Master of Beasts

Chapter 1001: The Disaster of the Star Meteor Peak Disciples

On the ruined city wall, a corpse split in two was hanging there alone. The blood that flowed on his body had already dried up, but it could be vaguely seen that it was Yan Liang.

"How could it be!" Looking at the corpses that were randomly thrown on the city wall, Liang Yi's head suddenly thumped, and his whole body seemed to be turned into a statue, with a dull expression.

Yan Liang, dead?

"The poisonous queen bee, kill him!" Once again, Yang Ye felt refreshed when he concluded a spiritual contract with the poisonous queen bee, and he grinned at the corner of his mouth, and his voice was harsh.

"Yang Ye, this is your fragment of the 400,000 sacred mausoleum, and mine!" Liang Yi yelled in horror, but Yang Ye, who had already made up his mind to kill, hated him to the bone, how could he give up.

After desperately resisting for a while, Liang Yi was finally defeated. After the spirit beast was killed, his throat was also pierced by the poisonous queen bee and filled with venom.

"You owe me this!" Looking at Liang Yi, who was writhing in pain and festering all over, Yang Ye didn't have any soft-heartedness, only carefree.

If Henry Zhang didn't happen to be here, his end would only be worse than Liang Yi.

"Thank you very much."

Kicking the dead Liang Yi, Yang Ye turned around, showed a grateful smile to Henry Zhang, and immediately spread his palm, wanting to send the empty boundary stone.

Being able to take out the highly poisonous queen bee is already an unexpected joy. As for the baptism in the sacred tomb, he has long since stopped asking for extravagance.

"Keep it for yourself, I lack everything, but I don't lack fragments of the sacred mausoleum." Henry Zhang smiled and waved his hand, the fragments of the sacred mausoleum in his empty boundary stone have exceeded tens of millions.

"That's right, you have the most fragments of the Shenling in the entire Shenling Heaven." Yang Ye chuckled as he retracted the Space Boundary Stone.

"By the way, who is it that cut off your spiritual contract with the poisonous queen bee?" Walking to the center of the square, Henry Zhang's eyes were still a little cold.

Liang Yi is dead, but the real instigator is still alive and well.

"It's Mu Ling." At the mention of this name, there was some fear in Yang Ye's eyes. He could never forget the scene of being cut off that day even in his dreams.

For him, it was a nightmare.

"It's him?" Henry Zhang's eyes flashed a dangerous light.

If it is the Qingming ghost, it does have that ability.

"Lead the way." Henry Zhang said suddenly, his tone flat.

"Lead the way?" Yang Ye's expression changed.

What way?

Could it be that Henry Zhang wanted to find Mu Ling?

That is the holder of the Jinshi Shenling Ring!

Although Mu Ling's strength is the weakest among all the holders of the Jinshi Shenling Ring, it still cannot be underestimated. Can Henry Zhang have a chance of winning against him?

Yang Ye didn't know that Henry Zhang and Mu Ling had a long-standing grudge, and sooner or later there would be a battle.

What happened this time was just a fuse.

"Lead the way." Henry Zhang repeated.

Gritting his teeth, Yang Ye nodded viciously, stretching his poisonous wings behind his back.

Anyway, his life was picked up, and at worst, he would send it back.

As soon as Henry Zhang and Yang Ye left, the whole square exploded in an instant.

"Henry Zhang is looking for Mu Ling?"

"He's not crazy, is he? That's the holder of the Jinshi Shenling Ring!"

"Perhaps he really has a chance of winning?"

"Go, go and see the excitement!"

Unable to bear the curiosity in my heart, figures took off from the square, and followed Henry Zhang and Yang Ye from a distance, wanting to witness with their own eyes the upcoming battle.

Since the appearance of the Shenling Ring, the holders of the other three-color Shenling Rings have been changing, but the owners of the seven gold and stone Shenling Rings have not changed.

Can Henry Zhang's trip cause a major earthquake in the established pattern of Shenlingtian?

Almost everyone who knew about it was excited and full of expectations.

Peerless City, northwest.

The square here has already become Mu Ling's territory.

In the huge square, there were all people from Ghost Valley. They glanced at the people who could only stay around the square and couldn't accept the washing of the ancient array, and they were arrogant.

With Mu Ling sitting in charge, they didn't worry at all, those people would join forces to resist.


There is only one dead end waiting for these people.

"Mu Ling, all of you people in Ghost Valley have already stayed for a full night, and if you sit like this, it won't do anything. It's time for us." Cheng Kun stood in front of a group of Xingyun Peak disciples, Said with a frown.

After receiving the spiritual power empowerment, his strength has broken through to the fifth-order Linghuang. Coupled with the powerful strength of the Jinli Pot Demon, he is enough to rank in the top ten among all the people who entered the Shenling Heaven.

"I'm just happy to sit here, what can you do?" With a sidelong glance at Cheng Kun, Mu Ling said indifferently.

"You Ghost Valley is strong, but our joint strength is not weak, don't go too far!"

"Tearing the face is not good for anyone."

"You can't be so selfish!"

Mu Ling's attitude instantly aroused public outrage. An ancient formation that can cleanse spiritual power is extremely rare, and only some powerful families can have one.

If you miss this time, it may be difficult for them to see each other again in this lifetime.

"A group of ants are really noisy." Mu Ling sneered: "Dong He, let's see which one is the most loud, and kill a few first."

"Brother Mu thinks, which side should be the most damned?" The young man named Dong He stood up with a smile, and released a wave that only a fifth-order spirit emperor could have.

Different from the Xingyun Peak where there is a fault, the other major powers are all at their peak. For example, in this Ghost Valley, there is not only a sixth-level spirit emperor, but there are even two fifth-level spirit emperors.

"Just them." Mu Ling stretched out his hand, pointing with a smile.

That location is exactly where the Pill Pavilion camp of Xingyun Peak is!

"Ghost Martial Demon Demon, crush their hearts."

Amidst Dong He's faint laughing voice, a black figure rushed out suddenly. The appearance of that spirit beast was like a monster wandering in the ghost abyss, with its fangs sticking out and its claws sharp.


Where the Ghost Martial Demon passed by, severed arms and stumps flew up, and a path of blood was torn out. In an instant, screams of terror resounded around the square.

The people in Ghost Valley are so inhuman, they kill as soon as they say it!


Seeing Guiwu Moyao rushing, Cheng Kun shouted angrily, golden light exploded, Jinli Pot Demon held the golden pot in his hand, entangled with Guiwu Moyao, and the dull impact sound spread.

Same as Henry Zhang, Cheng Kun, as a member of Xingyun Peak, naturally would not sit back and watch the disciples of the same peak be killed, even though Henry Zhang's Dan Pavilion had a cold relationship with the law enforcement team.

"Hey, Cheng Kun, the brothers have been following you for a long time!"

Just when the Jinli Pot Demon was fighting with the Guiwu Demon, a fifth-rank Emperor Qiong-level Guiwu Demon appeared in the crowd again, killing wantonly, and a large number of members of the law enforcement team were brutally torn apart immediately. , including several disciples of Dan Pavilion, were also crushed into meat by that Guiwu Moyao.

"If brother Xiao is here, you will die without a place to bury you!"


A friend who had been with him for a long time was killed, and all the disciples of Dan Pavilion present had red eyes, looking angrily at the young man who was walking in the sky.

Song Luo.

Same as Dong He, his spirit beast is also a ghost, martial demon, and both are of the fifth rank.

"Brother Xiao in your mouth is probably Henry Zhang, but unfortunately, he is not here."

Looking at the miserable situation below, Song Luo chuckled and said: "Besides, even if a fourth-order spirit emperor appears here, he will be tortured and killed by me, so you should be obedient and be killed by my ghost martial demon." .”

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