Master of Beasts

Chapter 1081 Wolf Palace

"What do you want." The two Lang Ya Que elders looked at each other, and looked at Henry Zhang coldly. Although they were asking, there was a strong threat in their tone.

As the elder of Langya Que, who hasn't been rampant in the ghost realm for a long time.

They thought that they had the qualifications to automatically bow down to an eighth-level spirit emperor.

"Your arrogant posture is really annoying." Holding the wolf who dared not move, Henry Zhang smiled lightly, and the right palm he patted randomly was firmly imprinted on the former's back.


Bright red qi and blood spurted out, the wolf breath was sluggish, and the two arms drooped in embarrassment. The expressions of the two wolf-toothed elders suddenly changed wildly.

They did not expect Henry Zhang to be so bold.

In the face of two ninth-rank spirit emperors, there is no fear at all.

"Henry Henry, Langya Que will definitely not let you go!" Raising his head with difficulty, Langhuo's face was full of humiliation and anger.

When had he been insulted like this.

Moreover, in front of so many people.

"Oh, really." With a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, Henry Zhang slapped the powerful right palm continuously, slapping the horrified Langhuo until he vomited blood.


"It's easy to discuss!"

The elder of Langya Que's heart trembled violently, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

If this continues, there is a real possibility that Lang Huo will be shot to death.

Is that boy a demon?

They have been walking in the ghost domain for so many years, and they have never seen such an unscrupulous person.


On the attic in the distance, the man from Heikuya looked at the ravaged Langhuo, and couldn't help wiping the sweat off his face: "Fortunately, I listened to your advice and didn't attack Henry Zhang."

If it weren't for the obstruction of the woman beside him, I'm afraid that he would die at the hands of Henry Zhang just like Lang Yuan and Xin Li.

"This kid actually dares to show his true colors to others, but that's right. If the Spirit King doesn't come out, let alone the ghost domain, even the entire continent, no one can do anything to him." The woman in black exhaled like blue, and said softly: "I heard that he is manipulating the Pill Pavilion in Ziyang City behind the scenes. It seems that we should consider it and pay a visit there."

Hearing this, the man's heart trembled.

The woman beside him was named Yao You, and to a large extent, she could represent the Black Grotto Cliff.

According to what she means, is she planning to form an alliance with Dan Ge?

Although there are many alchemists in the Dan Pavilion, their Black Grotto Cliffs are also not weak, and there are even strong spirit kings sitting behind them. Because of a Dan Pavilion, is it worth standing on the opposite side of forces such as Langya Que?

at the same time.

The skies over the decaying Shen family.

"Why, can you talk properly?" Henry Zhang smiled slightly as the wolf, who was gasping for breath, fell to his side like garbage.

"I admit that you are very strong. Maybe me and Lang Ba are no match for you, but the strength of Lang Yaque is beyond your imagination. Now let Lang Huo go, I can represent Lang Yaque, and I will not pursue it anymore. This matter." One of the elders said solemnly.

This time, there was no arrogance in his tone.

Thinking about the few palms before, with Lang Huo's dying body, he definitely couldn't bear it.

"Two wolf-toothed elders,

This matter cannot be let go! "

There was a group of figures in the distance, with expressions of anxiety and hatred on their faces.

"Our hall master died because of him, so we can't just let him go."

"That's right, he must be chopped into pieces!"

"In return, we can give away the treasury of Zhanfeng Palace!"

Every voice wanted to put Henry Zhang to death.

It is not difficult to see how much the members of Zhanfeng Palace want to use Lang Yaque's hand to get rid of Henry Zhang.

"This..." The two Langya Que elders looked at each other.

To some extent, Zhanfeng Palace can be regarded as a subsidiary force of Langya Que.

Ignoring the requests of these people will have a great negative impact on Langya Que in the future.

It is even possible to cause distraction.

"Not to mention that I forgot, the remnants of the Zhanfeng Palace are also a big trouble, two elders, don't you want me to let the wolf go, so now, let's level the Zhanfeng Palace."

As soon as Henry Zhang laughed lightly, the complexions of the elders and disciples of the Zhanfeng Palace changed, and even the two elders with wolf teeth were numb.

What Henry Zhang threw to them was a thorny problem.

Once the people in the Zhanfeng Palace are attacked, Langya Que's reputation will be severely damaged!


An ice-cold drink sounded from the sky, and then, an extraordinarily powerful coercion descended from the sky, making everyone shudder.

This kind of coercion can only be possessed by the high and powerful Spirit King!

"Give you three breaths, let go."

The voice without the slightest emotion reverberated in the sky, shaking the surrounding clouds to collapse, and a pair of indifferent eyes locked Henry Zhang from the void.

"Wolf Palace." Shen Liaocheng's face turned pale.

The spirit king behind Langya Que!

"If I don't let it go." Henry Zhang's smile remains the same, and others may be frightened, but he has seen no less than two strong spirit kings, and even the strong spirits have faced them indirectly, let alone A wolf palace.

At the edge of the Shenling sky that day, the Wolf Palace and the like could only be regarded as small roles.

"Henry Zhang, I don't want to say it for the second time." Wolf Palace spoke slowly, and the indifferent voice that came out made many people stagnate for breathing, and stared blankly at the figure holding Langhuo.

This person, is Henry Zhang?

That Henry Zhang who beheaded Baiyou and was a sixth-rank alchemist?

"Bang bang bang!"

Grabbing Langhuo's clothes, Henry Zhang quickly swept towards the damaged building, and a hideous crack was drawn straight out by Langhuo's body.

Gravel splashed.

Looking at this scene, many people took a light breath.

Henry Zhang, so courageous.

"You..." Langgong was stunned for a moment, and anger rose in his voice.


Lang Huo's dying body smashed the building into a big hole, Henry Zhang's speed soared, and he stepped on his chest to prevent him from falling, and then raised his head with a smile: "Wolf Palace, three breaths, or Tu Zhanfeng Palace, or you can collect the body of your precious son, which one do you choose?"

Staring at Henry Zhang, the wolf palace was breathing heavily.

It was the first time he was forced to do this.

If it wasn't for Ghost Nether Realm's regulations that the Ling King was not allowed to make a move, he would have to twist Henry Zhang into a twist.




In Henry Zhang's dark eyes, a sharp light flashed, and he raised his knees, making a gesture to push against Langhuo's abdomen.

With this blow, the wolf will die!

"Wolf punishment, wolf tyrant!"

The void was turbulent, and the Wolf Palace shouted coldly: "Zhanfeng Palace had a heart of rebellion against Langya Que a few months ago, and it has been betrayed many times since then, kill!"

Slightly stunned for a moment, the eyes of Lang Xing and Lang Ba turned cold, and the two lava black wolves burning with dark green flames rushed towards the crowd in Zhanfeng Palace.

"don't want!"

Looking at the lava black wolf rushing towards them, the faces of everyone in the Zhanfeng Palace were distorted.

Only then did they regret why they had encouraged Langya Que to deal with Henry Zhang just now.


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