Master of Beasts

Chapter 1052 How far, how far to roll

"this is mine!"

Fang Ying grabbed it with the palm of his hand, Henry Zhang's eyes turned cold, he stepped on his right foot, and the surging energy burst out, Fang Ying's body retreated a few steps in embarrassment.

"What do you want to do." Henry Zhang looked at Fang Ying indifferently.

A second-order spirit emperor, on weekdays, he would not take a second look.

"This snow crystal lotus belongs to me!" Fang Ying shouted angrily, "Do you know how much I paid for this snow crystal lotus? Including information, our Fang family spent at least two A thousand pieces of spiritual jade!"

"so what?"

Under Fang Ying's furious gaze, Henry Zhang put the snow crystal lotus into the space boundary stone, his eyes sharpened slightly: "How much did you spend, does it have anything to do with me?"

"When the Ice Storm Xuanshuang Ape was there just now, why didn't you say that the Snow Crystal Lotus belonged to you? If it wasn't for me, would you still have your life to shout here?"

"After that, you saw that I might die, so you sneaked away and wanted to take the opportunity to escape. Do you think I can't see it?"

"A second-order spirit emperor, where does he get the qualifications to run wild in front of me, and I will send you the original words in the mountains."

"disappear as far as you can!"

Henry Zhang's last few words, wrapped in spiritual power, made the space tremble. Fang Ying's face was pale, fear surfaced in her heart, her legs softened, and she sat down on the ground, trembling.

Only then did she realize how huge the gap between the two was.

" dare to yell at me?" Fang Ying's face was full of disbelief.

Since she was born in Fang's family, she has been pampered and spoiled. This is the first time in all these years that she has been scolded.

However, she seemed to have forgotten that in the mountains, she treated Henry Zhang like this.

"Kill him, kill him for me!"

Like a cat whose tail has been trampled on, Fang Ying jumped up from the ground, quickly retreated into the guards, and pointed at Henry Zhang with a ferocious expression: "He is only a fifth-order spirit emperor, who can kill the Ice Storm Black Frost Ape, but It's just luck, you four fifth-level spirit emperors, and so many fourth-level spirit emperors join forces, are you afraid that you won't be able to kill him?"

The guards hesitated.

After accepting this job, they had to obey Fang Ying's orders.

However, Henry Zhang's strength is extraordinary, if he cannot be killed, the troubles in the future will be endless.

"Kill him, and the reward will be tripled!" Seeing that the guards did not dare to step forward, Fang Ying gave it all up and seduced him at a high price. Now she is already hysterical.

triple pay...

Greed appeared in the eyes of several guards.

People died for money, and birds died for food. Fang Ying's conditions made them very tempted.

What's more, Henry Zhang can give Sun Qi three hundred pieces of Lingyu with just a wave of his hand. It's hard to imagine how many good things he still has in the Sky Boundary Stone.

It is a huge temptation, it is worth letting them risk their lives to try it.

Looking at the guards who were about to step forward, Henry Zhang's eyes were calm and his face did not change. The moment these people took the first step, it was their time of death.


A small piece of ice crystal suddenly fell off from the ice wall of Han Youjian, and immediately after that, densely packed cracks spread out in small pits.


A large piece of ice fell, and many crystal blue crystals emerged from it.

"Cold Crystal Jade?"

Looking at those blue crystals, Fang Ying and the guards' eyes were full of greed and madness. It turns out that the mountain in Hanyoujian is full of cold crystal jades!

With so many cold crystal jades added up, they are worth at least 30,000 to 40,000 spiritual jades!

"Is it cold crystal jade?" Henry Zhang murmured.

Cold Crystal Jade is a relatively rare ore that can be used to create some special vehicles, such as expensive carriages. It is not common in the market, so its price is relatively high.

However, that is for ordinary people.

It will take at least half a month to dig out all the ice jade and put them into the space stone. As a sixth-grade alchemist, Henry Zhang naturally doesn't take this kind of thing too much.

With this time, he might as well go to the mountains,

Honing Xue Youmei and other spirit beasts.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Taking Xue Youmei into the spirit gate, Henry Zhang turned around and walked outside the Hanyou Stream, the guards saw this, their eyes trembling with excitement.

Henry Zhang is not interested in cold crystal jade.

But these things, for them, are a valuable asset!

"You guys, hurry up and dig it for me!" Fang Ying pointed at the mountain stream and shouted arrogantly.


They looked at each other, and the corners of the mouths of the guards curved slightly.

"We are protecting you only for Lingyu. Now that there are many spirit jades in front of us, do you think it is necessary for us to obey your orders?"

"Fang Ying, you take yourself too seriously, you think you are something, but we have been coveting your body for a long time, haha!"

"Anyway, no one will come to this place where the birds don't shit. Why don't we enjoy it first, and then divide this cold crystal jade mine?"

All the guards surrounded Fang Ying with lustful eyes. The latter's face was extremely pale, and an uncontrollable fear rose from her heart and went straight to her mind.

She was scared.

Completely scared.

Which of these guards is not a ruthless stubble, no matter what inhuman things these people can do, she is not surprised.

"Let me go, I can give you whatever you want!" Fang Ying leaned against the wall, trembling, with despair in her eyes.

"Let you go? Haha, I laughed so hard!"

"Let you go and let the Fang family chase me down? Fang Ying, do you think I don't know who you are?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, I can't wait!"

"Save me..." Turning her head, Fang Ying looked at Henry Zhang tremblingly.

She actually asked Henry Zhang for help.

Ask for help from the person she scolded and even wanted to kill.

Turning a blind eye to Fang Ying's voice, Henry Zhang stretched his wings of fire behind him, and ignored it, not to mention that this matter had nothing to do with him, even if it did, he would not bother to pay attention to people like Fang Ying.

"I don't want Snow Crystal Lotus anymore!" Fang Ying shouted.

no more?

Not to mention Henry Zhang, even those guards laughed out loud on the spot.

Snow crystal lotus, is it related to you?

You just want it, will someone give it to you?

This woman is really underwhelming.


Just when Henry Zhang was about to leave, a middle-aged man suddenly flapped his wide wings and fell from the sky. The guards were stunned, their faces extremely astonished.


Tilting his head slightly, Henry Zhang looked at the middle-aged man, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Seventh-rank Linghuang.

This strength, within a radius of ten thousand miles, is enough to rank among the top ten.

"Second uncle!"

With ecstasy in his eyes, Fang Ying was surrounded by a group of guards and shouted, "I'm here!"

The guards surrounding Fang Ying lost their souls.

Chu Qiong, the seventh-level wind attribute emperor, once retreated from the hands of an eighth-level spirit emperor!

"Fang Ying, what happened." Chu Qiong frowned slightly, and a vast aura suddenly spread, not only those guards, but even Henry Zhang, were enveloped in it.

Before the matter is clarified, no one can escape from him!

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