Master of Beasts

Chapter 1208

In front of the Shi family, there were dense crowds of people, including Shi Qiao, all the elders had extremely serious expressions. It is still unknown how many pieces of the Shi family's medicine field will be left after today.

The younger generation of the Shi family is stronger than the Shi family.

The foreign aid he found was equally powerful.

After all, the Shi family has a profound background, and the conditions offered are not known to be much richer than the Shi family's. Maybe there is a strong Lingwang who comes here especially for the name.

Even with Henry Zhang, Shi Jie and others don't think they can win.

Once it fails, at least ten medicine fields will fall into the hands of the Shi family.

That blow was undoubtedly unbearable for the Shi family.

"Everyone, please!"

Shi Qiao bowed his hands to several foreign players, and said in a deep voice.

Although the position of Patriarch has been inherited by Shi Tong, there are many ways to learn it, which cannot be learned in a few days. The current large-scale affairs are still handled by Shi Tong.

For example, the current battle of the four clans.

"Patriarch Shi, please rest assured!" Several foreign aids returned the gift.

As long as they win a game, they can get an Emperor Qiong Pill. This temptation is not insignificant. They will fight for it even if they risk their lives.


Amidst Shi Yao's shouts, countless figures rushed up to the sky, turned into streams of light, and swept towards the central area of ​​Wanlong Mountain.

There is an astonishingly large stone platform called Wanlong Terrace.

A golden dragon is engraved on the edge of the platform. The entire platform is made of white star stone, which is so hard that it is said that even a fourth-order throne-level spirit beast cannot be destroyed.

Around the stone platform, there are people everywhere.

In addition to the four major families, there were also countless people who came to watch the excitement.

"Patriarch Yi!"

"Patriarch Shi!"

"Become the head of the family!"

When the masters meet,

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone's expressions were quite worried. The strength of the Shi family made it impossible for them to resist.

In the last battle of the four clans, each clan still received twenty-five medicine fields.

After the war, the Shi family had 40 yuan, and the three of them had only 20 yuan left.

Don't look at the mere five yuan, the loss caused is immeasurable.

The medicine field in Wanlong Mountain contains a special substance that can shorten the growth time of elixir, and some elixir that is difficult to survive in the outside world can also be cultivated.

For each medicine field, the spiritual jade obtained from the annual transaction is as high as one million.

Twenty yuan is twenty million.

Twenty million spiritual jades is indeed terrifyingly large for an individual, but the four major families have great fortunes, and each clan has as many as one hundred thousand people.

How many people are one hundred thousand?

Moreover, the spiritual jade needed for cultivation by the young generation is astonishingly large,

Twenty pieces of elixir grown in the medicine field can only barely support the cultivation of the clansmen.

If it is less, their family's property will collapse completely. After that, they will even need to reduce the supply of cultivation resources for the clansmen. The consequences will undoubtedly be very serious.

"Patriarch Yi, are you sure?" Patriarch Cheng asked.

"Xuan." The Patriarch of the Yi family shook his head and smiled wryly: "The young generation is not up to the mark. The strongest one is the eighth-level Linghuang. The foreign aid he found is only two ninth-level. Not to mention the time and space of the Shi family. I have already stepped into the ninth level, and I heard that the Shi family has recruited a spirit king-level foreign aid this time, alas!"

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the married family also showed a sad face.

His situation is not much better than the Yi family.

Standing behind Shi Jie, Henry Zhang nodded slightly to You Haoxuan, who was in the foreign aid of the Cheng family. The Menglin brought by You Haoxuan should not have shown his strength, otherwise, the owner of the Cheng family would not be so worried.

"Where's your Shi family?" The head of the Yi family asked.

"I'm sure, keep twelve medicine fields." Shi Jie smiled wryly.

Ten yuan is not to participate in the competition.

The other two are Henry Zhang.

"Sit down." The Patriarch of the Cheng family sat down with a cold expression on his face. If he really lost all five battles, then he could only take the family with him and find another place.

Staying in Jiulong Mountain again, sooner or later he will face disaster.

The three major families took their seats in their respective positions.

"follow me."

On the side of the Yi family, Ji Jianli gestured to Henry Zhang, turned around and disappeared into the crowd, Henry Zhang simply said something to Shi Jie, and squeezed out of the dark crowd.

Behind the sea of ​​people.

You Haoxuan and Ji Jianli have been waiting for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Henry Zhang asked curiously.

"The Shi family is coming soon, and most of their strong men will leave the Shi family. I want to take advantage of the emptiness inside the Shi family to go in and look for my clan sister. Maybe I can gain something." You Haoxuan's voice was dignified, the old laziness, On him, it was completely gone.


Without any hesitation, several people set off immediately.

Around the stone platform, a smiling middle-aged man came with a group of strong men, and sat in the most conspicuous position, including the Shi family headed by Shi Gang.

Regarding the departure of Henry Zhang and the others, no one paid attention to the huge Wanlong Terrace.

Shijia is located in the western area of ​​Wanlong Mountain.

The security here is quite strict. A famous family member patrols day and night. Even the outermost ones are fifth-order spirit emperors. This is very rare in Wanlong Mountain where the strong cannot compare with the ghost domain.


The sixth-order spirit emperor, the seventh-order spirit emperor...

The closer you get to Shi's house, the stronger the patrolling warriors become.

"Speaking of which, why did the Shi family arrest your clan sister?" Henry Zhang asked in surprise, bypassing several patrolling teams of the Shi family.

"Didn't Ji Jianli tell you?"

You Haoxuan said in a low voice: "My younger sister is the same as me, both of the phantom attribute. Three years ago, she accidentally got a powerful phantom attribute spirit beast, Sha Luotong. This kind of spirit beast, once the spiritual master concludes the spirit contract , unless the spiritual master cancels it himself, even Sha Luotong, who has no master, will not accept other people's spiritual contracts."

"The reason why the Shi family arrested my sister is to get this rare spirit beast. Of course, part of the reason is to test whether I will come to rescue her. However, the possibility of this is very small."

"The Shi family is in Wanlong Mountain. It is indeed a local overlord, but it is nothing in the center of the Northern Territory. They don't know my situation."

Hearing this, Henry Zhang nodded silently.

Sure enough, it is related to interests.

In the distance, several towering buildings gradually appeared in sight, among them, a black pavilion was extremely eye-catching.

"I sent people from Jianmen to inquire. It is the mansion of the Shi family. That store stores most of the resources of the Shi family. It is said that there is a strong man named Lingwang sitting in the town. As for the pavilion."

Ji Jianli's eyes narrowed slightly: "No one can get close, since the Shi family didn't want Wanlongshan to let Wanlongshan know what they really wanted when the You family was wiped out, they would definitely keep Ji Jianli's clan sister under strict supervision. I guess, there must be some shady secrets in that pavilion."

Black attic.

It is the primary goal of the three of them!

Flashing past a group of patrolling strong men, Henry Zhang and the three concealed their breath, wrapped in robes of the same color as the ground, and slowly sneaked towards the location of the pavilion.

Just when they were about to push open the door of the pavilion.


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