Master of Beasts

Chapter 1053 Silver Wing Peng King

"Second uncle, it's all him!" Silver teeth clenched tightly together, Fang Ying pointed at Henry Zhang, and said in a vicious tone: "There are many good things on him, I will tell you all, and I will wait for you to kill him." Afterwards, can I ask you for something?"

"Oh? Tell me." Glancing at Henry Zhang, a hint of playfulness emerged from the corner of Chu Qiong's mouth.

Fifth-order Spirit Emperor?

No threat to him.

However, Fang Qiong's heart sank when she heard Chu Qiong's words. The former's attitude was extremely casual, as if she hadn't listened to her request at all.

Although she called Chu Qiong second uncle, the blood relationship between Chu Qiong and the Fang family is actually extremely thin, and her status in the Fang family is not high.

Therefore, even if he got something good, Chu Qiong might not consider her.

"Second uncle!"

The reluctance in his eyes was gone, Fang Qiong looked at Henry Zhang, his eyes were full of hatred: "There are a lot of spirit jade in this kid's space stone, and, just now, he got a snow crystal lotus and a piece of ice soul stone! "

Snow crystal lotus, ice soul stone?

A thick look of greed floated on Chu Qiong's face.

Although these two things are of no use to him as a wind attribute spiritualist, if they can be sold, the price of either one will not be low.

Seeing Chu Qiong's reaction, Fang Ying looked at Henry Zhang with a sneer, with complacency and gloating in her eyes.

Tell you not to give me snow crystal lotus.

I make you spit it all out!

"Sad." Henry Zhang glanced at Fang Ying with an indifferent expression.

Fang Ying's first thought was not to let Chu Qiong kill those guards, but to deal with him. No matter what he said, he was Fang Ying's savior. The latter's heart was so dark and vicious to the extreme.

"Little friend, which faction do you come from? Maybe, some of your seniors and I may still have some friendship." Chu Qiong looked at Henry Zhang with a smile.

He is probing.

Young people who can possess the strength of a fifth-order spirit emperor at such an age generally have a great background. If Henry Zhang belongs to this type of person, then Chu Qiong has to weigh it if he wants to move.

Having been in this area for so long, Chu Qiong is not a fool, and knows the importance of acting cautiously.

"No need to test, I am not from Huangquan, and there is no strong person behind me." Henry Zhang said calmly.

"Oh, really?" Chu Qiong's eyes flickered slightly, and the corner of Chu Qiong's mouth twitched lightly: "Then, I won't make things difficult for you, leave the space boundary stone behind, and you can leave."

Hearing this, Fang Ying's complexion was extremely refreshed.

This is what she wanted.

Henry Zhang couldn't get any blood, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

"What if I don't." Henry Zhang's unhurried voice came from the field.

Even though Lei Dishi cannot be used for the time being, if it is only a seventh-level spirit emperor, he is not qualified to be afraid, unless it is some extremely powerful seventh-level spirit emperors.

And Chu Qiong was obviously not that kind of person.

"Little brother, face, I gave it to you, do you plan to use your life to repay it?" Chu Qiong stepped on the sole of his foot, and a powerful storm suddenly swept away.

In the storm, a pair of huge silver wings stretched out with a clatter, and in an instant, a loud and clear cry resounded throughout the area with a radius of hundreds of miles.

It was a huge roc bird with sharp eyes, and two slightly curved claws, shining like gold and iron, as if it could tear even a ten thousand zhang high mountain with one claw.

Silver Winged Peng King, seventh-rank high-ranking Emperor Qiong class, wind attribute.

"Looking for a dead end." Fang Ying's red lips curled up slightly.

There had never been a fifth-order spirit emperor who could escape from Chu Qiong's grasp.

"I advise you not to do anything, otherwise, you will be the one who died today." Henry Zhang said coldly.

"Then I want to try." Chu Qiong said with a smile on his face, "The morals of the world have really changed. A fifth-order spirit emperor dares to threaten me. It seems that I have to try. Is the morals of the world still in my impression? as in."

"King Silver Wing Peng, open him up!"


With a sudden wave of the silver wings, the wind and waves spread, and the figure of King Silver Wing Peng rushed down like a gust of wind,

The sharp claws tear the air into traces.


Looking at the astonishingly imposing Silver Winged Roc King and the guards surrounding Fang Ying, their throats rolled with difficulty, their mouths were dry. This Silver Winged Roc King could easily kill them.

And none of them dared to move.

They only prayed that Henry Zhang could defeat Chu Qiong, otherwise none of them would survive today.

Just when the claws of King Silver Wing Peng were less than half a foot away from Henry Zhang's head.


A bright gun barrel was placed across Henry Zhang, and under the claws of Silver Wing Peng King, which caused the path of the latter to rush backwards a little, and the strong wind brought up the strong wind on Henry Zhang's forehead. The strands of hair fluttered continuously.

"What kind of spirit beast is that?" Chu Qiong narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at Xue Youmei who was holding the long spear horizontally.

This is the first time he has seen Xue Youmei, a spirit beast that is almost indistinguishable from humans.

The snow attribute has strong restraint against the wind attribute.

No wonder Henry Zhang has the confidence to contend with him.

"However, my Silver Winged Peng King is at the seventh rank, and your snow-attribute spirit beast is only at the fifth rank. You must be the one who loses in the end."

Grabbing his hands in front of him, Chu Qiong's eyes showed excitement, "I'll let you see with your own eyes that I've been gutted, but don't worry, my technique is very skilled, and you won't feel much pain." .”

"Idiot." Henry Zhang spit out two words speechlessly.

Another one with an abnormal head.


With one claw, Xue Youmei was repelled, and King Silver Winged Peng's murderous intent erupted. As he flapped his wings, dense wind blades burst out, splitting the space with cracks.

The wind blade exuded a fierce aura, and Xue Youmei's jewel-like eyes could not make any waves. She spun the long spear in her hand, and the violent snowflake hurricane column spun and bombarded out.

"Bang bang bang!"

One after another the wind blades burst, and before they even got close to Xue Youmei, they were crushed to pieces.

"There are two tricks." Chu Qiong smiled faintly: "Next, try this trick."

"Advanced emperor-level spiritual skill, Feng Falcon!"


Turning into an astonishing rainbow of light, the Silver Winged Peng King roared out. The speed was so fast that it made one's heart tremble. Even some ninth-order emperor-level spirit beasts with full speed could hardly match it.


The gun barrel lying in front of him was squeezed into a thrilling arc by the Silver Winged Roc King who hit it, and the next moment, Xue Youmei shot out backwards, hitting heavily on the ice wall of Hanyou Stream.

Accompanied by a loud noise, dense cracks spread behind Xue Youmei.

"It's so fast." Henry Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly.

This magical skill, which converts speed into destructive power, should not be underestimated.

Clasping the slender gun body with both claws, King Silver Wing Peng stared bloodthirsty at Xue Youmei, who was pressed against the ice wall, cold light gleamed from his sharp beak, and he struck down like lightning.

This blow can easily pierce Xue Youmei!

Looking at this scene, Fang Ying's face was filled with excitement.

"Die to me!"

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