Master of Beasts

Chapter 1026 Zhu Qiang

Henry Zhang's voice without the slightest emotion resounded in the sky, and the ring in his hand burst into an extremely dazzling light. In an instant, a sound of vomiting blood sounded one after another under the golden vine.


Blood stained his robes, Da Leitian and his befriended disciples looked horrified.

What happened?

Immediately afterwards.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

With tens of thousands of light beams flickering, the originally dense sea of ​​people shrunk by 20% in an instant, revealing an empty ground, and the faces of the others were also terrified.

What happened?

Shenlingtian, what went wrong?

This moment.

outside world.

Under the blue sky, one after another of silent figures stepped in the sky, there were probably hundreds of them, and these people were all kings.

But all the spiritual masters who passed by here were scared out of their wits after seeing these people, and left quickly in a gesture of fleeing for their lives.

"The battle at the Shenling Terrace should have come to an end." The one who spoke was a beautiful woman in a fiery red robe. The deep light in her eyes possessed an irresistible allure for ordinary men.

This beauty that has been accumulated over the years is far from being comparable to that of those slutty girls.

This beautiful woman is none other than the Great Elder of the Divine Phoenix Sect, Huang Xi.

"According to the time, it should be here." Mo Gong glanced at Huang Xi and said with a smile.

At this moment, those gathered around Da Leitian are all the No. 2 figures of the major superpowers, and they are also responsible for breaking the prohibition of Shenlingtian.

As for those with strong spirit deficiencies, none of them showed up.

Such existences, Shenlong has always seen the beginning and the end, and will not show up easily.

"I don't know what the Divine Mausoleum looks like."

"I only ask the disciples under my sect, as soon as they return safely, for the god mausoleum,

There is no extravagance at all. "

Whispering voices sounded from the surroundings.

Unlike the superpowers who only come to number two, the heads of these forces are all close to each other to show their respect for the superpowers.

"Peak Master Mo, I heard that the level of your Xingyun Peak's disciples this year is worrying." Looking at Mo Gong who was talking with Huang Xi, an old man said with a smile.

The surrounding sounds disappeared instantly.

Da Leitian started attacking Xingyun Peak.

The long-awaited highlight has finally arrived.

"How do you say that?" Mo Gong asked indifferently.

"After Ji Jianli and You Haoxuan left, the overall strength of Xingyun Peak's disciples seemed to drop by a notch as a whole. Even the little Linghuang couldn't find a few, while our Daleitian had more than ten How many?" This old man, Da Leitian's elder, Jiang Qin, has the same strength as Mo Gong, and is both a ninth-rank Linghuang.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was quite ruthless, demoting the disciples of Xingyun Peak to nothing, in order to set off the strength of Da Leitian's disciples.

"What does quantity mean?" Mo Gong glanced at Jiang Tan coldly: "Three years ago, before Song Mangyan became the thirteenth peak master, he single-handedly defeated the ten spirits of the noble sect." King, in the end not only killed three people, but also severely wounded five spirit kings, do you need me to tell you the details of this matter?"

Hearing this, Jiang Tan's eyes darkened, his expression extremely unnatural.

Three years ago, Da Leitian dispatched ten spirit kings to encircle and suppress Song Mangyan. Among them, two were stronger than the latter. In the end, Song Mangyan was seriously injured and killed three spirit kings. run away.

When he was rescued by several peak masters of Xingyun Peak, he had no less than a thousand scars on his body, among which there were at least ten fatal wounds.


All the Daleitian Spirit Kings who participated in the siege were nailed to death on the dry blood cliff thousands of miles away from Daleitian by sharp goose feathers one after another, and their deaths were miserable.

It was also from then on that Song Mangyan gained the reputation of evil star.

And Da Leitian, who has always been strong, was undoubtedly slapped severely by Song Mangyan.

The old scars were uncovered again, Jiang Tan's complexion suddenly darkened, and many strong people around lowered their heads, obviously holding back their laughter.

"It's just a temporary failure. Master Mo had to mention it a few times before he was willing to give up. Could it be that this is the only thing that can make Xingyun Peak feel proud?"

Jiang Qin snorted coldly: "The disciples of this class of Xingyun Peak only had one Spirit Emperor when they entered Shenlingtian, and he was still a first-rank Spirit Emperor. It’s not enough, from my point of view, it’s a question of whether you people from Xingyun Peak can make it to the edge of the Divine Mausoleum alive, not to mention ascending to the Divine Mausoleum.”

Da Leitian, he has always been extremely ruthless towards the people of Xingyun Peak.

This time, he will not be merciful either.

It was Jiang Tan who instructed the people in Ghost Valley in advance to slaughter the disciples of Xingyun Peak!

"Yes, Master Mo." The elder of Youhun Valley is an old man wrapped in a black robe, his pupil light flickered, and he laughed hoarsely: "I can't deny the strength of Xingyun Peak. But this time, it's better to recognize the reality, lest the result come out, and the face will not look good."

"Do you have a place to speak here?" Mo Gong was expressionless, and the old man's face hidden in the black robe froze suddenly.

In terms of status, he is similar to Mo Gong.

But in terms of strength, the two of them combined are not enough for Mo Gong.

"Master Mo, you're boring now." Jiang Tan smiled and said, "Old Xu always speaks straight to the point. If you have something to say, you can't be overbearing and keep people from talking."

"Hmph." Mo Gong snorted, not bothering to pay attention to the two of them.

The elder of Youhun Valley, known as Laoxu, had dark eyes in his eyes.

Go ahead and be arrogant, when you know that none of the disciples of Xingyun Peak were slaughtered by Mu Ling and others, let's see if you can still be as rampant as you are now.

"Elder Jiang, this time, I would like to congratulate you in advance for your big thunder. The Hurricane Bee Spirit must belong to Baiyou." Lao Xu smiled and looked at Jiang Qin, with contempt for Xingyun Peak in his tone.

Baiyou's strength is obvious to all, and he also controls the mysterious beast Tianlei Lord.

In the end, besides him, there can be no other person who can climb to the top of the Divine Mausoleum.

"You can't say that. As a result, it hasn't come out yet. Maybe the one who climbed to the top is a disciple of other forces, such as the one named Henry Zhang in Xingyun Peak. It is also possible." Jiang Qin smiled, his tone , full of thick banter.

It's no longer a metaphor, it's almost a rip-off.

These strong people, when facing their disciples and other weak people, they are naturally aloof and serious, but once they face the strong people of the same level, those unnecessary disguises are immediately removed.

"Just him?" Lao Xu snorted.

That kid must have died long ago.



Violent fluctuations rippled from the sky, and the strong men in the starting field showed surprise on their faces.

Isn't there still a baptism in the tomb of the gods? Could it be that the process is not as long as the legend?

The next moment, bright pillars of light flashed around.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

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