Master of Beasts

Chapter 1081


The monstrous dark green flames erupted suddenly from the crater-like pits on the surface of the lava black wolf, and immediately turned into streamers of light, converging in front of it.

As the flames condensed, a lifelike lava volcano quickly took shape.

Venom-like magma spews out from the crater rapidly.

Staring at the red flame below with killing intent, the lava ink wolf waved his arm, and the dark green lava volcano blasted the air and suppressed it with a loud crash.

Between the rotations, the space was rapidly distorted by corrosion.

"Bang bang bang!"

Amidst a series of air explosions, the lava volcano whizzed towards him, Chi Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and drew out his crossed palms in an instant.


A huge cross-shaped fire, emitting a dazzling light, directly greeted the falling lava volcano.

Spiritual skill, Flame Ember Fire Cross!

Under the gaze of many nervous eyes, the cross-shaped flames and the flames spouting magma shook together hard, and the shocking explosion sound suddenly resounded.


The flames surged.

The explosive energy impact completely destroyed the buildings within a radius of ten thousand feet. Countless terrified figures fled to the distance, staring in the direction of the Shen family with lingering fear.

Before, as bystanders, they didn't know how terrifying the two spirit beasts were.

But when they were really affected, they realized that they were lucky not to be buried in it.

"Flame Mirror, Flawless Mirror Wall!"

The turbulent fire wave became more and more fierce, Shen Liaocheng let out a low shout, and a mirror-like spirit beast flashed in front of him, and immediately turned into a magma-like mirror wall, enveloping all the flustered Shen family members.

Flame melting mirror, a fire-attributed spirit beast, has amazing defensive power.

It is said that the seventh-level flaming mirror can resist the attack of ninth-level spirit beasts.


Waves of fire swept across the surroundings, and one after another panicked figures quickly dodged to the rear. These people all had a badge in the shape of a storm on their chests.

That is the symbol of Zhanyue Palace.

After learning that the master of the palace was killed, all the elders of Zhanyue Palace, as well as the disciples above the fifth-rank Linghuang, came to revenge aggressively, wanting to use numbers to kill Henry Zhang alive.

But the collision at the scene made them discover it with trepidation.

If it wasn't for the ninth-rank Linghuang, no matter how many people came, they would only die!

"Has the winner been decided yet?" Shen Xue clasped her small hands nervously.

After witnessing so many battles by Henry Zhang, she is naturally more inclined, the winner of this battle is Henry Zhang, however, Langhuo is the long-established Ninth-Rank Spirit Emperor, which one is stronger and weaker cannot be judged by common sense.

"Die, go die!" Shen Ju stared viciously at the sky.

He can't wait for Henry Zhang and Lang Huo to die together.

That way, the enraged Langya Que will definitely not let the Shen family go.

The Shen family should die cleanly!

Who told Henry Zhang that when he abolished him, no one shot to stop him!


Under the extrusion of the lava volcano, the large cross fire burst into pieces, dazzling white light spots,

Rapidly spread to all parts of the space, a piece of white Yingying.


Crushing the cross flames, the lava volcano swept down without hindrance, and rushed towards Henry Zhang with amazing momentum.

"It seems that the winner of this battle is me." Lang Huo looked at Henry Zhang gloomyly.

He had already planned in his mind what vicious means he would use later to torture the person who opposed him.

"Not necessarily." Henry Zhang said slowly.

Stepping on the only rockery in the field, the red fluff and white fluff fluttered in the wind. It looked at the suppressed lava volcano, raised its claws, and tapped the sharp claws on the dark green crater.

In an instant, the menacing lava volcano stagnated in midair.


A series of fine cracks spread rapidly from the direction pointed by the tip of the red flame claw, and finally covered the entire lava volcano, bursting with a bang.

Looking at this scene, Lang Huo's pupils shrank suddenly.


Among the scattered magma fragments, nine red flames vibrated, like a white rainbow, passing through it like lightning, and the sharp claws mercilessly attacked the lava black wolf's throat.

"Back!" Lang Huo secretly felt bad.

After a battle, the lava ink wolf was covered with scars, but Henry Zhang's Firefox was unscathed.

How should this be played?

"Back? It's too late." Henry Zhang looked indifferent.


The body swayed quietly, and split into two identical white foxes. The lava black wolf's wide and sharp claws slashed past them, and the red flame's nine blade-like fire tails suddenly swung towards the middle.

That position is exactly the waist of the lava black wolf!

"Stop!" Lang Huo yelled angrily: "You dare to kill me Lava Black Wolf, I promise, you will never leave Xueyou City alive today!"

"Oh, really, then I have to try." Henry Zhang smiled lightly.

If it was the Lion Palace and Ghost Valley and other forces, he might still be a little bit afraid, but it would definitely not reach the level of fear, not to mention, it was just a wolf tooth.


Eighteen sharp fire tails, like white blades, staggered past, and the expression of the lava ink wolf froze immediately.

The two white foxes merged into one, and Chi Yan stepped lightly on the back of the lava black wolf, with a light paw.


Invisible ripples and waves, one after another dark red bloodstains emerged from the lava black wolf's body in a ring shape, filling its entire body from top to bottom.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Lang Huo's expression turned ugly.

The lava ink wolf was divided into countless pieces!


Yin Hong's blood splashed and turned into more than a dozen pieces of lava ink wolf, which fell into the deep pit with a bang, and the faces of many onlookers were particularly shocked.

Langhuo, he actually lost?

"Who is that boy?"

"never seen it."

"He's going to make a name for himself in Ghost Nether Realm."

"It's still famous, people with a wolf tooth can't kill him!"

The dense figures were discussing, but the few people in the crowd had expressions of shock. They hurriedly took out the Nanyin bell and transmitted the sound to their respective sects.

Henry Zhang, unexpectedly appeared in Ghost Nether Realm.

And it's still Snow You City!


The angry Lang Huo just wanted to yell, but Henry Zhang's figure shot towards him swiftly, and the flaming glazed fist seemed to smash the mountains.

"you dare!"

Henry Zhang's figure flitted across the sky, and two gray-haired old men landed abruptly. They opened the spiritual gate with gloomy expressions. In front of each of them, there was a lava demon wolf stretching out its broad sharp claws .

"Kill him!" Lang Huo yelled furiously.

"Are there two ninth-rank spirit emperors again?"

Looking at the two lava black wolves rushing crosswise, Henry Zhang looked calm, and a pair of white fire wings bloomed behind him again, making his speed infinitely close to that of the King of Spirits.

"How come!" Henry Zhang passed through the siege of two lava black wolves, and the elders of Langya Que's complexion changed suddenly. They turned their heads immediately without even thinking about it.

"I advise you, don't act rashly."

The right fist glowing with glazed light was clinging to the pale face of Lang Huo's head. Henry Zhang looked at the two elders with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

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