Master of Beasts

Chapter 1257 Transformation into a Cold Lion


The anger in everyone's hearts became stronger again.

They are vicious?

Is Ruan Ye Tucun evil?

Is it evil to kill the village chief's family like that?

Now, it's them who are vicious?

Compared with Ruan Ye's animal-like behavior, how can they be vicious!

"Clang clang!"

The steel wings of the Black Wing King collided with the claws of the Tianshuang Lion continuously, and ripples spread in all directions. Mo Yao said coldly: "Henry Zhang, don't intervene, that bastard, I want to kill myself!"

"Okay." Henry Zhang nodded slightly.

"Kill me? It's so beautiful to think, why don't you dream?"

Ruan Ye chuckled: "Don't think that we are the first to see the blood, so you can be proud. The real combat power of Tianshuangtang is beyond what you can imagine."

"Are you angry? So what's the matter with anger? You can't do anything. Let alone a village, there are ten or hundreds of them. I'll still slaughter them for you!"

"At that time, I invite you to come and watch. I have a lot of tricks. Do you want to see them all, hahaha!"

Mo Yao's breathing gradually became heavy.

He had never seen such a shameless person.

At this moment, he wanted to tear Ruan Ye's heart apart.

"Sky Frost Lion, Great Ice Crack!"

"The eclipse fire phoenix, the fire comes with rain!"

Ruan Songping's Tianshuang Lion collided with Lu Yunxuan's Eclipse Fire Phoenix, shattered ice and flames splashed everywhere, the collapsed building on the left was covered with frost, while the right was filled with flames .

The other battle circles were also struggling.

Except for the fourth-order spirit king who was killed by Henry Zhang, the Tianshuang lions of the other elders of Tianshuangtang have all condensed the origin of the throne, making them fight against Ji Jianli and others without losing the wind.

However, the more they were beaten, the more frightened they became.

Obviously also has the origin of the throne.

Obviously their strength is stronger.

But no matter what, they have less than the slightest advantage.

"Henry Henry, help Lu Yunxuan." You Haoxuan suddenly said.

He had a strange feeling that Ruan Songping, as the hall master of Tianshuang Hall, seemed to be far from reaching his limit, and Lu Yunxuan might not be his opponent.

Moreover, as an old Jianghu, Ruan Songping's attack was quite ruthless.

What they did was all dirty tricks.

"Sword Master of the Sky, Sword Domain!"

The dense golden sword energy was scattered in the space, and Henry Zhang yelled: "Higher throne-level spiritual skills, sword flow burial!"


Several golden swords fell from the sky like a waterfall of swords. Ruan Songping's Tianshuang Lion did not dodge, and a layer of hard ice armor covered his whole body.

The sharp sword pierced it, and everything broke.

The difference between the second and fifth ranks is three ranks.

With defensive spiritual skills, Tianshuang Lion can completely ignore the attack of the Sky Sword Master.

"I have a headache."

With a soft murmur, Henry Zhang slowly lifted into the air, and under his right hand, an ice fire light wheel spun out, and the buzzing sound made Ruan Songping raise his head in surprise.

"What's this?"


With a wave of Henry Zhang's palm, the ice and fire light wheel shot out, Tianshuang Lion's pupils trembled slightly, and his body fell quickly, the ice and fire light wheel rubbed the ice armor on it, and shot over.


The Ice Fire Light Wheel slashed past, and the Tianshuang Lion opposite Yansheng slowly split open from the middle, with a dull look in its pupils.

It is probably the most aggrieved Tianshuang lion who died today.

Seeing this, Yan Sheng was also a little speechless.

He was killed by mistake.


Ruan Songping's Tianshuang lion straightened up in horror, the ice armor on its back cracked with a cracking sound, Ruan Songping's heart froze.

Henry Zhang's spiritual art broke the ice armor of Tianshuang Lion!


Staring at Tianshuangshi coldly, Henry Zhang swallowed a few celestial spirit pills, and quickly recovered his spiritual power. After a while, an ice and fire halo condensed again.


The ice fire light wheel shot out again, this time, under the fierce suppression of the eclipse fire phoenix, a hideous bloody mouth was torn open by the ice fire light wheel on the back of Tianshuang Lion.

"The eclipse fire phoenix,

Fire Phoenix Seal! "Lu Yunxuan shouted.


Carved with the fire seal of the fire phoenix, it exploded violently on the Tianshuang lion, and the white bones were exposed from it. Ruan Songping's face was full of rage: "Bastard, I really thought my Tianshuang lion, Is it made of mud? No matter who is behind you, none of you can escape today, I don't believe that there are still people in the Eastern Region who can compete with the Hua family!"

"Sky Frost Lion, Frost Lion Transformation!"

Staggeringly landed on the top of a building, Tianshuang Lion's eyes were sharp, a cold air permeated from its body, and its body, split from the middle, turned into two colors of frost.

At the same time, its aura rose instantly.


That aura is approaching the peak of the sixth-order throne class!

"Not good!" Ji Jianli said in a loud voice: "No wonder Ruan Songping can be the hall master because he is both a fifth-level spirit king. The other two fifth-level spirit kings are also respectful and obedient to what they say. It turns out that is the reason."

Frost lion change, a high-level throne-level spiritual skill, can only be comprehended by one out of every thousand Tianshuang lions.

After casting this skill, it can call the power of frost at the same time.

Its destructive power will also increase at the same time!


Gently raising its right paw, Tianshuangshi easily blocked the ice and fire light wheel shot by Henry Zhang, and the cold frost sprayed from the palm and spread to the light wheel.


The light wheel split from the middle, turning into ice cubes and falling.

"No explosion?" Henry Zhang's eyes changed slightly.

This is the Bingyan Xuanlun, the first time I have encountered such a situation!

"Xiao Yang, after using the Cold Lion Transformation, although the combat power of the Tianshuang Lion is no better than that of the Vine King, it is not much worse. Ruan Songping, an old fox, will not give you a chance to kill the Vine King. Spirituality."

"What can you do?"

"Help me last three breaths, I'm sure to kill him."

"I try my best."

Glancing at Lu Yunxuan, Henry Zhang nodded slowly, under each of his hands, there was an ice fire light wheel emerging, and the scattered breath was even worse than before!

As his strength improved day by day, he became more proficient at using the spirit fusion technique.

Maybe, in the future, he will also have the ability to condense the three dragons in an instant!

"it's useless!"

Ruan Songping disdainfully smiled, but soon, the smile on his face froze, Lu Yunxuan stepped lightly in the sky, her eyes were slightly closed, the crimson fire light scattered from her body, hazy, one after another The feathers floated behind her, making her look more ethereal.

"It's so beautiful." Hong Shuangyue sighed softly.

No wonder everyone said that Lu Yunxuan was the number one beauty in the Southern Region.

This seductive appearance made even a woman feel a little bit moved by her.


As the flames bloomed, the phoenix feathers gradually stretched on the body surface of the eclipse fire phoenix, and the pervasive flames were like a scorching sun.

And the eclipse fire phoenix is ​​the center of the sun.

"Kill her!" Ruan Songping's voice was extremely cruel.

He had a hunch.

Lu Yunxuan is not dead, he is the one who died!



Two light wheels came flying, Tianshuang lion was not afraid, one claw, one, obliquely shot towards the ice fire light wheel below, exploded loudly, and the fire and cold air rose.

With a fierce look in his eyes, Tianshuangshi's right paw suddenly swung down at Lu Yunxuan's delicate body.

Ji Jianli and the others were breathless.

With this claw, not to mention Lu Yunxuan, even they are all dead!

"It's a pity that such a top-quality woman has no chance to taste it. The taste must be a million times better than before." Ruan Ye secretly called it a pity.

At the moment when Tianshuang Lion's right paw was about to fall, a figure suddenly sprinted, blocking Lu Yunxuan's front, Henry Zhang desperately mobilized his spiritual power, and ten walls of spiritual power light of different colors quickly appeared.

"court death?"

Ruan Songping laughed sinisterly: "This is the first time I see a fool like you, if you want to die, I will send you on your way!"

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