Master of Beasts

Chapter 1033 Heisha Forest

In the east of the edge of the ghost domain, there is a lush forest.


The crystal-clear body was tightly wrapped around the thick tree trunk, and the blood-red eyes of the ice-eating dragon stared fiercely at the young man who passed by below.

The young man's robe was a little baggy, which was obviously caused by a long journey, but his dark eyes were extremely bright and exuded full of energy.


Jiaowei suddenly let go of the tree trunk, and the blood-red mouth of the ice-eating dragon opened wide, endless cold air condensed in it, biting Henry Zhang's head viciously.

The Ice Devourer, a Nirvana-level spirit beast of the ninth rank, the icy temperature contained in its fangs can freeze the blood of creatures in an instant and complete the kill. It is a spirit beast that many adventurers are extremely afraid of.

Turning a blind eye to the ice-eating dragon that jumped down, Henry Zhang walked lazily on the path with a piece of sugarcane grass in his mouth, the body of the ice-eating dragon split in two behind him, and fell to the ground with a bang .

"Spirit Emperor powerhouse!"

Several men who followed Henry Zhang all the way, their legs softened in fright, and they knelt behind the bushes that concealed their figures.

Seeing that Henry Zhang was young, they thought they had met a fat sheep, but the scene in front of them let them know that Henry Zhang is not easy to provoke!

Looking at Henry Zhang's back, disappearing from the end of the road, a few people were sweating profusely and limply on the ground just now, a feeling of survival after a catastrophe rose in their hearts.

"Since he is the Linghuang, he should have discovered us a long time ago. Why didn't he kill us?" A man asked tremblingly, wiping the stains mixed with sweat and mud on his forehead.

"I think it should be disdain." The person next to him had a bitter face.

The lives of the few of them were recovered.

Henry Zhang didn't take them to heart from the beginning to the end.


Lying on Henry Zhang's shoulder, Chi Yan enjoyed the warm sunshine, his small tail swayed slightly, and the nine fluffy tail tips made people itchy when they rubbed against them.

"This is the last possible location. If there is still no place, we can only give up temporarily." Henry Zhang groaned, and the pace under his feet quickened,

Although he was walking, every step he took would at least advance several tens of feet.

This place is called Heisha Forest.

In the forest, there lived a second-order imperial-level spirit beast, the Ice Storm Black Frost Ape.

It stands to reason that Henry Zhang should not be interested in spirit beasts of this level, but the Ice Storm Xuanshuang Ape is slightly special. There are several ice edges growing on its back. Among those ice edges, there are certain The probability of giving birth to an ice soul stone.

After refining the ice soul stone, Yubingdie can be strengthened for the second time.

At that time, its powerful defensive power can be displayed again!

Below the mountain stream.


Looking at Henry Zhang who was gradually approaching, the hill-like Ice Storm Xuanshuang Ape stood upright angrily, and his two huge fists kept hitting his chest, making a muffled sound.

"Huh?" Henry Zhang was slightly surprised.

On the chest of the Icestorm Xuanshuang Ape, there is a blood hole that has not yet dried up, and a few sharp wooden thorns broke in it, obviously caused by fighting with some kind of wood attribute spirit beast.

"Yu Bingdie, I'll leave it to you."

As soon as Henry Zhang's words fell, a sharp icy light flashed across the throat of the Ice Storm Xuanshuang Ape in an instant. The latter was stunned, his huge fists dropped, and his body hit the ground with a bang.

In the Heisha Forest, there are few emperor-level spirit beasts, and spirit emperor powerhouses are even rarer. The Ice Storm Xuanshuang Ape never thought that he would die so inexplicably.


After smashing a few ice edges behind the Ice Storm Xuanshuang Ape, Henry Zhang's face could not help but feel a little disappointed.

The Ice Soul Stone is only produced in the accompanying ice edge of the Ice Storm Mysterious Frost Ape, and only one out of 10,000 Ice Storm Mysterious Frost Apes may be born.

This probability is undoubtedly pitifully small, so every Ice Soul Stone is copied at a sky-high price. This is the reason why ice attribute healers will not choose Yubingdie.

They can't afford the cost of strengthening.

Of course, if the price is only high, Henry Zhang is completely acceptable.

But things like ice soul stones have a price but no market at all!

"Yu Bingdie, refine these ice mist crystals."

Ice mist crystal is the name of those ice edges, and it has great benefits for ice-type spirit beasts, especially for spirit beasts like Royal Ice Butterfly, which can only be improved with the help of heaven and earth spirits.

"who are you!"

Suddenly, a cold shout sounded from the top of the tree in the distance, and two young men in the same costumes fell to the ground with a bang, looking at Henry Zhang with chills in his eyes.

"A disciple of the Scorpion King Sect?" Henry Zhang frowned, and the expression on his face returned to indifference.

These two people are only first-order spirit emperors, and they are very old, so they should not have participated in the Shenling Heaven.

"This is the territory of my Scorpion King Sect, hurry up and get out!" One of the young men stared at Henry Zhang and waved his hand impatiently, with an unquestionable taste in his voice.

The site of the Scorpion King Gate?

Zhang Yang wanted to laugh a little.

Heisha Forest is an unowned land, and borders several forces. Although the Scorpion King Sect is powerful, it is still difficult to swallow them alone.

"Yu Bingdie, let's go." Henry Zhang turned around, calmly.

He didn't even have any interest in fighting the two first-order spirit emperors.

"I mean, just let you go, did you let you take away the ice mist crystal? Idiot!" The young man who cursed angrily was named Yun Song.

He and the disciples of the Scorpion King Sect beside him often used the name of the Scorpion King Sect to do robbery.

The reason why they stared at Henry Zhang was just because they saw that Henry Zhang was young and easy to bully.

As for Henry Zhang’s Royal Bingdie, who killed the Ice Storm Xuanshuang Ape...

In their opinion, it was because the Ice Storm Xuanshuang Ape was seriously injured, not Henry Zhang's real ability.

Facing the cloud and scolding, Henry Zhang's eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest, and the white fire wings stretched behind him, and he wanted to rise into the sky and leave this place.

"It's really arrogant. It doesn't take us seriously." Another disciple of the Scorpion King Sect showed a cruel smile on his face. Anyone who dared to treat them like this would die.

"This kind of idiot, let's kill it!" Yun Song smiled contemptuously, and a giant scorpion covered in ice crystals shot out from beside him, and the huge scorpion claws violently hit Henry Zhang's head.

This blow was extremely fast and merciless.

If Henry Zhang was hit, he would definitely be smashed into a pulp.

However, at the next moment, a scene that terrified Yun Song and the others appeared in their sights.


The scorpion pincers of the ice crystal giant scorpion fell straight down, Henry Zhang just raised his palm, the fire-colored glass-like luster flickered, and the body of the ice crystal giant scorpion burst open with a click.

Frost shot all over the sky!


A white beam of fire swept out from Henry Zhang's fingertips, and Yun Song's two bodies were cut in half immediately, and a deep look of regret appeared in their eyes.

Kicked to the iron plate!

Mrs. Xiao was not a lamb to be slaughtered by them.

At least, it is also a third-order spirit emperor!


The corpses of the two Yun Song fell to the tree trunk, and several youths in purple robes flew over abruptly. After they glanced at the corpses under their feet, they cast their eyes on Henry Zhang, with a smile on their faces meaning.

"Senior brothers, how about just him?"

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