Master of Beasts

Chapter 1032 New Journey

The dense objects were suspended in the sky. Except for the envious and greedy looks in the eyes of many disciples, the other spirit king powerhouses, and even the hidden spirit void powerhouses fell silent.

There were even a few Lingxu who directly withdrew their investigations here and stopped paying attention.

Among those items, there is indeed no Shattering Void Pill!

"How is it possible!" The body shook suddenly, and Jiang Tan almost fell down. He was extremely confident in his secret technique, otherwise he would not be able to bleed profusely and take out ten drops of Huofeng blood essence.

However, his judgment was completely wrong!

"Jiang Tan, have you watched enough? If you haven't seen enough, just watch it for a while." The hatred between Henry Zhang and Da Leitian has long been irresolvable, so he didn't bother to be polite, and Jiang Tan yelled one by one, extremely comfortable.

And the disciple of Da Leitian below, his eyes were full of anger, wishing to tear Henry Zhang to pieces.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Jiang Tan despaired.

Ten drops of fire phoenix blood essence, although precious, was not enough to drive him crazy.

What he cares more about is his own face!

As long as there is a powerful force in the Northern Territory, there are representatives here. At this time, in the eyes of those people, he is like a clown who is played around by Henry Zhang.

"Huh!" Huang Xi, Duan Sheng and the others looked at each other, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

No, that's fine.

In this way, at least a bloodbath was avoided.

In the future, the major forces in the Northern Territory will be able to maintain a balance.

"Jiang Qin, are you satisfied?" Mo Gong looked at Jiang Tan with a smile, and did not miss this rare opportunity to satirize his old enemy.


The spiritual power in his hand sucked down the blood of Huofeng, and Henry Zhang also laughed: "It's Da Leitian after all, any elder is very rich, last time, there was a man named Qin Cang, He gave me hundreds of thousands of Lingyu, and this time, he gave me another ten drops of fire phoenix blood, I don’t know the next time..."

All the people on Da Lei Tian's side were tearing apart.


It's all a shame, it can't be washed away!

"Boy, you are fine!" Jiang Qin's cold voice came out of his mouth word by word: "I hope you will be careful in the future, and don't be hit by a sap when you walk at night!"

"If he also has ten drops of fire phoenix blood essence, I don't mind being knocked with a smile." Henry Zhang looked at Jiang Tan and said with a smile. The latter was so angry that his face turned purple, but he couldn't attack.

"Mu Qingcang, can this matter be over?"

In the complicated star map, Beichen's old voice slowly came out.


The thunderbolt quickly converged towards the middle, and finally turned into a bright point, annihilated in the air, announcing the end of the Shenlingtian incident.

After Mu Qingcang's projection disappeared, the vast star map also disappeared.

"Everyone, it's time for us to leave." Mo Gong stroked his beard and smiled.

Henry Zhang beheaded Bai You, which really gave Xingyun Peak a face.

"Elder Mo, if you are free, why not come to my gathering."

"Su, go ahead."

With the presence of the Spirit King powerhouse, the speed at which the disciples left was almost instantaneous, and the huge boundary of the Shenlingtian became empty again.

"Elder Mo, I also like your disciple very much, why don't you just give it to us from the Divine Phoenix Sect." Huang Xi looked at Mo Gong and laughed.

"Let? Haha, even Xingyun Peak can't keep him, let alone you, the Divine Phoenix Sect that only has female dolls." Mo Gong laughed heartily, in a very good mood.

"red lotus."

Watching the girl's pretty face with some reluctance, Henry Zhang's smile subsided, and he said solemnly: "I must have a way to wake up your blazing red lotus, and that day will not be too long."

"En." Tang Honglian nodded slightly, and a trace of worry flashed under her soft eyes.

Star Meteor Peak, the rules are loose.

As long as you become the Linghuang, you can decide whether to stay or become an elder, or step into the mainland. With Henry Zhang's character, he will definitely choose the latter.

After leaving Xingyun Peak, Henry Zhang is going to drift again.

The days of getting together are always short.

Soon, Henry Zhang and all his disciples returned to the Thirteen Peaks under the leadership of Mo Gong.

Half a month later.

In the green medicine fields.


Biting the sweet spiritual fruit, Xia Zhen leaned on the vine of the fairy vine, with a face of comfort, and from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Henry Zhang beside him: "Are you sure, you are leaving Xingyun Peak tomorrow?"

This kind of departure is not going out to practice.

Once he stepped out of the boundary of Thirteen Peaks, Henry Zhang may come back again, or he may not appear here for the rest of his life.

"It's time to leave." Henry Zhang shook his head and smiled: "If you continue to stay, this kind of comfortable life, I'm afraid I will be abandoned here."

"Do you want me to go with you?" After hesitating for a while, Xia Zhen asked in a low voice.

"You don't want to stay here?" Looking around the vast medicine field, Henry Zhang said with a smile: "After going out, it will be difficult to find, so many fresh spiritual fruits."


Chewing the pulp of the spirit fruit, Xia Zhen's face was a little lost, and she didn't know what she was thinking.


Touching Xia Zhen's small head, Henry Zhang stood up with a smile, flashed his gorgeous fire wings, and returned to the Thirteenth Peak under the fanatical and adoring eyes of many Xingyun Peak disciples.

To this day, his status in the hearts of the Xingyun Peak disciples has faintly surpassed that of Ji Jianli and You Haoxuan.

"Master Mo."

After returning to the cave, Henry Zhang carefully explored, and then called out in a low voice.

Half a month ago, it was with the help of Master Mo that important items such as the Poxu Pill were hidden.

Every man has no fault, but he is guilty of his crime.

He understands this truth well.

There was nothing wrong with his prudence and vigilance. In the past ten days, Mu Qingcang's spiritual consciousness had swept here several times, and it was not until three days ago that he completely gave up.

"It's just a spirit void. Compared with me, he is still a bit behind in the control of space." Mo Shi smiled and emerged from the void, and a piece of object floated on his palm.

Any one of these items can drive the Spirit King crazy, including the water god beads left by Youli, the elixir to speed up cultivation, and the four spirit puppets.

The most important thing is that Poking Pill.


Putting these items into the Space Boundary Stone, Henry Zhang lay on the stone bed that he had lain down countless times, and slowly closed his eyes.

Tomorrow is the time to say goodbye to this kind of life.

ghost domain.

He has also been looking forward to that mysterious and dangerous area for a long time.

A new journey is about to begin!

The next day, early morning.

He didn't participate in the so-called leaving his name, and Henry Zhang didn't inform anyone. He left Xingyun Peak silently. Only the peak masters sensed the direction of his departure and sighed faintly.

Xingyun Peak will not be able to keep him after all.

"It's a pity." Mo Gong shook his head, if Henry Zhang is willing to stay in Xingyun Peak and serve as an elder, he must be the peak master in the future.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. The water in Xingyun Peak is too shallow after all, and it's hard to have room for growth. Keeping him here will only delay him."

Bei Chen dropped a word, and said with a smile: "By the way, before Henry Zhang left, he asked his clone to go to your cave, and it was wrapped in mysterious power, even I almost didn't notice it, you don't Curious, what did he do?"

Hearing this, Mo Gong's eyes were astonished, and then his heart shook wildly, he dropped the chess piece in his hand, and flew back to the cave, unconcealable ecstasy appeared on his old face.

"Breaking Void Pill!"

Opening the small box that suddenly appeared on the stone table, Mo Gong's heart beat faster, his mind roared, and he stood there stupidly.

Po Void Pill!

The real Shattering Void Pill!

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