Master of Beasts

Chapter 1025 Ring

After the Hurricane Bee Spirit was taken into the spirit gate by Henry Zhang, the raging storm on the high platform gradually subsided. Only then did Henry Zhang notice that it was a black stone pillar that sealed the Hurricane Bee Spirit before. Above the stone pillar, a The black ring floats quietly, as if it is integrated with the stone pillar.

The indistinguishable chromatic aberration is hard to find if you don't look carefully.

"what is this……"

With full of surprise, Henry Zhang slid to the front of the stone pillar, just when his right hand was holding the ring in it, the wound he was accidentally scratched when he concluded the spiritual contract with Hurricane Bee Spirit, just hit on the side of the ring.


The space trembled.

A strange fluctuation fluctuated from the ring to the surroundings, and a large amount of information entered Henry Zhang's mind from the ring, causing a stinging pain.

"This is……"

With the influx of information, Henry Zhang's pupils trembled fiercely.

This unremarkable ring turned out to be a keepsake from the Shenling Sect!

Those who hold this token can use the Shenling Gate and everything left in Wushuang City!

What's more, even the baptism of the god's mausoleum will double the effect!


Holding the ring in his hand, Henry Zhang's spiritual consciousness actually covered the entire Wushuang City at this moment, including the figures of the people below, all clearly appeared in his mind.

The spiritual consciousness continued to sweep, going deeper into the ground.

About a thousand feet underground, there is a square space, in which four spirit puppets of different shapes stand quietly.

"Ninth-rank Imperial Dome..."

This is Henry Zhang, the only spirit monster who can distinguish the strength.

As for the others, with his mental power of a sixth-rank alchemist, it is difficult to see through them.

It must have reached the throne level!

"Each spirit demon puppet can only be used once, and with my current strength, I can only use that nine-rank Huangqiong-level spirit demon puppet." Although there are not small restrictions,

But Henry Zhang was still happy.

Soon after, Mo Shi will merge with its body and fall into a deep sleep.

Shenlingtian has a total of three pages. Therefore, it will sleep for a very long time this time, and it does not know when it will wake up again.

Therefore, these four ghost puppets are extremely important.

Each one is a life-saving hole card.

"It's no wonder that Baiyou desperately wanted to climb to the Heaven of Shenling." Henry Zhang was thoughtful. Da Leitian had been with Shenling Gate for so long, so he should know the existence of this ring. After he went out, Facing Bai You being killed and the ring falling into Da Lei Tian's hands, he will definitely not give up.

"It doesn't matter." Henry Zhang shook his head.

The big deal is to refuse to admit the existence of this ring.

Thousands of feet below, there are three spaces in total. Henry Zhang's spiritual consciousness continued to sweep, and in the second space, there were actually a lot of elixir.

These elixirs are extremely rare, and all of them have disappeared from the outside world.

In addition, the effects of these elixir are exactly the same.

That is the area where they grow, and the spiritual power will be several times stronger, comparable to a large six-level spiritual power circle that operates all the time, and the benefits needless to say!

"These elixirs are the guarantee for the prosperity of the sect." Even Henry Zhang was a little envious.

If these elixirs had been planted in the Xingyun Peak earlier, and combined with the spiritual circle operating in the cave, then the speed at which he could break through to the Linghuang would be shortened a lot.

"The third space..."

The spiritual consciousness fell in the third space, and Henry Zhang's pupils shrank slightly.

The third space is extremely empty, in which there is only a bright ball of light floating, and inside the ball of light is a small pill.

It was this elixir that really moved Henry Zhang.

"Breaking Void Pill!"

Above the Lingwang is Lingxu, and the number of Lingxu strongmen in the entire Northern Territory is only two hands.

One can imagine how difficult it is for the ninth-level spirit king to break through to the spirit void.

And this elixir can make the ninth-level spirit king break through without any hindrance and become a strong spirit void!

"Does this kind of elixir still exist on the mainland..." Henry Zhang's throat was slightly dry.

Once this Shattering Void Pill spreads to the outside world, even the super powers will break out in war because of it!

The value of a Shattering Void Pill is incalculable!

"After leaving Shenlingtian, this elixir should be given to Senior Mo Gong." Henry Zhang hesitated for a while, and quickly determined the recipient of the Poxu elixir.

Mo Gong is the only Ninth Rank Spirit King in Xingyun Peak.

If it wasn't for Xingyun Peak, he would have joined one of the three sects, so it is very likely that he is still struggling on the road to becoming the Spirit Emperor.

He always has some gratitude towards Xingyun Peak.

"By the way, there is also Uncle Song..."

"Song Manyan? Hehe, you don't need to worry about him, he can't use the Poxu pill." Master Mo suddenly laughed, dispelling Henry Zhang's last worries.

"That's right." Henry Zhang shook his head and smiled: "With Poxu Pill, Senior Mo Gong should be able to become Lingxu soon. If he sees this pill, I don't know what expression he will have."

Something like the Poxu Pill can make any ninth-level spirit king go crazy with excitement.


With a thought in Henry Zhang's mind, the objects in the three spaces flashed on the high platform at the same time, and with the waving of the sleeve robe, they were all taken into the sky boundary stone by him.


Turning the ring in his hand, Henry Zhang's eyes suddenly flashed an inexplicable light, his eyes were closed, and he heard the voices of everyone below!

Everything in Wushuang City is indeed under his control!

"Henry Zhang is on it, so he won't encounter any danger."

This worried voice obviously belonged to Tang Honglian.

Hearing this, Henry Zhang couldn't help softening his heart.

"Henry Zhang is on it, and I don't know what I got."

"Those who go up, if only me!"

There was some jealousy in these voices, but they were not hostile to him. Unsurprisingly, they belonged to disciples of other forces. Next, he heard the voices of Yang Ye, Cheng Kun, Wu Ning and others...

"Asshole, Henry Zhang's bastard actually killed Bai You. From now on, members of our Leifu will be unable to move an inch in Daleitian. When we get out of Shenlingtian, I must add fuel and vinegar to tell you what happened here. Elders, let them kill Henry Zhang to vent the hatred in my heart!"

"I swear, if you seize the opportunity, Henry Zhang must die!"

"The disciples of Xingyun Peak are just a group of land-bending tile dogs. After Henry Zhang and others leave Xingyun Peak, I will definitely make them look good when I meet them in the experience!"

"The garbage sects like Xingyun Peak are dying, and it won't last long. I, the Illusory Spiritual Academy, will trample them under my feet sooner or later!"

In Henry Zhang's eyes, a little bit of coldness flashed across.

No need to guess, the owners of these voices are all disciples of the hostile forces in Xingyun Peak.

"There are a lot of thoughts in my heart."

Stepping lightly on the edge of the high platform, Henry Zhang looked down at the dense black spots below through the thin mist: "Then I will send you off to the outside of Shenling to think about it!"


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