Master of Beasts

Chapter 1044 Blood Soul Curse

Distributed throughout the space, the positions of the three bloody coats are in the shape of a triangle. With a flick of their right claws, the chains wrapped around them fly out, and they are connected to each other, appearing extremely regular.

The next moment.

The thick blood light converged towards the center of the triangular chain, and a blood shield about ten feet in size condensed out like lightning, and the cloud-like pattern on the blood shield was like a large blood coat.

Spiritual Skill, Blood Cloud Shield!


The soles of Lei Dishi's feet firmly stepped on it, and dazzling thunderbolts surged towards the surroundings, and the air in that area violently twisted and rose.


A strange sound was spit out from the mouth, three bloody clothes with cold eyes shook the chains in their hands, and a huge impact erupted from the blood shield.

Lei Dishi's figure suddenly shot hundreds of feet backwards.


After shaking Lei Dishi away, the blood-clothed elders shouted sharply, and the blood shield in the middle of the chains shattered, and immediately turned into thin blood threads, which were connected to the chains.

It looked like a dense blood net.

It is worth noting.

The blood threads that make up the blood net are extremely sharp, and when the gravel in the sky falls on it, there is almost no sound, and it is cut apart.


Holding a part of the chain in his right claw, three bloody clothes flew out, and the sharp triangle-shaped blood net also roared towards Master Lei.

Where the blood net passed, a dense grid-like trace was left in the air.

Spiritual skills, blood web splitting!

"This blow, even if the spirit beast of the ninth-rank Huangqiong level is hard-pressed, it will not be able to please." The blood-clothed three elders grinned, laughing loudly.

The blood shield turned into a blood net, only in the blink of an eye.

Ordinary spirit beasts are completely unable to prepare for it.


The smile on the face of the blood-clothed elder froze suddenly.


A faint blue light flashed across the sky, and the huge blood net was shattered into countless blood threads in the process of whistling.

"What is that!" The blood-clothed elders looked at each other with shocked expressions.

That faint blue light only appeared in the blink of an eye, and none of them could see it clearly.

And at that moment, Master Lei Di cut open the blood net formed by three blood clothes!


Gently grasping his right hand, the faint blue light dissipated, Lei Dishi's eyes flashed coldly, and his figure flew out, with the shadows of his legs intertwined, and three bloody clothes that had not had time to recover the chains smashed into the building.

"Bang bang bang!"

After smashing several buildings, the three bloody clothes flicked the chains in their hands and clasped them tightly in the hard ground. Only then did the flying back figure gradually stop.

Looking at that scene, the complexion of the blood-clothed old man couldn't help being a little gloomy.

I don't know how long it has been, but they haven't lost like this.

"It can't be delayed any longer."

"Late makes changes."

"Let's get rid of him with one move."

After a brief exchange, a roar of anger rang out from the mouths of the blood-clothed elders at the same time: "Blood-clothed, blood-soul curse!"


Suspended in the sky, the three chains intertwined again, surging blood light gathered in the middle at high speed, and in an instant, a ferocious vampire head suddenly emerged.

As soon as the vampire's head emerged, the shrill howling sound spread to the surroundings, and the fragile objects within a ten thousand zhang radius exploded into pieces.


The howling of the ghost made his head a little dizzy, Master Lei frowned slightly, the soles of his feet swung continuously, and thunderbolts shot out one after another, blasting towards the vampire's head.

"Small tricks." The blood-clothed elder sneered.

The blood mouth suddenly opened, and those violent thunders were directly swallowed by the vampire's head.

"So strong." Henry Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly.

That vampire's head actually contained the breath of life!

"The Blood Soul Curse is condensed from the purest fresh blood. If you cast it once, the blood of hundreds of spirit emperors will just be wasted." The face of the blood-clothed elder was a little distressed.

Hundreds of Linghuang?

Henry Zhang's pupils shrank slightly.

It is hard to imagine how many people the Blood Luo Sect killed.

"A group of bastards." Henry Zhang's voice was mixed with a little coldness.

"Hehe, you haven't experienced the power of the Blood Soul Curse, so naturally you don't know. If you have this spiritual skill, it's not much better than us." The blood-clothed elder said disdainfully.

What to pretend.

After a while, it's your time of death!

"Kill!" The three blood-clothed elders shouted violently, ordering the three blood-clothed men.


The scalp-numbing ghost howl sounded again.

That vampire's head, carrying a disgusting bloody aura, shot through the sky, and a large space was corroded and riddled with holes.


Dazzling thunderbolts converged towards the right leg, and immediately flowed down. Lei Dishi's right foot was crystal clear, like a dazzling thunder sun.

Amidst the shrill ghost howls, the head of the vampire flew towards him, Lei Dishi's face was cold and serious, and his right foot, like a thundering sun, stepped out suddenly with a terrifying thunderstorm sound.

Spiritual skill, Lei Rishun Kick!

That kick was extremely fast.

When they approached the blood-clothed elders, they could only see a flash of thunder, and after a moment, that vampire's head, together with the berserk thunder, filled half of the sky.


Blood waves and thunder surged.

Flying out of it, Lei Dishi's slightly dim right foot stomped a defenseless blood-clothed man into the building.

"Bang bang bang!"

Buildings smashed to pieces.

Lei Dishi spun his body, and with a kick that accumulated all the strength in his body, he stepped out suddenly.

Spiritual skills, thunder step!

In an instant, that blood-clothed body turned into blood mist!

"How come..." The blood-clothed elder's eyes trembled.

Not only did the Blood Soul Curse fail to kill Master Lei, but it didn't even leave a scar?

Looking at the blood-clothed old man with a somewhat sluggish expression, Henry Zhang snorted coldly.

Lei Dishi is made up of the purest thunderbolts. Using blood-attribute spiritual skills to deal with it is almost useless, unless it is a powerful spiritual skill that can cut everything.

However, with the six-bladed Thunder Wheel in hand, it would be very difficult to defeat Lei Dishi with that level of attack.


The blood-clothed elder turned his head and shouted in fear: "Deputy suzerain, save me!"

They knew that if they continue to fight Henry Zhang, there is only one way to die.

However, at this time, Dongting was more frightened than them.

"You... who the hell are you!" Looking at the bloody Yang Feng, Dong Ting trembled all over: "Why do you have the aura of the suzerain on your body!"


The blood demon general holding the long spear shattered into blood mist and scattered, a bloody claw protruded out of the blood mist, and slammed Dongting and the crocodile into the ground.

A trace of vicissitudes flashed across Junyi's face, Yang Feng glanced at Henry Zhang and the blood-clothed elders, and then at Dong Ting below who was full of astonishment, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"You, didn't you already recognize me?"

Hearing this, the complexions of Henry Zhang and others changed instantly.

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