Master of Beasts

Chapter 1122 Despair

"Do it!"

As soon as the young man's cold and stern voice fell, dozens of dark shadows suddenly shot out from the deep alley, surrounding and killing the young girl on the street with an extremely ferocious attitude.

"Be careful!"

The sky was surrounded by black shadows, standing beside Xueyuan, the old woman who had been smiling gently, her eyes suddenly turned cold: "Who are you, you dare to kill people in Ziyang City, how brave you are!"

"Naturally the one who wants to kill you." The young man standing at the entrance of the alley smiled lightly.

"It's just an eighth-order spirit emperor, nothing to worry about, kill!" In the sky, a man roared, the black bone python under him, the joints of the whole body twitched and cracked, and the smelly bloody mouth bit the small face. snow kite.

"Looking for death!" A purple light flickered from beside the old woman, and immediately I saw a slender body like a spar, tightly entwining the swooping black bone python, and the outstretched snow-white wings were extremely beautiful .

Amethyst Divine Feather Jiao, a rock-attribute spirit beast.


The body of the Amethyst Shenyu Jiao suddenly tightened, and the black bone python inside was twisted into an extremely eye-stimulating shape like a twist.

"Ninth level!" The man on the back of the black bone python turned pale in shock.

This old woman is not an eighth-rank Spirit Emperor at all.

She hides her strength!

"Do not!"

Amidst the heart-piercing screams, the black bone python and the man were strangled and exploded with a bang, and the black mist of blood drifted into the air.

"Xueyuan, ask Dan Pavilion for help!" the old woman turned her head and shouted anxiously.

Facing dozens of eighth-rank spirit emperors, she was not sure of victory.

What's more, the young man at the entrance of the alley is also a ninth-rank Linghuang.

"Want to find help?" The young man smiled evilly. Just as he was about to open the spiritual door and quickly deal with the old woman, a shocking explosion sounded from afar.


What followed was a raging wave of smoke and dust.

Many residents of Ziyang City,

They were all horrified to see that the Dan Tower standing tall in the center of the city was blown out of a huge gap.

Beside the tower, the dazzling thunder light flickered endlessly.

"Why, alchemist Zhong is here too?" The young man was taken aback, the alchemist he was talking about was naturally Zhong An.

"What happened?" The old woman looked shocked.

Someone is actually attacking Danlou!

"No matter what happens, it has nothing to do with you, a dead man." With a flick of the youth's sleeve robe, a pitch-black shadow brutally tore off a piece of crystal stone, and the bloody Amethyst Divine Feather Flood Dragon writhed in pain.

Behind the Amethyst Shenyu Jiao, a pitch-black leopard-shaped spirit beast, slightly lowered its body, staring at the prey's pupils, with a ferocious light flowing.

Ghost Dome Barbarian Leopard, ninth-level high-level Emperor Dome, dark attribute.

"Spiritual skill, Amethyst Crack!" Seeing that the Amethyst Divine Feather Flood Dragon was injured, the old woman was furious, and her heart sank. Today, it may be difficult to die well.

Under the pincer attack of the ninth-level imperial dome-level ghost dome barbarian leopard and several eighth-level spirit beasts, the amethyst divine feather quickly fell below, and pieces of gorgeous spar splashed everywhere.

As for Xueyuan standing on the street, she could only watch helplessly.

She has just broken through to the Spirit Emperor not long ago, how could she participate in a battle of this level.

the other side.


At the moment when Danlou was bombarded, a group of figures charged into the sky like lightning with the sound of breaking the wind, and the leader was always there, staring at Zhong An coldly: "Do you know what you are doing. "

"Eight Ninth-Rank Spirit Emperors? The speed of development of the Pill Pavilion is indeed beyond my expectation, but since I dare to come, of course I know what I'm doing." Zhong An laughed.

"Zhong'an, do you want to provoke a war between Dan Pavilion and Dan Tower!" Su Ze's angry figure appeared behind Feng Changzai, a strong man guarding his surroundings.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right." Looking at Su Ze with a smile, the Electromagnetic Thunder King next to Zhong An shot straight out, and the flying Thunder Mang condensed into a thunder gun, and assassinated Su Ze.

The so-called long-term planning and slow consumption are actually just a cover.

From the very beginning, Zuo Yansi and Zhong An wanted to attack Dan Ge directly.

However, there are many people in Danlou, so it is inevitable that there will be a few rebels. If they know about it, then there is no possibility of success in the current sudden attack.

Even Qi Wei, who was sent to assassinate Xue Yuan, was kept in the dark by him.

As for hunting those alchemists, it was just a cover-up, otherwise, he would never be able to sneak into Ziyang City so easily, and cast this unexpected blow.


Hua Wen's eyes were cold, and a Cangyu Lingwei holding a long spear rushed out of him in an instant, and the point of the pierced spear collided with the sharp thunder gun precisely.


The thunderbolts scattered, and the nearby space was in turmoil.

Just when everyone's attention was focused on Cangyu Lingwei and Electromagnetic Thunder King.


The spiritual power in the sky exploded one after another, and a giant rock fist that seemed to come from ancient times slowly landed. Large areas of space, like a clear mirror, burst into cracks.

That speed, seemingly slow, is actually extremely fast.

All the spiritual masters in Ziyang City saw in a daze at this moment that the giant fist covered with moss fell from the sky in a shocking way.

"Throne level spirit beast..." Some people's lips trembled uncontrollably.

To be able to possess such coercion must be far beyond the Emperor Qiong level.

There is only one explanation for that.

This is a throne-level spirit beast!

"Pavilion Master, let's go!" Hua Wen turned around and shouted.

"I can't get away." Su Ze had a bitter expression on his face. The space they were in had already been completely blocked, like the solid ice of a river layer, so that the fish swimming below could only move within a limited range.

When this punch falls, it is unknown how many people will be killed.

The giant fist landed with a bang, and the throats of the dozens of figures shrouded were all dry. At this moment, their minds became empty.

Are you going to die here?

"Isn't it a throne-level spirit beast? Let me fight!" Driven a little crazy by the oppressive atmosphere, a ninth-level spirit emperor let out a voice angrily. .

"Spiritual skill, fire phoenix spin!"

The fiery cloud and fire phoenix swept into the air, spinning rapidly, and beams of fire spread out from behind it, entering in an instant, as if a sea of ​​burning flames appeared in the sky.

That momentum is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.



The giant rock fist pressed down indifferently, and the sea of ​​flames collapsed in an instant. Lie Yunhuofeng, who wanted to escape, was crushed into a cloud of blood before he could move his body.

The bloody phoenix feathers fell down.

Lifting their heads blankly, the hearts of all Dan Pavilion powerhouses sank to the bottom of the valley little by little.

"It's over..."

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