Master of Beasts

Chapter 1263

"Ha ha!"

Clutching his stomach, the Patriarch of the Hua family laughed so hard that tears almost flowed out: "Ye Yufeng, your son has a special hobby. I knew he liked lewd apes. The few apes he caught in Wanhualing a few days ago Save it for him!"

Unlike the strong men with weak spirits who were holding back their laughter, those women with weak spirits turned their heads twitchingly at the corners of their mouths.

What is it all about.

Call them here just to show them this?



His face was flushed with anger, Ye Yu swung his sleeve robe fiercely, and a bolt of spiritual power swept out, blasting the obscene ape thousands of miles away, and exploded with a bang.

The kinky ape who had just had a good time with Ye Feiyu died miserably.

"Sect Master Ye, how can you treat your daughter-in-law like this." The Patriarch of the Hua Family laughed gloatingly.

"shut up!"

Ye Yufeng said viciously: "If you want Baihuazong to start a war with Huajia immediately, I will accompany you at any time. If I know who did it, I will kill them all!"

"Get up!"

Grabbing Ye Feiyu arbitrarily, Ye Yufeng looked at Ye Feiyu with a dazed expression, got angry, and slapped him with two slaps: "Are you awake, are you awake!"

"Who am I, where am I?" Ye Feiyu looked confused, and the cold wind that blew by made him shiver.


Looking around at the many smiling strong spirit deficiencies, Ye Feiyu let out a strange cry, and quickly took out a robe from the space boundary stone, and put it on.

"Haha!" The Patriarch of the Hua family laughed again.

"What the hell is going on!" Ye Yufeng roared angrily.

"It's Spring Night Gu, Spring Night Gu!" Ye Feiyu twisted his body mournfully, but soon, he realized something, and hurriedly closed his mouth.

Once things are exposed, his purpose will also be revealed.

Lu Qingtan, I won't let him go!

"Spring Night Gu, no wonder it's like this!"

Ye Yufeng's eyes turned cold, he flicked his fingers, and a bright firework bloomed from the night sky: "All the disciples and elders of the Hundred Flowers Sect obey the order, and immediately bring Ding Tong to me!"

The entire Hundred Flowers School can refine Gu, but Ding Tong is the only one.

"Father, let's forget it." Ye Feiyu said in fear.

When he thought of Henry Zhang, maybe he was having trouble with Lu Yunxuan, his heart felt like a knife, but he couldn't say it yet, this feeling made him collapse.

"never mind?"

Ye Yufeng snorted coldly: "I want to see who ordered her to dare to ruin my son's reputation and the reputation of my Hundred Flowers Sect. I want her to die!"


After finishing speaking, Ye Yufeng turned around, a little hard to say: "My son was harmed by a witch, and the scandal happened just now. Can Ye please keep it a secret? Later, there will be a big gift."

"Sect Master Ye, I also want to keep it a secret, but it doesn't matter whether we keep it a secret or not." The thin old woman in the Western Regions pointed to the shadow mirror on the tree trunk.

"Yin-yang mirror?" Ye Yufeng's face was ashen, with anger gathering in his chest.

The reputation of Hundred Flowers Sect was completely ruined!

"Damn it!"

With a sweep of spiritual power, the Yin mirror shattered with a snap.

Suzaku City exploded immediately.

"Why not?"

"Come on, I'm having fun watching it!"

"This is the big show of the year. Fortunately, I used Tuo Lingyin to reproduce the scene just now. Not only can I watch it for myself, but I can also sell it, hehe."

"Do you dare to sell? Are you not afraid of revenge from the Hundred Flowers Sect?"

"You don't seem to know that there is a place called the black market. Besides, I don't dare to sell it, but someone dares to. Moreover, I don't believe I'm the only one who used the Tuo Lingyin to make a copy."

In the barren hills.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

A figure frantically fled from it. It looked like Ding Tong, and her voice was extremely venomous: "Why did I go wrong, what did I go wrong!"

She couldn't figure out how the well-endowed Spring Night Gu would be dropped.

However, these are not important.

She is more worried,

It's my own life!

"Caught you."

A palm stretched out suddenly, like an eagle catching a chick, and lifted her into the sky. Ding Tong, who was terrified inside, struggled like crazy.


With a muffled sound, Ding Tong was thrown to the back hill of the Hundred Flowers Sect.

It was too easy for a group of soul kings to catch her as a soul king.

"Ding Tong, I'll kill you!" Ye Feiyu glared angrily. In his palm, bamboo leaves sprayed wildly, and the edges of the bamboo leaves were as sharp as knives.

Ding Tong must die!

If he doesn't die, his plan will be exposed!


With one palm, the bamboo leaves sprayed out from Ye Feiyu's palm were defeated. The Patriarch of the Hua Family smiled and said, "Nephew Feiyu, I understand the anger in your heart, but you must give her a chance to explain."

"You..." Ye Feiyu was full of anger.

"I said, I said!"

Kneeling on the ground, Ding Tong told the ins and outs like beans in a bamboo tube. Lu Qingtan, who had always been indifferent, turned his head in disbelief.

"What did you say!" Lu Qingtan shouted angrily, and the ancient trees with a radius of a hundred miles burst into pieces like ripples, like clusters of burning fireworks.

"No wonder Xuan'er's aura suddenly blocked itself just now, Henry Zhang, if you dare to touch Xuan'er, I will castrate you!" Lu Qingtan stepped on the sole of his foot and rushed towards the residential area furiously.

"Gu Master Lu!"

Standing in front of Lu Qingtan, Mo Gong apologized and said with a smile: "Since the matter has already happened, it won't help if you get angry again. Why don't we discuss it and find a solution?"

"Negotiate what a fart!"

Pointing at Mo Gong, Lu Qingtan was trembling with anger: "Well, you Mo Gong, you dare to stand in front of me now, isn't it the time to be respectful to me in the past? Xingyun Peak is not the one who suffers, of course you don't worry !"

"Quiet your anger, calm your anger." Mo Gong still smiled apologetically, but in his heart, he was happy.

As long as this matter is settled, the relationship between Xingyun Peak and Huangyan Valley will be unbreakable.

Moreover, Huang Yu and Star Dragon Ball are under control.

As long as Henry Zhang and Lu Yunxuan grow up, who can compete with them in the four domains?

"Guzhu Lu, look how good this is. In the Treasure Pavilion of Xingyun Peak, there is a corpse of Yanyue Tianhuang. After returning to the Northern Territory, I will give it to you for free." Bei Chen coughed dryly.

"Not enough!" Lu Qingtan gritted his teeth.

"Hundred drops of true phoenix blood, all contain phoenix essence."

"not enough!"

"Then what do you want?"

"I want Henry Zhang's life!"

Everyone looked weird.

No one thought that the number one beauty in the Southern Territory would have a master just like that. If the news spreads, there might be many people who would go to Henry Zhang for their lives.

"If you want to blame this matter, you can only blame them. Henry Zhang suffered a purely innocent disaster." Mo Gong pointed at Ye Feiyu and Ding Tong, and smiled wryly.

It's okay not to say, but when this is mentioned, Ye Yufeng's face becomes hideous.

"It was you who encouraged Feiyu to play the Spring Night Gu?"

"Spare me, spare me!" Ding Tong begged for mercy.

"Take her down!"

Waving his hand, Ye Yufeng said ruthlessly: "The cultivation of the Hundred Blood Flower, isn't there a lack of a vessel, just fill her body with the seeds of the Hundred Blood Flower!"

Ding Tong fainted from fright.

"Ye Feiyu!"

Turning around, Lu Qingtan was furious: "How do you want to die!"

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