Master of Beasts

Chapter 1083 Golden Scale Stone

The sharp dark green claws tore through the air as fast as lightning, blood shot out, severed limbs flew across, and shrill screams lingered in the sky.

"Forgive me!"

"Leave us alone!"

Regarding these begging sounds, Henry Zhang looked indifferent and unmoved, while the crowd of onlookers opened their mouths slightly and their eyes were shocked.

The Zhanfeng Palace, which had dominated Xueyou City for many years, was destroyed like this?

Compared with the shock of these people, Shen Ju, who was lying on the ground, was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and the thick color of fear filled his old face.


The sharp claws of the lava black wolf split a crumbling building in two, and the last elder of the Zhanfeng Palace was torn into pieces with a miserable smile on his face.

The Zhanfeng Palace has served Langya Que for so many years, but it ended in the end of all the families.


"Henry Henry, you are cruel enough." Being pushed heavily into the pothole of the building by Henry Zhang's knee, there was a venomous light in Langhuo's eyes.

Langya Que's reputation for being unkind and unrighteous will soon spread.

After this incident, they must be seriously injured!

"Your eyes are very annoying." With a light snap of his fingers, between Henry Zhang's two fingers, a gorgeous white lotus slowly rotated.

Just heard a swish.

Bai Lian got into Lang Huo's chest.

"What did you do to me!" Lang Huo's expression changed drastically.

"Of course I put some interesting things. If you dare to be my enemy in the future, your body will explode with a bang like an inflated energy ball." Henry Zhang smiled lightly, and Lang Huo's face instantly turned ashen.

Doesn't this mean that Henry Zhang will control his life and death in the future?

"get out."

With a wave of Henry Zhang's arm, Langhuo crossed a parabola and fell from the sky, taking over the wolf punishment and wolf bully from his body, his eyelids twitched at the same time.

Even if the spirit king gets rid of the things in Langhuo's body, it will take a long time.

"You are very courageous." Wolf Palace said indifferently.

"Don't dare." Henry Zhang shook his head and smiled.

In the ghost world, the spirit king can't make a move. It's all bullshit. The only thing that can really restrain the spirit king is the stronger spirit than them.

If Wolf Palace really wanted to kill him, it wouldn't care about those rules at all.

The reason why Wolf Palace didn't do anything should be because they had some concerns, or they were waiting for some opportunity.

"You won't be rampant for too long." Taking a deep look at Henry Zhang, the figure of Wolf Palace gradually became thinner, until it finally disappeared from the sky.

"Let's go." Lang Xing and Lang Ba snorted coldly, and left without looking back.

After a while.

A burst of breathing from the survivors of the catastrophe spread from the direction of the members of the Shen family, and each of them looked very grateful that the appearance of the wolf palace had brought them too much pressure.

"Get ready and leave Xueyou City." Landing below, Henry Zhang said to Shen Liaocheng and Shen Xue.

Although the Zhanfeng Palace has been removed, there are still dangers here.

It is not a wise move to stay in Xueyou City.

"Alright, I've been useless here for so long, if I stay any longer,

The vigor of the clansmen is almost wiped out. "Shen Liaocheng nodded with a sigh.

"What about you." Shen Xue pursed her lips lightly, her eyes were rather complicated.

"Dange has left Xingyun Peak for about two years. I want to go to Ziyang City to see if there is any need for help. If there is a chance, I will kill that old bastard Master Tan by the way. He is always thinking about it. Now, it’s hard for me to sleep well.” Henry Zhang laughed.

Looking at the seemingly free and easy Henry Zhang, Shen Xue suddenly felt a little empty in her heart.

In the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see each other again.

"This thing is for you." After a little hesitation, Shen Xue took off the pendant hanging around her fair neck, and said softly, "There is a snow-attribute spirit treasure sealed inside, your spirit beast, Should work."

Shen Liaocheng was slightly startled, and then sighed in his heart.

This item has been with Shen Xue for many years and has never been taken off.

Being able to give this thing as a gift, his daughter is in love with Henry Zhang.

"This is too precious, I..."

Among the gemstones of the pendant is a delicate snow wheel, Henry Zhang was talking, his pupils suddenly trembled.

In the middle of the snow wheel is a small gap.

That vacancy fit perfectly with the tip of Xueyou's Charming Snow Spear!

"Take it, I always have a feeling that this sealed Lingbao belongs to you." Shen Xue put the pendant in Henry Zhang's hand, her eyes rippling like water.


Without further refusal, Henry Zhang lightly clasped his palms and said with a smile: "I should go, you and seniors take care, if there is any trouble, remember to notify me with Nanyinling as soon as possible."


Two pairs of gorgeous white flame wings stretched out, Henry Zhang's spiritual power exploded under his feet, and when the ground collapsed, his body suddenly rose into the sky, turned into a dazzling rainbow, and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Practice more in the future, maybe you still have a chance to meet again." Unable to bear to see Shen Xue's lonely expression, Shen Liaocheng smiled and comforted, but in his heart, he was quite emotional.

It is difficult to catch up with Henry Zhang's footsteps.

"I will." Looking at the direction in which Henry Zhang left, Shen Xue shook her slender hand firmly, and the shadow of the past master of the Cangxue Pavilion kept overlapping with her.

Chop Wind Palace, above.

"The high-ranking Linghuang disciples, and the elders, are all dead?"

"Let's run away."

At this time, the dragons in the Zhanfeng Palace were headless, and they were like a mess. All the disciples of the Zhanfeng Palace were like headless flies, scurrying around in the Zhanfeng Palace.


A strong storm swept across the sky. Looking at Henry Zhang who landed, all the disciples stayed in place, as if their bodies had fallen into an ice cellar, not daring to move.

Gently wiping the sleeve robe that was stained with a little dust, Henry Zhang's indifferent voice rang in the ears of every disciple of Zhanfeng Palace.

"Ten breath time, get out."

Air, slightly condensed.

next moment.

Countless horrified cries erupted, and the Zhanfeng Palace, which was extremely chaotic before, disappeared in an instant, leaving it empty and deserted.

"Here, is the treasure house of the Zhanfeng Palace."

Suspended in front of an iron gate, Henry Zhang's eyes were slightly condensed, his right fist turned into white colored glaze, and swept out quickly like a streamer.


The solid iron gate shattered into a big hole in an instant.

"This iron gate has been blasted to pieces a long time ago. Xin Li thinks there will be no accidents, so he has been too lazy to repair it."

Walking slowly from the treasure house, Henry Zhang's eyes swept rapidly.

Although there are many items in the treasure house, to him, most of them are undoubtedly garbage.

So Xin Li would be interested.

"Star velvet grass, Bailian flower."

Boring to collect some elixir into the space stone, Henry Zhang's sight suddenly froze on the rock under the wooden frame: "This thing...isn't it a gold scale mine? That idiot Xin Li actually took this precious ore, Use it to pad a wooden frame? It's a waste of money!"

Stretching out his hand speechlessly, Henry Zhang's fingertips trembled uncontrollably, his body was extremely stiff.

Behind him, a breath that seems to be able to cut through the void appears and disappears from time to time...

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