Master of Beasts

Chapter 1207 Battle of the Four Clans

"Do something to my disciple, old guy, how many lives do you have?"

Standing in front of Shi Tong, Xue Wang stretched out a finger indifferently, and Shi Tong's rushing body immediately froze there, unable to advance an inch, and then, unconcealable horror flooded his face.

He punched with all his strength.

Snow King easily blocked it with only one finger?

"So strong!" Shi Qiao was shocked.

As a strong Spirit King, he could vaguely feel how unfathomable the Snow King was, not to mention Shi Gu, even the old immortal from the Shi family was not so powerful.


Shi Yao's heart trembled suddenly.

The old man just said that Shi Tong is his disciple?

"Who is he?" The smile dissipated on their faces, and Shi Kun and the others' scalps felt numb for a while. The reason why they dared to be so rampant in Shi's house probably depended on Shi Gu.

Right now, the strong man who suddenly appeared, unexpectedly received Shi Gu's heavy blow without any effort?


Withdrawing his fist, Shi Gu took a few steps back, and said in a concentrated voice: "This is my Shi family's business, it has nothing to do with you, please give Shi some face, and I will thank you in the future."

"Didn't you understand what I said?"

Glancing at Shi Gu indifferently, the thunderous voice of the Snow King spread rumblingly: "Shi Tong is my only disciple. I will teach him his formation. Can you hear me clearly?"

Her body staggered, Concubine Xu's lips trembled, and her mind seemed to be bombarded by thunder.

Snow King, is Shi Tong's master?

What did she miss?

Endless remorse welled up in her heart, and Concubine Xu was full of despair. Although she was only Lingpan, judging from the expressions of everyone, she also knew who was stronger and who was weaker between Shi Gu and Snow King.

Moreover, Shi Gu and Shi Xingyu are only related by blood.

And Snow King is Shi Tong's master!


This matter is Gu Mou's abruptness, I will not intervene again. The corner of his mouth twitched a few times, Shi Gu cupped his hands at Snow King, and backed away slowly.


Looking at Shi Gu indifferently, Xue Wang said calmly: "After talking, you can go to die."

"Senior, I have quit, why bother to be aggressive!"

Seeing that Snow King raised his hand, he didn't intend to let him go, Shi Gu's face became a little ferocious: "Since you insist on killing me, then you can't blame me, Yanpan Serpent, kill!"

A ruthless snake head rose from behind Shi Gu, and the round body of the Rock Serpent rushed upwards quickly. Every part of the body was like an independent spherical stone.

When it is fully upright, the height of its body is like a towering rock tower.

That gesture is shocking.


After the roar came out, the Rock Serpent swooped down suddenly, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the Snow King fiercely, as if it wanted to swallow him in one bite.

Looking at the Rock Serpent indifferently, Snow King swiped his index finger, and a bright ring appeared in front of him.

The ring expanded and turned into a size of ten feet, and then with a swish, it passed around the rock snake, and the rock snake disappeared.

"No more?" Shi Qiao's expression was dull.

Not a sound.

Not a trace of blood.

Everything looked so peaceful.

However, it is this kind of calm that is even more shocking!

"He is Tong'er's master?" Shi Bujing was so excited that he was about to pass out. When did his son have such a powerful backer?

"He is the Snow King, the most powerful formation mage in the Northern Territory." Henry Zhang smiled.

Hearing this, Shi Bujing trembled violently.

He didn't know what the Snow King represented.

But the most powerful array mage in the Northern Territory is enough to make him understand that his son's backer is more powerful and terrifying than what he sees on the surface!

"Senior, I would like to offer everything I have, please..."

Ignoring Shi Gu's begging for mercy, the ring bombarded down, shaking the entire stone platform and imprinting a deep ring on the ground.

Shi Gu, Meteor!

"Senior!" Shi Qiao hurriedly cupped his hands, his attitude was more respectful than before Henry Zhang.

too strong.

Even that old man from the Shi family might not be able to compete with Snow King!

"Disciple, revenge for revenge."

With his hands behind his back, Snow King was calm and composed.


A sneer appeared on Shi Tong's face, and Shi Tong walked slowly towards Shi Xingyu. Seeing this, Concubine Xu hurriedly fled to the side, fearing that Shi Tong would kill him.

"Shi Tong, we are of the same clan, we are related by blood, you won't kill me, right." On Shi Xingyu's face, there was a smile uglier than crying.

"After you slap me in front of so many people, have you ever thought that we are from the same clan? When you withheld my resources, have you ever thought that we are from the same clan!"


He raised his hand and knocked Shi Xingyu to the ground. Shi Tong grasped his palm, and a sharp guillotine fell from the sky, directly facing Shi Xingyu.

"No!" Shi Xingyu yelled miserably.

He doesn't want to die.

He is a genius of the Shi family!

"Little beast, how dare you!" Shi Kun's eyes were about to burst.


When the guillotine fell, Shi Xingyu's body was split into two, and the bright red blood flowed out, exhausting the stone power of the depression in his chest, and shouted: "Brother, good job!"

"Next, it's you."

After receiving a dharma formation from Snow King, Shi Tong formed a seal with both hands, and the dharma formation expanded rapidly, turning into a light lotus transformed by sword energy.


The light lotus spun and split, and the dense sharp sword energy pierced through Shi Kun and others in an instant, and all the Shi family members who took pleasure in bullying the branch people fell to the ground.


Holding the spinning lotus in his hand, Shi Tong closed his eyes and let out a long breath. The obsession he had been pressing in his heart finally dissipated.

In the future, he will practice the formation again, and it will be smoother.

"Good kill!"

"These bloody bastards!"

Looking at the corpses lined up, the branch people roared loudly, and what's more, their eyes started to turn red. They dreamed that they wanted to kill these bastards.

Unexpectedly, Shi Tong did it!

"Master, thank you very much." Shi Tong turned around and said respectfully.

"You call me master, how can I treat you badly." Xue Wang looked at Shi Qiao, and said calmly: "Now, you can announce the result and let me, this disciple, be the successor of the Patriarch of the Shi family."


Raising his head, Shi Jie said decisively: "Senior, I am old, and if I don't devote myself to cultivation, I am afraid it will be difficult to break through. I have decided to abdicate immediately, and Shi Tong will take over as the head of the family. I, Shi Jie, will definitely assist with all my strength."

"You are not stupid."

Snow King shook his head and smiled: "I don't worry about your affairs, but even though I am Shi Tong's master, I won't interfere with you at Wanlong Mountain. understand."

"Yes!" Shi Qiao nodded happily.

It is enough to have the words of Snow King.

The handover of the patriarch was carried out quickly under Shi Qiao's arrangement. After receiving the token of the Patriarch of the Shi family, Shi Tong was filled with emotion. If he hadn't met Henry Zhang, what would his fate be like.

"Shi Tong, congratulations on becoming the Patriarch of the Shi Family." Concubine Xu came over and smiled attentively.

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Shi Tong looked at Concubine Xu indifferently.

"Don't you like me? Don't you go to Heiyunzhai to fight the gangsters for me? I can marry you right now." Concubine Xu's face was full of expectation.

"You shameless woman!" Shi Li was so angry that his chest was about to explode.

It was the first time he had seen such a brazen person.

"Who are you?" Shi Jie frowned slightly.

"I'm Concubine Xu, Shi Tong has liked me for a long time." Concubine Xu looked over quickly.

"Not allowed."

Shi Jie said coldly: "The wife of the head of the family, how can it be such a vase, a fourth-order spirit? Is this trying to shame the Shi family?"

"Shi Tong likes me, what does it have to do with you." Concubine Xu showed anger.

"Let me ask you, Shi Tong is the Linghuang, are you worthy?"


"Shi Tong is a fifth-rank formation mage, are you worthy?"

Concubine Xu's face turned ashen.

"Shi Tong's master is the pinnacle of the seventh-rank array mage, are you worthy?"

Concubine Xu's complexion was ugly, she just wanted to reconcile with Shi Tong because of this, but suddenly found that she was not qualified to match Shi Tong at all.

"Shi Tong, come here." Snow King said indifferently: "How can my disciple's wife be so mediocre? If your wife is not a strong spirit king, don't call me your master in the future."

"Yes." Shi Tong said respectfully.

Hearing this, Concubine Xu's face turned pale.

Snow King's words undoubtedly declared that he would never accept Concubine Xu.

"From now on, you are not allowed to set foot in Shi's house, and everything you get from Shi's house must be returned in full. Get lost." Shi Tong said coldly.

"You really..." Concubine Xu still wanted to pretend to be pitiful.


Shi Tong's spiritual power erupted, and Concubine Xu was so frightened that she almost fell down.

She finally knows.

There is no more chance for her to become a dragon and a phoenix. In the future, she will become that poor, useless, bullied person again, and this time, no one will save her again.

Turning around sadly and leaving, Concubine Xu's heart was full of remorse.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

From the beginning to the end, Shi Tong didn't even look at her.

This woman will have nothing to do with him in the future.

Time flies by like a white horse passing by.

This is already the fifth day after the end of the Shi Family War.

Walking out of the room, Henry Zhang faced the withered dead leaves and walked slowly towards the front of Shijiamen.

"The battle of the four clans is finally about to begin."

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