Master of Beasts

Chapter 1258 Can't control it?

"Bang bang bang!"

Tianshuang Lion swung his right paw, and the ten spiritual power walls exploded layer by layer. The spiritual power fragments of different colors floated in the sky, like a rain of spiritual power, which was quite gorgeous.

But, no one appreciates it.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the sky.

"An idiot is an idiot, die soon." Ruan Ye laughed.


The lion's paws pressed hard, the oppressive wind swept across, and the cold air shook violently, making that space impossible to see clearly with the naked eye.

"Xiao Yang!" Ji Jianli and You Haoxuan roared angrily, and the attacks of Sword Envoy Qingming and Sleeping Emperor became more and more crazy, and the oppressive opponents complained endlessly.

However, despite the bitterness in their hearts, the faces of the two fifth-rank spirit kings were full of smiles.

Once Henry Zhang and Lu Yunxuan die, the advantage will instantly fall to their side.

None of these self-seeking guys can run away.

"What do you call it? No matter how loudly you scream, he will not survive. For people like him, the less one dies, the more deaths the better." Ruan Ye said proudly.



Dazzling flames, like beams of light, scattered from the cold air, and the Tianshuang lion retreated in horror, and there were some scorched black marks on the ice-covered lion's claws.

"Not dead?" Ruan Songping couldn't believe it.

Tianshuangshi only killed Henry Zhang, but didn't kill Lu Yunxuan?

The pervasive cold air was evaporated by the fire, revealing the two of them, Henry Zhang touched his upper body, his face was strange, he was nervous for a while, but he forgot, and he was still wearing silver-scale sky horn armor.

The Tianshuang Lion's offensive was completely absorbed by the silver-scaled sky horn armor without any penetration!

"What it is!"

Ruan Ye's eyes showed deep greed: "This kind of good thing is a waste in his hands. It should be given to me so that I can make the most of it. Father, help me get it!"

Ruan Ye, who was only looking at Henry Zhang, didn't pay attention at all.

On Ruan Songping's forehead, there were big drops of sweat dripping down, and that face was quite panicked.


The wide wings of the phoenix stretched out, and the soft feathers fluttered slowly. The eclipse fire phoenix flashed, and under the wrapping of the flames, it turned into a round of fire sun, piercing through the sky.

Wherever it passes, the space is distorted rapidly.

this moment.

All over the sky, countless fiery suns appeared!

"Sky Frost Lion, Frost Armor!"

"Mysterious Ice Mountain!"

"Cold Lion Light!"

While his lips were trembling, Ruan Songping yelled crazily, a feeling of death enveloped his heart, and the fluctuation of the eclipse fire phoenix was several times stronger than the previous one!


The fire sun shuttled back and forth like lightning, and the huge iceberg was punched into a big hole, and the cold light spewed from the Tianshuang lion's mouth shattered inch by inch.

All the offensives are vulnerable to the eclipse fire phoenix at this moment!




With the Sky Frost Lion covered in ice armor, the Eclipse Fire Phoenix penetrated several buildings, and finally bumped into the tallest building.

There was a loud noise.

Buildings crumble.

A huge pothole spread from above the building. In the middle of the pothole lay the Sky Frost Lion that had been turned into a fleshy paste. The ice armor on it was shattered.

Looking at this scene, Ruan Song was ashamed.

This Tianshuang lion was selected by him when he spent a lot of effort to capture tens of thousands of Tianshuang lions when he was a spiritual master, because of his talent.

There are not ten frost lions that can transform into cold lions in the entire Eastern Region!

From then on, even if Tianshuangtang still existed, its overall strength would drop significantly. Without the protection of the Hua family, the position of the overlord of Tuoyue Mountain would soon change hands.

"Qingming Sword Envoy, Qingming Sword Lotus!"

"Sleeping Emperor, Fantasy Palm!"

The sword lotus bloomed, the purple palms fell, and the two Tianshuang lions of the fifth-rank spirit king died at the same time. Ruan Ye's heart trembled, and an unconcealable look of horror climbed onto his face.

how so.

These guys are so strong!

He has no doubt that once he falls into the hands of Mo Yao, his end will be

It will be extremely miserable!

"Black Wing King, Black Wing Blade!"

Mo Yao's cold voice sounded, and the steel wings of the Black Wing King were about to separate from the back, connected together with a clang, turned into a strange black blade.


The Black Wing King jumped out suddenly, and the black blade cut across a sharp black light, cutting the Tianshuang Lion in half. After that, there was the elder of Tianshuang Hall who screamed wildly.

Under the sharp black blade, his body was cut in half without exception!

The two halves of the body fell to the ground, and the blood and body parts spurted out wildly. What's more frightening was that the vitality of the Spirit King was too tenacious, and he couldn't die for a while.

"Save me, hall master, save me!" Lying on the ground, the fourth-rank spirit king struggled miserably.

Seeing this, Ruan Ye's face turned pale, and his soul almost flew to the sky.

He is scared!

Thoroughly scared!

"Stop, we have something to discuss!" Ruan Song's face was pale, and he finally had the intention to give in.


With a wave of the Qing Ming sword's long sword, the head of a fifth-order spirit king rolled down beside Ruan Ye's feet, scaring him as if he had stepped on a snake, and his hair stood on end.

"What happened today is the fault of Tianshuangtang!"


The head of another fifth-order spirit king rolled off again.




In an instant, except for Ruan Songping and Ruan Ye, all the core members of Tianshuang Hall were buried, and the surrounding disciples fled to the distance in horror.

Tianshuangtang, I can't stay any longer!

"Not one." Mo Yao said indifferently.

"No!" Ruan Songping showed shock.

Tianshuang Hall is the painstaking effort of his life, how can it be destroyed in one day!


Holding a black sharp blade, the Black Wing King moved quickly like a black lightning bolt, and the heads of Tianshuangtang disciples were thrown into the sky.

Except for Ruan Songping and Ruan Ye, all members of Tianshuang Hall were wiped out!


Pointing at Mo Yao, Ruan Songping roared: "What is the difference between you and Ruan Ye if you do this!"

"From the servants to the masters of Tianshuangtang, they are all cruel and merciless. I don't believe that the disciples of Tianshuangtang can be so good."

Mo Yao said coldly: "Tell me, which one of them shouldn't die."

Ruan Songping was speechless for a while.

None of the disciples of Tianshuang Hall is really clean.

"It's time to send you on your way." Ji Jian took a step forward, and several other people stepped forward one after another, surrounding Ruan Ye and Ruan Songping, expressionless.

"Forgive me, forgive me!"

Kneeling on the ground, Ruan Ye kowtowed in fear: "I'm damned, I'm guilty, please, give me a chance to reform!"

At this moment, a cold and stern voice resounded through the sky.

"Who are you? How dare you destroy Tianshuangtang? Don't you know that Tianshuangtang is a subsidiary force of the Hua family!" A middle-aged man with a cold face stepped in the sky, looking down at everyone with sharp eyes .

The eighth-order spirit king!

This person's strength is as high as the eighth rank!

"Brother Gao, you are finally here!"

Pointing at Mo Yao and the others, Ruan Songping said furiously: "They are the ones who destroyed Tianshuangtang, please kill them all!"

"Ha ha!"

Climbing up from the ground, Ruan Ye glanced at the crowd and smiled triumphantly: "Helping is coming, I don't need to keep pretending."

"To tell you the truth, I don't regret anything about that village."

"Especially the village chief's family. I put it like that on purpose. It's disgusting for you to use. I want to let you know that you can't control what the young master does, haha!"

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