Master of Beasts

Chapter 1036 Despicable Xu0

"Sect Master Ziyun, Xiao, come to worship the mountain!"

Henry Zhang's plain voice spread, and there was no sound in the huge square, and all the disciples stared at him blankly, their faces full of shock.

It was this black-robed boy who threw away their elders who were sixth-order spirit emperors like trash?

"It's fake..." The young disciple who taunted Baiyou, Henry Zhang and others before, his voice was dry and trembling, and he didn't want to believe what happened now.

Of course, there is no one so far, and it is Henry Zhang who thinks of this person.

In their minds, it is impossible for Henry Zhang to be so powerful.

"No matter who you are, you'd better give me a reason, otherwise, I will never let you leave Ziyunzong alive today." Xu Qian, the suzerain of Ziyunzong, stared at Henry Zhang with a sinking face, and his tone contained With a icy chill.


The fire wings on the back converged, and lightly stepped on the tallest ancient tree of Ziyunzong, Henry Zhang said lightly: "I am not here to give you a reason, but to ask for an explanation."

"What do you want to say." Xu Qian said slowly.

"I stayed well in the Heisha Forest, but some of your disciples wanted to use my dead body to pretend to be a Xuetu, and go to the Xueluo Sect to receive rewards. One of them seemed to be called Xu Que, and then , after your elders came, in order to maintain the reputation of the Ziyun Sect, you also killed me in one bite, that is, a blood slaughter, and beat me up, shouldn't you give me an explanation for this matter?"


Noisy discussions erupted on the square, and the eyes of every disciple shone with unbelievable light.

Xu Que is the most powerful disciple of Ziyun Sect.

And the elders, in their hearts, are also supreme.

How could these people do such an ugly thing?


Xu Qian's cold and stern voice fell, and the entire square was instantly silent. He raised his head and looked at Henry Zhang with a frosty face: "So, how do you prove that you are not a blood slaughter?"


Quiet needle drop can be heard.

All the disciples cast their eyes on Henry Zhang, and their eyes flashed slightly.

Yes, how did Henry Zhang prove that he is not a blood slaughter?

If Henry Zhang is really a blood slaughter, then the Great Elder and others have done nothing wrong, and their status in their hearts is still lofty.

"Do you still need to prove this kind of thing?" Henry Zhang shook his head, and said with a smile: "The Xuetu is a blood attribute spiritualist. You can detect a trace of blood attribute fluctuations on me? And, your Great Elder, but he’s lying on his stomach in the square, if you ask him, won’t he know all about it?”

His eyes sank slightly, Xu Qian looked at the Great Elder who was standing up slowly, his body swaying, and said softly: "Elder Su, is what he said true?"


His lips were trembling, and the Great Elder's face was dark, and he wanted to confess aggrievedly.

Henry Zhang's strength, he has seen it himself, the seventh-order thunder-attribute spirit beast can kill the flamingo with one kick, and it is simply neat, which undoubtedly means that even if it is against the eighth-order spirit beast, it has a certain advantage. The power of war.

And Xu Qian, although he is the suzerain of Ziyun Sect, but as Henry Zhang said, he is only an eighth-level spirit emperor, and with his strength, it is difficult to beat Henry Zhang.

From this point of view, it is better to admit the crime and give Henry Zhang some compensation.

They have made mistakes first, and their skills are not as good as others, so they have to bear the consequences themselves.

Such incidents are not uncommon on the mainland.

However, the voice of the Great Elder just came out.


His body burst open, and was swept by purple flames, like a swirling flame storm, rattling.

The minds of all the disciples couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Great Elder, dead?


Xu Qian stared at Henry Zhang angrily, and a giant rhinoceros that seemed to be cast from magma emerged from beside him: "What did you do to the great elder, why didn't you let him speak, is there a ghost in your heart?"

In an instant, all the disciples looked at Henry Zhang with anger.

Henry Zhang, in order to cover up his guilt, killed the Great Elder!

"Crack, clap!"

Gently clapping his palms, Henry Zhang shook his head and said with a smile: "Xiao Mou really has seen it, Ziyunzong's face is thicker than the other. Could it be that your positions are divided according to the thickness of your face?"

How could the great elder be killed by him.

The only one who has this ability and is a fire attribute spiritual master in the field is the suzerain of the Purple Cloud Sect, Xu Qian.

In order to put Xuetu's hat firmly on his head, Xu Qian didn't even spare the elders of his clan.

Hard enough!

"So, you are the blood slaughter, am I right?" Xu Qianyi waved his hand, and the eyes of the giant rhino next to him showed a cold chill, and the spiritual power around him couldn't stop twisting.

The lava giant rhinoceros, the eighth-level high-level imperial dome, has a fire attribute.

"I want to say no." Henry Zhang said with a slight smile.

"Then prove your identity." Xu Qian said coldly.

In his heart, he actually had a lot of worries.

People who can defeat the Great Elder at this age, not to mention Huangquan, but looking at the entire Northern Territory, are rare and hard to find.

In case Henry Zhang has a big background, killing him will only bring misfortune to Ziyunzong, so he hit the sidelines and wanted to find out Henry Zhang's details.

"My identity?"

Gently flicking his fingertips, Henry Zhang smiled lightly: "My name, Henry Zhang, just left Xingyun Peak three days ago and has never appeared in Huangquan. Does this prove that I am not a blood slaughter?"

Henry Zhang?

Just left Starfall Peak?

Ziyunzong's disciples stood there dumbfounded as if they had been struck by lightning, their minds buzzing, and some of them even swayed and almost fell down.

Especially those who questioned and ridiculed before, the expressions on their faces are even more funny. They opened their mouths, but they couldn't make a sound, as if they were strangled by someone.

This is the Henry Zhang who they said in vain?

With wry smiles on their faces, they realized how small and sad their vision was.

"Henry Zhang?" The pupils of the eyes trembled suddenly, and Xu Qian's hands were covered with sweat. Ordinary disciples may not know what happened in Shenlingtian, but it is impossible for them, the heads of small forces, to not know.

Especially Henry Zhang who defeated Baiyou.

His reputation has already spread throughout the Northern Territory.


His eyes flickered slightly, and there was a murderous intent on Xu Qian's face, even though Henry Zhang could defeat Bai You, but the latter, after all, was only a seventh-level Linghuang, and he was an eighth-level, so he really wanted to fight, It is not necessarily impossible to keep Henry Zhang.

According to rumors, there are ten drops of Huofeng's blood essence on Henry Zhang's body.

With those ten drops of fire phoenix blood essence, it is very possible that his eighth-level spirit emperor can hit the ninth-level spirit emperor!

"Little beast, you have courage, you can just slaughter the city, even dare to pretend to be Henry Zhang's name, I, Xu Qian, have admired Xingyun Peak for a long time, and I will never allow this to happen!"

With killing intent spreading in his eyes, Xu Qian yelled: "The lava giant rhinoceros, kill this shameless person!"

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