Master of Beasts

Chapter 1245 Cang Yaoguang King

An Yuan's angry voice, like thunder, echoed endlessly in the sky, and the Linghuang below, and some weaker Lingwang, hurriedly fled to the distance.

A spirit beast like Anyuan condenses the spirit king who is the origin of half of the throne. For them, they are invincible.

Although only half way.

That is also the source of the throne!

"Boy, what I hate the most are people with sharp teeth."

An Yuan said darkly: "Don't think that our young people in the Eastern Territory are all trash like Bei Mingji. After defeating you, I will break off your teeth one by one!"

Bei Mingji's face was extremely stiff, and a strong killing intent flowed from his heart.

If he can successfully condense the essence of the throne, An Yuan will definitely die!

"King Cang Yaoguang!"

Amidst An Yuan's cold and stern voice, dazzling light bloomed in front of him, a spirit beast with broad wings of light, covered in gorgeous light armor, standing like a human.

Behind it, a perfectly round light bead floated along with it.

Cang Yaoguang King, the third-rank high throne class, light attribute.

"call out!"

As soon as he appeared, King Cang Yaoguang's right fist blasted the air fiercely, and swung it towards Henry Zhang, and the ear-piercing sonic boom sounded continuously.

What greeted it was a Lei Mang's swaying sole.

Fist and kick met, King Cang Yaoguang and Master Lei retreated at the same time, but King Cang Yaoguang retreated thirty steps, while Master Lei retreated forty steps.

The difference in power between the two is evident.

"It turns out that's all there is to it. Bei Mingji was defeated by someone like you because of his incompetence."

An Yuan smiled proudly: "Lei Dishi is best at attacking with his legs. Unfortunately, the gap between him and King Cang Yaoguang is too huge, and my King Cang Yaoguang has not yet used the power of the throne. This punch, Just let your Lei Dishi become Lei Mang and dissipate!"

On the tightly clenched right fist, the light surged, Cang Yaoguang King rushed out, and hit Lei Dishi's chest heavily, the fist grazed, and the air was annihilated.

Spiritual skill, Fierce Sun Fist!

This punch is the pinnacle of King Cang Yaoguang's strength!


The thunder light on his right foot condensed, Lei Dishi soared into the sky, stepped down obliquely, and hit together firmly with the fist of Cang Yaoguang King, the violent spiritual power that spread to the surroundings shattered the space layer by layer.


An Yuan sneered, the smile froze immediately.

The one who flew out was actually King Cang Yaoguang!

"The origin of the throne?"

Several strong young men from the Eastern Region couldn't believe it. Hua Wushuang's eyes narrowed into a slit.

The first-order throne-level spirit beast actually has the origin of the throne.

Still a complete one!

Henry Zhang must have had a great opportunity!

"There are also spirit beasts with thunder attributes?"

Bei Mingji's heart twitched, he thought that the rock-horned dragon rhinoceros was Henry Zhang's strongest spirit beast, but now it seems that Master Lei Di is the one.

Yesterday, before he told Xi Yi that his head was crushed, he got a lot of news that Master Leidi possessed a spirit treasure transformed from a mysterious beast!

Whether An Yuan can beat Henry Zhang is still two things to say.

Of course, what he hopes most is for the two to perish together, and it is best for both of them to die.

After retreating tens of thousands of feet, Cang Yaoguang's figure barely stopped, his hanging right arm trembled slightly, and the strength of Master Lei's footsteps was really strong.

"The complete source of the throne."

A hint of jealousy flashed across An Yuan's eyes: "Don't think that defeating King Cang Yaoguang means that your Leidi teacher has the upper hand. What King Cang Yaoguang is good at is not strength!"

Standing up, King Cang Yaoguang raised his hands slightly, and the spiritual power gathered above formed nine rounds of dazzling light, dazzling and eye-catching.

"Spiritual skills, Yangzhuo!"


In the daylight, thick beams of light suddenly spewed out, divided into nine beams, blasting towards Master Lei Dishi menacingly, as if to kill him on the spot.

Nine beams of light came bombarding him, and the thunder light on Lei Dishi's right foot turned into a sharp lightning blade, which was quickly kicked out at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

"Bang bang bang!"

The beam of light blasted, before it reached its body, all of them were kicked to pieces,

King Cang Yao Guang narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly closed his hands together, and the nine suns condensed into an even larger round.


A thick beam of light, like a beam of light, jets out from it again.

"Chop!" Henry Zhang said indifferently.


With a cold snort, Master Lei Di kicked fiercely with his right foot, and the thunder blade attached to it flew out instantly, and the thick beam of light split into two from the middle.


The figure turned into two, Lei Dishi flashed above King Cang Yaoguang, and Cang Yaoguang King, who was gripped in his heart, quickly retreated, and the bright sun was kicked by Lei Dishi.


The rippling spiritual power caused the space to rise and fall, and folds appeared. In this scene, the faces of the people watching the battle from a distance were shocked.

There are strong people in Suzaku City, but it doesn't mean that the Spirit King can be seen everywhere.

Few people have seen this level of fighting.

"Boom boom boom!"

The figures of Lei Dishi and Cang Yaoguang quickly flashed in the sky, and the collision of Lieyang Fist and Thunder Step made ripples.

Although every time there was an impact, King Cang Yaoguang fell into a disadvantage.

However, the extraordinary speed of the light attribute spirit beast made it difficult for Lei Dishi to seize the opening and kill it in one fell swoop.

"Master Leidi, accumulate thunderbolt!" Henry Zhang shouted.

Looking at the swooping King Cang Yaoguang, Lei Dishi stepped down, and at the moment Cang Yaoguang King dodged, the thunder ball condensed in his right palm hit it impartially, and the body of Cang Yaoguang King staggered. After a few strokes, Master Lei Di, who seized the opportunity, stepped on its back.


The substantial thunder light spread, and the body of King Cang Yaoguang smashed into the street, and the strong aftermath shook the objects on the street to pieces.

"Your mouth doesn't seem to be on the same level as your strength." Henry Zhang looked at An Yuan lightly.

"Less pride!"

With a dark face, An Yuan yelled violently: "King Cang Yaoguang, end the battle with one blow and kill Lei Dishi."

"A high-level throne-level spiritual skill, the light that breaks the sky!"

Standing in the deep pit, the Sky King of Light stared fiercely at Lei Dishi. On the arm aimed at the sky, a bunch of gorgeous wings of light slowly stretched out. The ball of light floating behind it turned into pure light like a stream of water. , converging in the center of the light wing.

The dazzling light illuminated people within a ten thousand zhang radius, unable to open their eyes.

"This move will kill your Master Leidi!" An Yuan said grimly.

He is sixth on the list.

If he loses, he will be ridiculed even more.


A sharp cry sounded, and the light wings on the back of Cang Yaoguang King's hand turned into a light bird, which suddenly shot thousands of feet, and along the way, the space shattered into a long black scar.

"That kid, he's about to lose." Hua Wushuang laughed.

He knows how powerful Cang Yaoguang King of Anyuan is.

Master Lei Di, it is very difficult to catch this blow.

While speaking, Hua Wushuang glanced in the direction of Henry Zhang, what made him frown slightly was that Henry Zhang's face was still calm, and he didn't seem to have the consciousness of defeat.


Looking down at the incoming light bird, Lei Dishi's soles of his feet twirled slightly, a deafening roar sounded, and the thunder light condensed into a round of dazzling human thunder sun.


With a movement of his body, Lei Dishi's thunder-like soles crushed the sky like lightning.

"Advanced throne-level spiritual skill, Lei Rishun Kick!"

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