Master of Beasts

Chapter 1035 Shameless

After the elder's voice fell, the atmosphere in the field was quiet and strange. Several other Ziyunzong elders dispersed, surrounded Henry Zhang, and the flamingoes uttered sharp cries.

"Ziyunzong, do they all do things like this?" Henry Zhang said slowly.

Not only the disciples are shameless, but the elders are even more shameless!

In order to cover up the scandal of Xu Que and others, these elders wanted to kill people to silence them!

"shut up!"

Putting Xu Que down, the Great Elder scolded angrily: "The elders and disciples of our Ziyun Sect are full of righteousness, how can we allow you, a demon, to question? Xue Tu, you are cruel, and everyone can see it. Don't do it again. Pointless sophistry!"

"Great Elder, stop talking nonsense with him."

"This kind of heinous bastard can't be kept, just kill it!"


In the beaks of the flamingos, the fire condensed, and the fiery aura emanating from it caused the surrounding space to faintly fluctuate.

"I understand." Henry Zhang nodded slightly, with a calm tone: "Ziyunzong's unreasonableness is rare in my life, so I can't blame me."

"Why, do you still want to kill us?" The Great Elder sneered.

He is a sixth-order spirit emperor, so it is not difficult to see that Henry Zhang is actually only a fifth-order spirit emperor. Although he can't see through the specific strength of Lei Dishi, it should be comparable to Henry Zhang.

The sixth-order spirit emperor, plus a group of fifth-order spirit emperors, can't kill Henry Zhang?


"Great Elder, kill him!" Xu Que was about to jump up excitedly.

"Flame Sparrow, condense the flame light!" the Great Elder shouted sharply.


Five purple-red beams shot out from Flamingo's mouth, and hit each other heavily in the middle, Henry Zhang's figure rose above the sky, his eyes were indifferent.

"Teacher Lei Di, don't leave a single one behind."


Lightning flashes beneath your feet,

Lei Dishi flickered and appeared above a flamingo. With his right foot, he kicked it down with great force.

Spiritual skills, thunder step!


Under the tremendous force, the flamingo didn't even have time to let out a scream, its body burst open, and the scattered blood was rushed into the distance by the thunder.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were three explosions again.

Except for the sixth-rank flamingo of the Great Elder, the others were all dead!

"Seventh rank!" The hearts of the five elders of Ziyun Sect trembled wildly, their eyes raised up with unconcealable fear, and their palms trembled.

Seventh order!

A seventh-order thunder-type spiritual beast!


The lightning flashing under his feet turned into a sharp lightning blade. Master Lei Di stepped on the back of the sixth-rank Flamingo, his figure flickered rapidly, and mercilessly harvested the lives of the elders of Ziyunzong.

"Xu Que, who did you offend?"

"I hate it!"

Before dying, endless remorse burst out in the hearts of these elders, and at the same time, their resentment towards Xu Que was intense to the extreme.

Henry Zhang's strength is not weaker than that of Xuetu.

To use him as a number, isn't it courting death!

"don't want!"

Looking at the skyrocketing thunder in front of him, Xu Que screamed in fear, his body was split from top to bottom in an instant.


The mutilated corpses fell to the ground like rain, leaving only the great elder of Ziyunzong, standing there with a broken liver and gallbladder, looking into Henry Zhang's eyes, trembling uncontrollably.

"Let me go, I can give you whatever you want." The intermittent voice of the great elder spread above the forest, causing Henry Zhang to sneer.

Let him go?

These people, when they killed him, could have thought of such consequences.


Slapping the bones of the Great Elder with one palm, Henry Zhang said lightly: "Ziyunzong, where is it?"

"I...I won't tell the suzerain about this, don't worry!" The elder thought that Henry Zhang was afraid of the suzerain's revenge and wanted to kill people to silence him, so he swore quickly.

"I think, you may have misunderstood something." Henry Zhang glanced at the elder calmly: "If I'm not wrong, your suzerain should be the eighth-rank Linghuang, or the ninth-rank Linghuang, so I want to go Take a look at Ziyun Sect, what kind of suzerain is it that can teach such elders and disciples."

"Are you going to Purple Cloud Sect?" The Great Elder raised his head, dumbfounded.

In the southern part of the Montenegro forest, under a towering mountain.

The noisy voice resounded endlessly.

Here, it is the location of Ziyun Sect. Countless young disciples gathered on the square, either discussing each other, or busy running around. It was a lively scene.

"Have you heard that those great powers seem to have opened up some kind of divine mausoleum, which is full of treasures. Unfortunately, there is nothing about our Ziyun sect." A woman with a pretty face sighed softly.

Ziyun Sect, in this area, can indeed be king and hegemony. Except for a few sects such as Gumen, few people can compete with them, but in the Northern Territory, it can only be regarded as commonplace.

Without King Ling sitting in charge, it would be difficult to have the right to speak.

"Shen Lingtian? I heard that it is the Asura field of geniuses. The strongest disciple seems to be named Henry Zhang. With the strength of the fifth-level Linghuang, he defeated the seventh-level Baiyou!"

As soon as these words came out, many disciples were amazed, and there were also many people with ridicule on their faces.

"Believe it, you are still a seventh-order spirit emperor. Baiyou, who is still a third-order spirit emperor, has been in the sect for decades before he can reach the fourth-order spirit emperor. At his age, How is it possible to be at the seventh level? As for Henry Zhang, if he can break through the Linghuang, he is very powerful!"

A echoing voice spread.

"Yeah, those news must be those superpowers, in order to highlight their own strength, it's all nonsense, how can their disciples be so powerful?"

"That is, those who believe in it must have their brains squeezed by the door."

"That Henry Zhang, in front of Senior Brother Xu Que, couldn't hold on to the three-breath time at all, but it was just a fake show to set off the majesty of the super power."

These Purple Cloud Sect disciples have rarely been out of this area, and have very little contact with the outside world. Almost all of them live in their own world, and they all maintain a skeptical attitude towards everything outside.

In their hearts, the deeds of Henry Zhang and others are just a joke.



A dull voice sounded, and the wide square shook violently, dense cracks spread wildly to the surroundings.

In the middle of the crack, there is a figure who is as vigorous as a gossamer.

"Great Elder!"

The disciples in the square all covered their mouths with their hands, their faces were shaken, and a deep look of shock covered their faces.

The Great Elder is a sixth-rank Spirit Emperor.

He was beaten like this?

"Who dares to break into my Purple Cloud Sect!"

A purple-red streamer came over, and a middle-aged man was walking in the sky, his icy eyes were fixed on the top of the sect plaque.

There, a young man in a black robe was also watching him, calmly.

"Sect Master Ziyun, Xiao, come to worship the mountain!"

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