Master of Beasts

Chapter 1037 Giant Lava Rhinoceros

"The giant lava rhinoceros, kill him!"

Fiery waves of fire swept across the sky, and the giant lava rhino's huge body brought a purple-red light and shadow, rushing down towards Henry Zhang.

The huge force, stepped on the space along the way, shaking endlessly.

"As I expected, the owner of Ziyun Mansion is really shameless. If I don't come to visit Ziyun Mansion today, then in the future, I will never be able to wash away my injustice of being a blood slaughterer." Henry Zhang slapped his palm Grasp, one after another of dazzling thunder, scattered in all directions, Lei Dishi stepped on the sole of his foot, and shot out in an instant.


The right foot accumulated by Lei Guang stepped heavily on the back of the giant lava rhinoceros. Lei Dishi's eyes changed slightly, his figure suddenly rose, and the hot magma rolled towards it.

"What a hard shell." Henry Zhang whispered.

Unlike the black-winged thunderbat, the speed of the lava giant rhinoceros is much slower than that, but its destructive power and defensive power are much stronger.

The kick that ripped apart the Black-winged Thunder Bat didn't leave even a single wound on it.

"The giant lava rhinoceros, chop it up!" Xu Qian shouted loudly.

If he had some doubts about Henry Zhang's identity before, at the moment he saw Lei Dishi, all his guesses turned into affirmations.

The lightning-type spiritual beast that uses its legs to attack is exactly the same as the one in the rumors.

This spirit beast is Lei Dishi.

And that boy in black robe is Henry Zhang!

Hot magma filled the rhinoceros horn, as if turning into a sharp magma blade, the giant lava rhino stepped on the sole of its foot, and slashed fiercely at Lei Dishi's chest.

A purple-red scratch was cut in the air.

Spiritual skills, fire melting!


Lei Dishi's right foot covered in lightning collided fearlessly with the magma blade of the giant lava rhinoceros. The spiritual power around him exploded like fireworks, and the thunder and magma alternated brilliantly.

"This kid, it's no wonder he can defeat Baiyou." Xu Qian's eyes sank, with a bad premonition,

Suddenly it rose in my heart.

He has grown up.

He was lured by the blood of the fire phoenix before, and was dazed for a while. Before he was fully prepared, he launched an offensive against Henry Zhang. The winning rate was not 100%.

However, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

He has no regret medicine to take.


The sharp rhinoceros' horn brushed Lei Dishi's body and pierced. The giant lava rhinoceros' eyes turned cold, and it swung its head to the left. The blade-like rhinoceros' horns cut open the space.

The rhinoceros horn came slashing, Lei Dishi's expression was indifferent, he lifted his right foot, brought a dazzling arc of light in the air, and slammed it on it.


There was a crisp sound.

During the magma spurt, the two retreated rapidly.

"So strong!"

The disciples in the square all had shocking eyes, and they didn't even dare to breathe out. The extremely powerful Palace Master in their hearts couldn't do anything to a young man?

At this moment, many people have believed Henry Zhang's identity.

But they are Ziyun Mansion's disciples after all, regardless of whether the Great Elder and others did right or wrong with the mansion master, they still hope that the winner of this battle will be their mansion master Xu Qian.


Viscous magma rolled on the rhinoceros' horns, and the drooping eyes of the giant lava rhinoceros stared coldly at Lei Dishi on the opposite side. That space, like boiling water, was blurred and distorted.

"Advanced imperial dome-level spiritual skill, lava cracking sky wave!"

Hearing Xu Qian's order, the giant lava rhino's head suddenly swung downward, and a purple-red magma fire wave burst out in an instant.

The powerful coercion made it difficult for many disciples below to breathe.


The magma roared, Lei Dishi raised his left hand slightly, his body appeared to be rushing forward, and the bright thunder light jumped rapidly on the soles of his feet.


The body rushed out, Lei Dishi raised the sole of his foot, facing the magma fire wave, he suddenly kicked down hard.

Spiritual skills, thunder falls!


The flames soared into the sky, and the viscous magma fire wave split from the middle, and a dazzling thunder, like a raging python, knocked the giant lava back steadily.


On the lava carapace, an invisible crack suddenly appeared.

"Not good!" Xu Qian's heart beat wildly.

The giant lava rhinoceros is injured!

Looking at Lei Dishi who was stepping in the sky and shooting thunder, the sweat in Xu Qian's hands gradually seeped out. If he continued to fight, his chances of winning would not be too high.


Xu Qianyan's pupils trembled, and the helpless face of the Great Elder appeared in his mind. Could it be that the Great Elder was not because of fear, but because he knew it earlier, so he wanted to apologize to Henry Zhang and make peace?

"Sorry, I was reckless before." After struggling for a moment, Xu Qian forced a smile on his face: "It seems that you are indeed Henry Zhang, just like the rumors."

Hearing these words, all the disciples took a light breath.

Is this boy in black robe really Henry Zhang?

"So, what do you want?" Henry Zhang sneered.

If his strength was weaker than Xu Qian's, I'm afraid he would have been killed by now, how could it be like this now.

Xu Qian found that he had no chance of winning, so he wanted to confess?

Don't even ask him if he agrees or not!

"As an apology, I am willing to take out five thousand Lingyu." Xu Qian looked at Henry Zhang with a very low posture, which made the Ziyun Mansion disciples in the field shocked.

Their palace master bowed his head to Henry Zhang?

Especially those disciples who had ridiculed Henry Zhang before had bitter faces.

How could they have the qualifications to question Henry Zhang.

They are not from the same world at all.

"If you make an apology, I am willing to accept it." Flicking away a leaf that fell on his shoulder, Henry Zhang's voice was slightly cold: "However, you crushed a rune just now, what does it mean? ?”

Suddenly, Xu Qian's face turned ugly.

He just remembered that Henry Zhang is a sixth-rank alchemist, how could his small movements escape Henry Zhang's detection.

"You forced me to do this!"

Throwing away the broken rune in his hand, Xu Qian's voice was serious: "The Blood Luozong and the Ziyun Mansion are best friends, I have already sent them a signal for help, within twenty breaths, their people will rush Come, and you will definitely die here!"

"Giant Lava Rhinoceros, Flame Starburst!"

The flames flickering on the rhino horn were like a bright spark, and the giant lava rhino rushed forward, slamming hard at Master Lei Di not far away.

Flame Star Explosion, a high-level imperial skill, can injure one thousand enemies and self-injury eight hundred.

The lethality of this spiritual skill is undoubtedly powerful.

If he hadn't been forced to a certain extent, Xu Qian would never have let the lava giant use it.


The violent noise spread.

A huge Mars bloomed in the sky, and the radiating magma pierced the trees growing in Ziyun Mansion, making big holes one after another.

"Is it dead?" Xu Qian leaned forward, trying to see the result clearly.

However, what responded to him was a scene that terrified him.

In the pervasive magma, the huge body of the giant lava rhino was stagnant in the sky, and Lei Dishi, who stepped lightly on its back, was not injured at all.

With a faint glance at Xu Qian, the sole of Lei Guangliu's foot slightly lifted, and immediately stomped down violently.


(It's Ziyun Mansion, not Ziyun Sect. I made a mistake, and the previous ones have been changed back)

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