baptism of the tomb of the gods is related to the number of fragments of the tomb of the gods he holds.

However, so far, no one knows what the so-called baptism in the tomb of the gods is.

Peerless City is also divided into eight regions.

In the middle of each area, there is a huge square. Under the square, a mysterious ancient formation is inscribed. The benefits of getting rid of the mysterious power contained in the array are huge.

There were crowds of people on the square, and when they found their seats, they sat down quickly and accepted the washing of the ancient array. This kind of small welfare can be regarded as a gift from the Shenling Gate to the disciples who worked so hard to come here.

At a glance, some seats are extremely crowded, and there are very few wide open spaces where only a few scattered people sit cross-legged, or there is only one person at all, and no one dares to stay beside them from the beginning to the end.

It's just because these people are too powerful, once they offend them, it is very likely that they will die on the spot.

Sitting cross-legged in the middle was a young man with a cold face. His eyes were slightly closed and his breath was steady. The surrounding area of ​​tens of feet was empty, which was very conspicuous in the square.

Yan Liang.

This name is enough to explain why no one dares to approach him.

"Henry Zhang? Does he really dare to come here?"

"I thought he would hide in other areas."

"He must have lost his mind."

As Henry Zhang approached, whispering voices sounded one after another, and almost everyone thought that Henry Zhang was seeking his own death.

Yan Liang is the strongest among all the wearers of the Jinshi Shenling Ring.

In the eyes of many people, Xiao ** is not qualified to compete with it at all.

With a look of indifference on his face, Henry Zhang slowly stepped into the square, turning a deaf ear to the surrounding voices, he turned his eyes, looked at a relatively open area, and walked over.

At this moment, all the surrounding sounds disappeared, and the expressions on everyone's faces were quite wonderful.

That is Yan Liang's territory!

Looking at Henry Zhang who was getting closer, Yan Liang only thought that he wanted to make amends to himself because of Yan Lu's affairs, and a cold arc appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You are Henry Zhang, I have heard about the previous things, go to the side and kneel, maybe when I am in a better mood, I will spare your life."

The black robe trembled, Henry Zhang with calm eyes sat down as if no one else was there, and the light of the ancient formation circulated in his body.

That gesture made it clear that he treated Yan Liang as air.

Seeing this, the crowd in the surrounding area couldn't help shrinking back, looking at Henry Zhang with a look like a dying person.

So ignoring Yan Liang, how could Henry Zhang please him?

"I asked you to kneel, not sit!" Yan Liang's eyes were gloomy, with the mighty coercion of a sixth-order spirit emperor,

He crushed Henry Zhang heavily.

However, under that coercion, Henry Zhang was unmoved, only the black robes were buzzing.

"How come..." Yan Liang was stunned.

The coercion of the sixth-level spirit emperor was completely irresistible to the fourth-level spirit emperor. Not long ago, he used his breath to force a defenseless fourth-level spirit emperor to kneel on the spot, full of ugly appearances.

And Henry Zhang, there is no response?

"Let me say this one last time, as long as you kneel down for me for one night, Yan Lu's matter can be exposed and will not be pursued." Yan Liang stood up, with cold eyes flowing.

He had heard the news that Henry Zhang had good relations with Hong Shuangyue, Wang Sheng and others, so he was unwilling to do too much, and it would not be good for him to offend several holders of the Jinshi Shenling Ring at the same time.

Just insulting Henry Zhang, in his opinion, is already a great kindness.

"Have you finished your harsh words?"

Frowning indistinctly, Henry Zhang said coldly: "If you finish talking cruelly, you can either hit him or get out!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

A fourth-order spirit emperor, let the sixth-order spirit emperor go?

Could it be that because the two of them both hold the Red Stone Divine Tomb Ring, Henry Zhang inflatedly thought that he had the strength to fight against the sixth-order Spirit Emperor?

"Let me go?"

Slightly stunned, Yan Liang had a cold sneer on his face: "It's been a long time, and no one has said this to me, since I'm giving you the chance to live, don't blame me, you're cruel !"


Dazzling thunder light erupted from Yan Liang's body, and the crowd in the square all fled with a bang, their faces frightened and excited.

Terrified, they worry about themselves, being swept up in the battle between the two.

Excitedly, they are about to see that Henry Zhang was buried in the hands of Yan Liang!


In the wildly dancing thunder light, a tiny ray of thunder quickly condensed, and immediately condensed into a slender thunder sword under everyone's gaze.

Behind the thunder sword, an elf-like shadow gradually emerged. It gently held the hilt of the thunder sword, and the thunder light overflowing in the field instantly gathered behind it and turned into a thunder wheel.

Spirit beast, Lei Lan!

"Brother Yan, kill that kid!"

"Use that kid's blood to raise the reputation of Ghost Valley!"

Several disciples of Youhun Valley shouted excitedly, proud of their identity in Youhun Valley.


The dazzling arc of thunder danced on the thunder sword, Lei Lan gave Henry Zhang a cold look, his figure suddenly turned into a flash of thunder, and the sharp tip of the sword pointed towards Henry Zhang's throat.

A shot is a killer move!

"Lei Lan, who is at the sixth imperial level, is not easy to deal with."

The black robe was hunting, and in front of Henry Zhang, a silver-white spiritual gate flashed: "The rock horned dragon rhinoceros, I leave it to you!"

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