Master of Beasts

Chapter 1043 Blood Clothes

"Hehe, there is no need for waste that has no use value."

Amidst the faint laughter, a blood-colored thick fog, like a blood cloud, descended from the sky. In the blood cloud, three old men in blood clothes were smiling.

"Three elders in blood..."

The wings on his back trembled slightly, and the old man turned his head with difficulty. Immediately afterwards, his body was shattered by the spiritual power contained in the chains.

The blood mist drifted away.


The chain twitched back, and the smiles on the faces of the blood-clothed elders were full of sarcasm: "What is it to be a Blood Luo Sect? If you want to retreat, you can retreat? One day you will be a member of the Blood Luo Sect, and you will be a lifetime. Even if you turn into a pile of dead bones."

Looking away from the blood mist, Henry Zhang shifted his gaze mixed with a bit of coldness to the body of the blood-clothed elder, and the King of Ten Thousand Nights beside him quickly returned to the spirit gate, and the dazzling thunder light scattered away with a crash.

The three blood-clothed elders are all eighth-level spirit emperors. Although their joint combat power is still slightly inferior to that of the ninth-level spirit emperors, they should not be underestimated.

"Yang Feng, let me tell you, are you stupid or not? After the suzerain becomes the Spirit Queen, within a radius of ten thousand li, it will be the territory of our Blood Luo Sect. As the eldest disciple of the suzerain, don't you have everything you want? How can we make each other unhappy because of a trivial matter?"

Among the three blood-clothed elders, the one with the most vigorous breath said slowly: "Now return to the Blood Luozong and assist us in killing Henry Zhang. The suzerain will continue to recognize your identity regardless of previous suspicions."

"The Blood Luo Sect has really changed." Yang Feng shook his head, and said coldly: "Since Yan Chang got the Blood Kun Seed, the Blood Luo Sect has not looked the same as it used to. No less than dozens of times, the deeds of the Blood Luo Sect will be revealed sooner or later, and by then, you can wait to meet the encirclement and suppression of the various sects!"

"Bold, you dare to call the Sovereign Master by his name!" The eyes of the three blood-clothed elders turned cold, and an unconcealable evil spirit emanated from their bodies. Three blood-colored spirit beasts floated in front of them.

The three spirit beasts were all dressed in bloody clothes, and the bloody clothes floated without wind, like ghosts without legs. Their eyes were ferocious, and their outstretched left claws were dry and sharp, while their right claws were each clawing. Hold a sharp chain, each with a curved barb at the tip.

Their names are also very simple.

Bloody coat.

Almost the same as their appearance.

"With a traitor, is it necessary to waste so much talk?"

A cold voice came from a distance, and a huge blood-colored crocodile, like a small island floating in the air, roared towards it rapidly, and the monstrous bloody aura rippling in the sky and the earth.

The imperial crocodile, the eighth-level high-level emperor, blood attribute.

Although the strength of this spirit beast is the same as that of the blood suit, its spiritual power is much stronger than it. Even if the three blood suits combined, they are not its opponent.

"Deputy suzerain!" The blood-clothed elder hurriedly cupped his hands.

Apart from suzerain Yan Chang, the one who can make the three elders in blood clothes so respectful is the vice suzerain of Xue Luozong, Dong Ting.

"Henry Henry, you shouldn't have come here." Dong Ting glanced at Henry Zhang, his voice cold.

Three profound beasts are nine hundred drops of blood essence!

In the face of this huge temptation, Xue Luozong, how could he let Henry Zhang go.

"If you give me the ice soul stone, I can think about it, and only take the life of the blood-clothed old man. As for the others, I will not participate." Henry Zhang laughed.

Yang Feng gave him the news of the Ice Soul Stone, and he killed the three blood-clothed elders.

This is their previous agreement.

"Take our lives? What a big tone! Do you think we are useless scum like Xu Qian?" Anger surged in the eyes of the blood-clothed elder.

For so many years, this was the first time someone made such wild words in front of them.

"You'll know if you try it." Henry Zhang's complexion also gradually cooled down.

The old man who died earlier was one of the few people he admired in his life.

A person without spiritual power can get to this point,

In the entire continent, perhaps no second one can be found.

Although his behavior, Henry Zhang did not agree.

But this still does not hinder, Henry Zhang admires from the heart.

"Three elders in blood clothes, that boy, I will leave it to you. This is nine hundred drops of blood. If he escapes, you will die and apologize."

Dong Ting withdrew his gaze from Henry Zhang, and looked at Yang Feng coldly: "Unexpectedly, there will be a day when I personally deal with you, show my real skills, otherwise, this Golden Tiger City will be your burial ground."

"As you wish." Yang Feng took a deep breath, and the blood demon general who was holding a long spear suddenly rushed out, and the sharp point of the spear pointed directly at the crocodile's chin.

There, one of the rare life gates of the imperial crocodile.

"It's said that raising tigers is a danger. It's true. The only ones who know the weakness of the imperial crocodile are you and the suzerain." Dong Ting stepped on the sole of his foot with a cold expression, and a column of bloody energy gushed out from the open mouth of the imperial crocodile.

That piece of space oscillated rapidly at this moment.

"Bang bang bang!"

The figure turned into a bloody tornado, and the figure of the Gorefiend flashed at high speed in the Golden Tiger City. Every time it hit the ground, a towering building would collapse.

As soon as the two fought against each other, they didn't hold back at all, and both wanted to put their opponents to death.

"The battle over there has nothing to do with you. We will accept your life!" The bloody old man stared at Henry Zhang, with killing intent surging in his eagle-like old eyes: "Bloody, kill him!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

With long blood-colored light tails, the three blood-cloaks shot down, their eyes flashed fiercely, and the bloody light quickly condensed on the protruding left claw.

Spiritual skills, blood attack!

The blood claws tore through the space, Lei Dishi's eyes were indifferent, while his figure was spinning, he threw his right foot in the air, and the sound of thunder chi chi la la rang around.

Accompanied by a muffled sound, the three blood-clothed men were suffering from pain, their eyes became more fierce, and immediately attacked Lei Dishi crazily from all directions.

The thunder attribute does restrain the blood attribute.

But their strength and quantity are enough to make up for the restraint effect.

"Boom boom boom!"

As the thunder flashed, three bloody lights followed it. In a short moment, the surrounding buildings collapsed rumblingly, and the dull impact sound was endless.


Seeing that there was a slack in the cooperation of the blood clothes, Henry Zhang's eyes flashed, and he yelled: "Master Lei Di, Lei Ting!"

Dazzling Lei Mang swayed endlessly on his right foot, Master Lei Di smashed a building, his body turned into lightning and shot out, and flung his foot towards the bloody clothes in the middle.

"What a subtle perception."

Seeming to be a little surprised by Henry Zhang's strong perception, the blood-clothed old man narrowed his eyes: "However, this blow is still useless."

"Spiritual Skill, Blood Cloud Shield!"

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