Master of Beasts

Chapter 1124 The Collapsed Pill Pavilion

Dan Pavilion suffered heavy damage and was facing the news of its disbandment. It spread like a twelfth-level hurricane. Not only Ziyang City, but also spiritual masters in several surrounding towns heard the news.

Some people were surprised, some couldn't believe it, some gloated, and some... There was a deep greed in their hearts.

The Dan Pavilion is dead, and the Pill Tower should be established. They have their own choice as to which side they should please.

Moreover, at the time of Dan Pavilion's existence and death, it is in danger. They only need to add a little fire, and they can easily destroy it. It's theirs.

This temptation is not insignificant!

The sky above the broken pill building.

Following the departure of Zuo Yansi and others, the members of the Dan Pavilion fell into a depressing silence. After thinking for a moment, some people gave everyone a cold look, and left in the direction of Danlou.

There's the first who takes the lead, soon there's the second, the third...

"I kindly advise you that Dan Pavilion is over, even if Henry Zhang comes back, this situation cannot be saved. If you are a little smarter, you can go to Danlou with me, otherwise, you will wait to die with these idiots." Before leaving, some people sneered and left a sentence, which made those who were not determined shake their resolve.

Among these people who kept rebelling, there were alchemists, and there were also powerful spirit emperors.

"I came to Pill Pavilion only for the pill, and I also fulfilled my duty as a guest. I owe nothing to Pill Pavilion, so I bid farewell." A ninth-rank Linghuang rose into the sky indifferently, and quickly flew away. go.

"These bastards!" Hua Wen was angry.

When Su Ze was alive, He never treated these people badly, but now, they repay in this way.

They are simply a bunch of unfamiliar white sheep eyes!

What's more, before defecting to Danlou, he took away some items in Dan Pavilion, and then swaggered away, the ridicule on his face was quite dazzling.

Looking at the side of the Pill Pavilion where the figures were much sparser, many people in Ziyang City sighed quietly in their hearts.

Dan Pavilion, has it been destroyed?

"Patriarch Feng, Patriarch Ye, you go too." Hua Wen's dry voice came out, but Feng Chang was waiting for others, but he shook his head slowly,

Including Patriarch Ye, who had not been planted with fire lotus, from beginning to end, he did not move away a step.

"What?" Hua Wen tightened his hold on the spear, and asked in a desolate voice.

"I'm betting." Feng Changzai's face was surprisingly calm.

He bet Henry Zhang that he can resolve this crisis safely.

The bet was lost, and the Feng family was wiped out.

If you win the bet, you will reach the sky in one step.

"My life was given by Pavilion Master Xiao. Without him, I wouldn't be able to live today. At worst, I should return my life to him." Patriarch Ye said slowly.

"Okay, it's a big deal, we and Danlou are dead!" With madness in his eyes, Hua Wen said harshly.

The moment Huawen's voice just fell.

"Hey, I'm not dead yet, why did the Pavilion Master become Brother Xiao?"

A weak voice suddenly sounded from behind, the pupils of Hua Wen and the others trembled suddenly, they turned their heads quickly, and a figure in embarrassment was standing behind them.

If they were not too familiar with the owner of the voice, they would never have recognized that this dusty and blood-stained young man would be Su Ze.

"You're not dead?" Hua Wen was stunned, and the eyes of the others were also particularly dull.

"Why, do you still expect me to die?" Su Ze gritted his teeth in pain, and took a breath. If it wasn't for the fact that there was an earth escape talisman in his space boundary stone, he would definitely die today.

"Pavilion Master, it's easy to handle if you are still alive, we..." Hua Wen said quickly, if Su Ze was in charge, the situation of Dan Pavilion should be stabilized quickly.

"What are you panicking?" Covered in mud, Su Ze sneered, "If Zuo Yansi knew that I wasn't dead, he wouldn't be able to kill me. As for those who want to leave, let them go. Brother Xiao said, Dan Pavilion has never been short of people, and when he comes back, some of these people will regret it."

"Will he be able to deal with it?" Hua Wen was a little worried.

Although after being defeated by the Snow King, Wen Tianhuang's strength plummeted, and he could only display the power of a first-order spirit king, but the gap between the spirit emperor and the spirit king was like a gap that could not be bridged.

"Yes." Su Ze said calmly.

He has unconditional trust in Henry Zhang.

"In another half a day, brother Xiao will rush back to Ziyang City. Before that, no one should spread the news that I am alive. Also, the guardian of Xueyuan has died. Feng Changzai, Tongguan, you We must ensure her safety at all costs."

"Shua Shua!"

Several figures got up and rushed out, they looked extremely inconspicuous in the chaotic Ziyang City.

"Next, just wait and see the good show." Looking at the figures rushing towards Danlou, there was a trace of cold light in Su Ze's eyes. He believed that with Henry Zhang's character, he would definitely make these rebellious, Pay a terrible price.

million miles away.


The sound transmission talisman in his hand was shattered, Henry Zhang's complexion suddenly turned cold, he spread his palms, and the tenth spiritual gate was quickly outlined, and the Sky Sword Master, whose breath was slightly unstable, stepped in front of him.

"I need your help." Henry Zhang said in a deep voice.


Without any hesitation, the sharp sword in the sword master's hand pointed straight ahead, and a powerful storm of sword energy whizzed around it, and immediately carried Henry Zhang, turning into a bright sword light, and shuttled under the sky.

That speed is extremely fast.

"Danlou, you guys are so courageous. I didn't bother you, but you bullied me. If Danlou dies, I want your entire Danlou to pay for it!" In Henry Zhang's dark eyes, cold The bitter chill condensed.

How about Zuo Yansi?

So what about Tianhuang.

Today, Danlou will perish!

Just when Ziyang City was mostly empty because of Zuo Yansi's words, three powerful forces flew out from different towns and quickly gathered towards Ziyang City.

"Master Bing, people from the Great Rizong, Qianrentang, and Fengxiao Mansion are coming here!" A member of the Law Enforcing Hall who suddenly appeared said with a trembling voice.

Da Rizong, Qianrentang, Fengxiao Mansion, which one is not a power that dominates one side, if you take out any one, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with some small forces.

There is only one purpose for them to come.

Grab the resources of Dan Pavilion!

"These bastards!" Hua Wen scolded.

"How many people did they come, how many high-level spirit emperors are there?" Fang Ziling asked after receiving Su Ze's signal.

"Twenty-one ninth-level spirit emperors, fifty eighth-level spirit emperors, and hundreds of seventh-level spirit emperors." Cold sweat broke out on the man's forehead.

Hearing this, Hua Wen and the others changed countenance.

This kind of power can easily destroy the Dan Pavilion today!

"Hurry up and let innocent people gather towards us. This group of lawless beasts will definitely kill civilians wantonly." Su Zehan said.

"It's too late." The man had a bitter expression.


An explosion sounded, and the three walls of Ziyang City were smashed to pieces by a huge monster with a gesture of contempt.

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