Master of Beasts

Chapter 1123 Throne-level power

"Governor Su, do you still want to struggle?" Zhong An said with a faint smile as he stretched out his two fingers and pinched a fire feather between them.

"What do you want?" Su Ze's face was livid, and he quietly crushed a rune with the palm hidden behind him.

That is the sound transmission note.

"What do I think, don't you know?" Zhong An laughed jokingly: "Only if you die, Zuo Yansi and I can feel at ease, so, naturally, I will kill you."

While speaking, Zhong An took the Electromagnetic Thunder King together and retreated.

The giant rock fist in the sky was still slowly smashing down, and the sound of crushing the air was like a breathtaking spell, making everyone's faces pale.

If this fist falls, the Linghuang will die!

"Fight!" Hua Wen yelled, in the eyes of all the strong men, there was also a look of madness rising, and none of them were made of mud to get to this point.

Big deal, the fish will die and the net will be broken!

"Want to work hard?" Zhong An sneered, in front of the Spirit King, no matter how many Spirit Emperors there were, it would be useless, a throne-level spirit beast could easily explode everything.

"Let's go." Su Ze let out a voice slowly, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"His target is me, and it has nothing to do with you. Only when you are alive can the Pill Pavilion survive. When Brother Xiao comes back, he will avenge me." Su Ze glanced at the crowd expressionlessly.

"Are you talking about Henry Zhang?" Zhong An's face was full of sarcasm. He had heard a lot about Henry Zhang's deeds, but how could a Linghuang compete with the Lingwang?

Even if Henry Zhang came in person, there was only one way to die.

"Let me go!"

Amid Su Ze's roar, everyone looked at each other, gritted their teeth and landed. The giant fist that fell instantly enveloped Su Ze, and finally smashed directly into the ground, causing gravel and sand to fly up together.

"Pavilion Master!" Hua Wen's eyes trembled, and anger and sorrow also appeared on the faces of the others.

Even Lie Yunhuofeng of the ninth rank of Emperor Qiong could not withstand this punch, let alone Su Ze.

"This black tower looks like an eyesore, let's destroy it together." Zhong An smiled, the arm of the rock that smashed into the ground suddenly swayed, and the pitch-black Dan Tower

It crumbled into pieces all over the sky.

After destroying the Dan Pavilion, the speed of the rock arm remained unabated, and it bombarded Xiang Huawen and others.

At the moment when the rock arm was about to kill everyone.

"Ask Tianhuang, it's okay, let's stop."

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded from the void, and the rock arm, carrying fine sand and stones, quickly retracted, as if it had never appeared before.

Ask Tianhuang?

Everyone's hearts trembled uncontrollably. The Huang Wang, who was once one of the eight great spirit kings in the Northern Territory, asked Tian Huang? No wonder that arm looks so familiar!

Ten years ago, the Desolate King had an appointment to fight against the Snow King, who was also one of the Eight Great Spirit Kings. After the defeat, there was no news of it, and it was said that he was seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, now he is actually committed to the Pill Tower!

Looking down at the messy ground below and the sky and the ground, Zuo Yansi, who was falling straight down to those anxious alchemists, opened his mouth slowly, and his voice could be heard for thousands of miles.

"I declare that Dan Pavilion will be disbanded from now on."

"Why! Disband if you say disband? Wait for Brother Xiao to come..." An alchemist who walked out of Xingyun Peak shouted angrily, but the next moment, his body was covered by a long flame stick. , violently blasting.

That bloody scene was extremely exciting.


The flame-burning spirit beast floated behind Zuo Yansi. Its wide wings were filled with fiery flames. The long stick it held in its hand was like a red iron. The figure under the wings looked like a monstrous monkey.

"Cang Lian Fire Demon!" The staff of the Pill Pavilion were filled with anger, and at the same time, they also felt a sense of powerlessness. After all, the Pill Pavilion is a new force, how can it compete with the deep-rooted Pill Pavilion?


Glancing at the bursting blood mist, Zuo Yansi said again: "If someone interrupts me again, it will end like this. As I said, the Pill Pavilion will be disbanded. The alchemists who are willing to join the Pill Pavilion, as well as Linghuang Qiang All of them can receive different degrees of preferential treatment, and those who are unwilling to join must either leave Ghost Nether Realm, or be killed by us."

"As for how to choose, you make your own decisions."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Yansi stood on the giant rock fist and left quietly with the Cang Lian Fire Demon. Zhong An looked at the crowd with a smile and followed closely.

The people in Danlou came and went quickly, leaving only the messy buildings and ground, and a few puddles of glaring blood.

"Bastard!" Hua Wen clenched his fists tightly, gnashing his teeth, and the eyes of many alchemists and Linghuang powerhouses were also extremely cold.

This is an insult to Dange!

However, there were also some people whose eyes started to turn, looking at Huawen and Zhongqiang's eyes, a subtle light flashed across them.

Danlou is indeed stronger than Dange. Joining Danlou may not be the right choice.

On the street a hundred miles away, when the giant fist landed, a black claw smashed the body of the Amethyst God Feather Dragon into broken crystals and flew around.

Amethyst Divine Feather Flood Dragon, fall!

"Xueyuan, go!" the old woman vomited blood, shouted with disheveled hair.

"You are with me." Despite the fear in her heart, Xueyuan still did not leave, in her heart, the old woman was already like her relatives, how could she abandon the old woman and leave.

"You still want to go?" The corner of the young man's mouth twitched slightly, and the ghost vault leopard shot violently, slapping its claws at Xueyuan's petite body, and the people surrounding Xueyuan laughed loudly.


Blood splatter.

A drop of blood splashed on her face, Xue Yuan stood there in a daze, the body of the old woman in front of her was completely penetrated by the paws of the ghost dome barbarian, and she couldn't survive.

"Go..." the old woman mourned.


Gui Qiong barbarian leopard's sharp claws swung fiercely, and the old woman's body was instantly torn apart. Standing in front of Xue Yuan, the young man wiped the dagger in his hand, and said with a smile: "To be honest, I really don't want to kill you."

"Qi Wei, anyway, the Pill Pavilion is dead, so why bother to kill her, I've grown up, and I've never tasted the taste of a fifth-grade alchemist!" A man laughed wildly.

"What you said seems to make sense." Clutching Xue Yuan's shoulders, the young man named Qi Wei locked her spiritual power, threw it on the back of Gui Qiong Barbarian Leopard, and said with a sneer: "Centured insects, die and die." Don't be stiff, the strong man in Dange is coming here, let's go first."

Accompanied by a gust of wind, everyone followed Qi Wei and left immediately. Xue Yuan, who was misty in her eyes, slowly let go of her little hand, and a piece of clean white paper drifted away from her clothes in the wind.

The paper was full of beautiful handwriting.

Every line is that day, in Henry Zhang's room, she was grinding the alchemy experience he told.

With the departure of the people from Danlou, Ziyang City slowly fell into dead silence.

The cracked earth, the shattered alchemy building, and the frost-faced alchemists and spirit emperor powerhouses formed a depressing and gloomy picture.

(Don’t be so quick to spray, everyone, I’ve never been guilty of literary youth when writing articles, and I suddenly abused them a few times.

Depression is only temporary, it is impossible to be smooth sailing all the time, and you will feel refreshed soon)

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