Master of Beasts

Chapter 1246 Breaking the relationship?

Lei Dishi turned into Lei Ri's right foot, and stepped firmly on Guangniao's back, the dazzling thunder light suddenly scattered in all directions, flickering endlessly.


There was a loud bang.

Under An Yuan's unbelievable gaze, the bird of light that rushed straight up exploded into light spots all over the sky.

However, after stepping on the broken light bird, Lei Dishi's figure also retreated rapidly, and the thunder light flowing around his body was slightly dimmed.

Cang Yaoguang King's piercing light is indeed astonishingly lethal.


Strong winds swept under his feet, and under An Yuan's instruction, King Cang Yaoguang rushed straight to Master Leidi, and a long spear appeared out of thin air in his right hand.

Around the spear, nine rounds of sunlight danced.

It is astonishing to kill Lei Dishi!

"It's just a sparring session, but he actually made such a cruel move." Yan Sheng's eyes were slightly cold, he didn't kill Zhang Ji's spirit beast just now, but An Yuan wanted to kill Henry Zhang's Master Leidi.

This is no longer a simple exchange of ideas!

Looking at this scene, the corners of Hua Wushuang's mouth curved slightly.

It's not bad to take this opportunity to stand up.

"Want to kill me?"

Henry Zhang's complexion couldn't help being a little cold: "In this case, then I don't have to show mercy, Master Lei, Lei Shan, go around to the back of King Cang Yaoguang."


A bright thunder flashed, and Lei Dishi, who was divided into two, strode behind King Cang Yaoguang like lightning, and when he turned around, his right foot that was surging with thunder light suddenly stepped on it.


Dazzling thunder shot out instantly.

Spiritual skills, thunder falls!

Thunder's speed was extremely fast, so fast that Cang Yaoguang King, who stabbed out the nine-day spear, had no time to turn the spear head, and the violent Thunder hit it hard on the back.


Thunder radiated everywhere, and a big hole was blown out of King Cang Yaoguang's back, like a bird with a broken wing, falling to the ground, Lei Dishi, whose right leg was filled with thunder, suddenly flashed above it, with killing intent stern.


Hua Wushuang's cold shout suddenly sounded: "The discussion is over, stop immediately!"

Glancing at Hua Wushuang lightly, Henry Zhang didn't say a word and ignored him.


When King Cang Yaoguang was about to kill Lei Dishi, Hua Wushuang was still smiling all over his face, and he didn't remember that it was a sparring session. Now that the situation has changed, he actually wants to stop?

"How dare you!" An Yuan looked at Henry Zhang, his eyes tearing apart.


Master Lei Di stepped down with his right foot, and the head of King Cang Yaoguang burst into pieces, a violent thunder vortex twisted it to pieces and turned it into a bright ball of light.

In the ball of light, a miniature Cang Yao Guangwang loomed.

That is the energy body of the light attribute.

"You want to die!"

Looking at Lei Dishi who spread his palms and caught the energy body, An Yuan roared: "Henry Zhang, do you want to destroy the relationship between the Eastern Territory and the Northern Territory! You will bear the consequences at least!"


The light cluster flashed and was absorbed by Lei Dishi, An Yuan's face turned pale.

"Just you, can you also decide the relationship between the two domains?"

Henry Zhang glanced at An Yuan indifferently: "It's just a defeated general. I really consider myself a character. If you have the ability to make the Eastern Territory and the Northern Territory go to war, I will follow."

An Yuan's face flushed red.

Not to mention him, even if Hua Wushuang fell, he would not be able to do this. The relationship between the two domains could not be determined by a spirit king, and he was still a spirit king who did not have much sense of presence.

He has a certain weight on the king list, but it is only limited to the younger generation.

The powerful Spirit King of the Northern Territory doesn't know how to do it, and it's not his turn yet.

"Tsk tsk, I thought you were so powerful." Bei Mingji sneered and said, "Didn't you say that I couldn't even defeat a ninth-level spirit emperor before, so what face do you have to call yourself a genius in the Eastern Region? How about you? No. 1 in the king list Six great geniuses?"

An Yuan's face became more and more ugly.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Hua Wushuang stared at Henry Zhang coldly: "Didn't I tell you to stop, why didn't you listen to my order, say!"

"You tell me to stop, I have to stop, what are you." Henry Zhang responded coldly.

"Do you know who I'm talking to." Hua Wushuang's eyes were full of murderous intent. For many years, the Northern Territory has always been suppressed by the Eastern Territory, and he has long been used to being superior.

Henry Zhang, it should be right to obey him.

"Who are you has nothing to do with me." Henry Zhang said indifferently when he took Lei Dishi back.


With the sound of violent shouting, Hua Wushuang rushed out suddenly, and slammed down Henry Zhang with a flaming right fist. You Haoxuan snorted coldly, and purple light patterns rippled.

"You are You Haoxuan?" Hua Wushuang stared.

"Let's end this matter like this. Yan Sheng and Henry Zhang fought each with the people from the Eastern Region. If you don't like it, we have a lot of people here, and we will accompany you at any time." You Haoxuan looked at Hua Wushuang coldly .

"That kid, killed An Yuan's spirit beast." Hua Wushuang said coldly.

It's not that he has a good relationship with An Yuan.

It's just that he has always claimed to be the number one person on the king list, and An Yuan's spirit beast was killed in front of him, or when he spoke to stop it, which made him feel that his dignity was greatly challenged.

"You man, are you out of your mind?"

Henry Zhang was expressionless: "He wanted to kill my spirit beast first, didn't you see it? At that time, why didn't you stop it, is it interesting to do it now."

"King Cang Yaoguang, can you kill Lei Dishi?"

Hua Wushuang's eyes became even colder: "Even if there is a time, I will still intervene."

"There's so much nonsense, don't you just want to save face on me, just say no, I'll wait here."


Hua Wushuang laughed back in anger, water and flames surged from both sides of him, and two spirit beasts with roughly the same appearance slowly emerged.

Fire Sun Flower Fairy!

Water Moon Flower Demon!

A rare twin spirit beast!

"Spiritualist with dual sources of water and fire?" Hong Shuangyue and the others' hearts sank. No wonder Hua Wushuang was able to rank first in the king list. The two spirit beasts joined forces, and their combat power doubled.

Henry Zhang, is there any chance of winning?

"Fire Sun Flower Fairy..."


Staring at Henry Zhang coldly, Hua Wushuang was just about to command his spirit beast to launch an attack, when a burning wall of fire abruptly lay between the two, and a charming laughter followed.

"You two, it's almost done, why bother to make such a fuss."

Hearing this voice, Hua Wushuang frowned slightly. A woman in red was sitting on top of the fire phoenix, smiling and looking down. A round of fiery red sun was burning behind her.

"It's her?" Hong Shuangyue was a little surprised.

"Lu Yunxuan."

Hua Wushuang raised his head and said: "Why don't you just stay here and join in the fun? Aren't you afraid that the Phoenix Feather of Nine Heavens Xuanyanhuang will be targeted by people with malicious intentions?"

"Of course I'm afraid."

With a chuckle, the woman floated down: "However, this is your Eastern Region. If something goes wrong, the strong people in your Eastern Region will be responsible."

Phoenix Feather?

Henry Zhang and others' pupils twitched slightly.

This is what Bei Chen said, the owner of the Phoenix Feather, Lu Yunxuan?

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