Master of Beasts

Chapter 1 Money 02 7 Beasts Sealed

The fifth-rank Huangqiong-level Guiwu Moyao, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, slaughtered wantonly in the Xingyun Peak disciple camp where only the third-rank Linghuang was the strongest. Laughter came from its mouth.

"Mu Ling, if you want to fight, I will fight with you, why bother to involve other people!" Cheng Kun's eyes were tearing apart, and the golden light of the golden li pot demon instantly increased several times. The black mist spewed out, melting the golden light.

Mu Ling turned a deaf ear to Cheng Kun's anger, and completely ignored it.

"Hey, with your strength, you are not qualified to let Brother Mu do it!"

Song Luo's mocking voice spread, and a black shadow swept behind Cheng Kun in an instant, and the ghost claws shrouded in black mist attacked viciously.

If this claw hits, Cheng Kun's heart can be crushed directly!


With a sudden flash, Jinli Pot Demon pushed the golden pot horizontally, blocking the deadly blow of Guiwu Demon, but another Guiwu Demon took the opportunity to slap it on the back !


Golden blood spewed out, and the aura of the golden li pot demon was vain.

Under the pincer attack of two fifth-order high-level emperor-level spirit beasts, it has no power to fight back!

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, the body of the Golden Li Pot Demon was patted back and forth by the two Ghost Martial Demon Demons. Even the golden pot in its hand was cracked and cracked, as if it would break at any moment.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, Gui Wu Mo Yao flipped his claws, and a jet-black imprint suddenly exploded, and the Golden Li Pot Monster that was hit by the impact suddenly turned over several times on the ground like a rag doll. Qi is like a gossamer.

Although he didn't die, he couldn't hold on for too long.

"You guys go first!" Turning his head and glanced at the disciples of the Star Falling Peak, Cheng Kun's face was bulging with veins, his eyes were bloodshot, obviously planning to fight to the death.

"You dare to touch our captain!"

"Fight with them!"

Numerous disciples of Xingyun Peak were also so angry that they released their spirit beasts together, and besieged Song Luo and Dong He's two ghosts and monsters desperately.


With a sweep of Guiwu Moyao's claws, the jet-black light slashed across, and a large number of spirit beasts fell to the ground like wheat cut by a sickle.

"Bastard!" Cheng Kun's eyes were about to burst.

"Haha, kill, kill hard!" Song Luo laughed loudly. As the local power of Huangquan, Ghost Valley and Xingyun Peak were at odds with each other. The more he killed, the richer the reward he would get after returning.

"Kill Cheng Kun first." Dong He pointed to Cheng Kun coldly, signaling Guiwu Moyao to kill him first, so as not to have more dreams in the night.

"Damn it, if brother Xiao is here, you will be the ones who die!"

"Even if I risk my life, I will bite off a piece of your flesh!"

My heart was shrouded in despair, the eyes of many Xingyun Peak disciples were bloodshot, probably, all of them will be buried here today.

As for the people from other forces, they all backed away in panic, and no one offered a helping hand, fearing that they would burn themselves.


Appearing abruptly above Cheng Kun, Guiwu Moyao's claws, glowing like blades, tore through the air and swept down with a swish.

"Kill him, cut off his head!"

"The weak slags of Xingyun Peak are just a bunch of dogs!"

Many disciples of Ghost Valley screamed excitedly, and many whistled to cheer for Song Luo and Dong He. They enjoyed this killing feast very much.

"Cheng Kun is not a small person in Xingyun Peak. After killing him, I don't know what kind of reward the Ghost Valley will give me." Dong He murmured in a low voice, but immediately after, his pupils were suddenly Crunch together.

"call out!"

A slender turquoise trace swept down from the sky like lightning, and the ghost martial demon in front of Cheng Kun froze slightly, and a tiny bloodstain spread from its waist.


Split in half from the middle, Onimu Moyao fell to the ground with a bang, all the cheers and screams,

It came to an abrupt end, and everyone in the square and outside the square raised their heads in shock.

In the sky, a young man in a black robe stood indifferently. When he looked at the corpses all over the floor, there were a few familiar faces, and a trace of coldness instantly stared into his eyes.


Accompanied by this killing word, green vines roared up suddenly, and Dong He, who had no time to dodge in the future, entwined tightly among them.


After a muffled sound, Dong He, who looked terrified, was twisted into a blood mist on the spot!


Looking at the petite figure on the ground, Mu Ling's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately released the Qingming ghost, and at this moment, the red flame that turned into white light stepped lightly in front of him, and nine tails of fire danced .

Although it is only the fourth rank, its aura is far stronger than that of the fifth rank imperial beast!

"Brother Mu, save me!"

After Dong He and his ghost demons were beheaded, Song Luo's ghost monsters were all pierced by vines and nailed to death in the sky without exception. A look of intense horror instantly appeared on Song Luo's face.

"Don't let him go, everyone in Xingyun Peak was killed by him!"

"I'm going to cut him into pieces!"

"Brother Xiao, kill him!"

Angry shouts, like waves, resounded from the mouths of Xingyun Peak disciples. Song Luo's lofty, wanton killing posture stung their nerves.

"you dare!"

"Let's shoot together!"

"I don't believe that he can compete against so many of us by himself?"

Just when the disciples of Ghost Valley wanted to join forces to kill Henry Zhang.

"Bang bang bang!"

One after another, the spirit beasts fell around the square one after another, and the powerful aura they released made them change their colors. These spirit beasts were all fourth-order!

Moreover, the fluctuations of these spirit beasts are far from comparable to ordinary fourth-order spirit beasts!

"What kind of spirit beast is that snow-attributed one, I've never seen it before!"

"The King of Nights, that is the King of Nights!"

"What is that giant spirit beast?"

"A rock horned rhino that returned to the ancestors?"

"Oh my god, he is a Linghuang, how could he have seven spiritual gates, seven source spiritual masters!"

People from other forces outside the square looked shocked and unbelievable. The scene where Henry Zhang released seven spirit beasts to encircle the square with his own power was too amazing.

As for the Ghost Valley side, especially Mu Ling, they were all covered in cold sweat and almost fainted from fright.

This is Henry Zhang's true strength?

Seven source spiritual master?

Is this perverted?

"Impossible, it's not true!" Song Luo's frightened appearance formed a stark contrast with the calm and calm when he slaughtered the Xingyun Peak disciples.

Glancing at Song Luo, Henry Zhang spit out a cold word sound.


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