Master of Beasts

Chapter 1264 Lu Qingtan Runs Away


Frightened by Lu Qingtan, Ye Feiyu immediately fell to the ground, his face pale, and when he saw the fragments of the Yin mirror all over the floor, his mind was stunned for a while.

What he did was not only seen by the spirit-deficit powerhouses, but also by the people in the entire Suzaku City?

What face does he have to exist in this world?

This shame will accompany him for the rest of his life!


Thinking of this, Ye Feiyu's mind was like a thunderclap, his eyes darkened, a stream of saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, and a sneer appeared on his face.


"Feiyu, Feiyu!" Ye Yufeng panicked.

He is such a son!

"It's hopeless." Lu Qingtan said coldly, Ye Yufeng's pupils trembled violently.

Lu Qingtan is a seventh-rank physician.

Her judgment is not wrong.

"Gouzi, let everyone see a joke."

Picking up Ye Feiyu, Ye Yufeng walked out in pain. Except for the Patriarch of the Hua family, the other spirit-deficiency powerhouses shook their heads slightly. .

How could his son be like this.

"Let's do what we discussed earlier." The old woman from the Western Regions said hoarsely.

"This is the only way."

"With the help of the Demon Suppressing Tablet, it may be stable for a while."

"I just don't know if those juniors are capable of finding them."

The figures of the people gradually disappeared from the forest.

Before leaving, Lu Qingtan gave Beichen and Mo Gong a cold look: "Let that little bastard Henry Zhang wait, if I don't slap him to death, my surname is not Lu."

"Your surname is not Lu." Mo Gong muttered.

"What did you say!" Lu Qingtan's tone,

Improving instantly.

"Nothing, nothing!"

Mo Gong said with a flattering smile: "That little bastard Henry Zhang is dead, I will leave it to you to deal with, even if you kill him, I promise not to interfere, please!"


Lu Qingtan gritted his teeth and left angrily.


If other people didn't know about it, she might do it for the sake of Lu Yunxuan's reputation, but since all the overlords of the four domains know about it, even if she kills Henry Zhang, nothing can be redeemed.


Mo Gong and Bei Chen looked at each other, and smiled, Xingyun Peak, got a big deal.

With Lu Yunxuan's talent, she will definitely be able to step into the spirit void, and even, she will not stop at this level.

Above Lingxu is Lingdi!

It has been nearly ten thousand years in the four domains, and no spirit emperor has been born!

The sun is rising.

In the mountains behind Baihuazong.


A crimson fire phoenix charged straight down and exploded loudly, creating a large pit on the ground, splashing rubble, and a slightly embarrassed figure quickly fled from it.

"Boom, blow this little bunny into a pulp!"

Standing on the back of Eclipse Fire Phoenix, Lu Qingtan looked down at Henry Zhang, his teeth itching with anger.


Looking at the fire phoenix flying down all over the sky, Henry Zhang was taken aback. The water spirit jade in his hand disintegrated and turned into pure water attribute spiritual power, which gathered in the spirit gate.


Three pairs of majestic ichthyosaur king wings stretched out from behind him, making his speed exponentially increased, and the Fire Phoenix that hit the ground didn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

"This little bastard is not strong, but he has a lot of tricks."

Looking at the ichthyosaur king wing behind Henry Zhang, a look of surprise flashed across Lu Qingtan's eyes, and he snorted coldly: "Eclipse Sun Fire Phoenix, continue, don't give up until you knock him down on his knees begging for mercy."

far away.

On a towering giant tree.

"Tsk tsk."

Mo Gong smacked his lips lightly: "This crazy woman, you really don't hold back, if there is a slight mistake, Henry Zhang will be turned into ashes."

"She has always regarded Lu Yunxuan as her own daughter. It's not unusual to have such a reaction."

Beichen shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, she has a sense of propriety, and she won't kill Henry Zhang."


There was a loud bang.

A landing fire phoenix fell against Henry Zhang's back, and the energy from the explosion sent Henry Zhang flying into the sky, blood spurting wildly. Without the protection of the silver-scaled horned armor, he would have been a dead man.

"Are you sure, she has sense of proportion?" Mo Gong had a strange expression on his face.

"Hehe." Beichen was still smiling.

There are also differences between the two strong spirit deficiencies. He probably guessed some of what Lu Qingtan wanted to do, but with Mo Gong's strength, he still couldn't tell.

"If you continue, you will die."

The ichthyosaur king's wings fanned wildly, Henry Zhang fell to the ground, took a few steps back uncontrollably, and said with a wry smile: "Senior, no matter what the consequences are, I will bear it alone. You have abused me for so long, and you should calm down." Bar."

"Calm down? Dream!"

Lu Qingtan sneered: "If you want me to calm down, yes, I will reduce the strength of Eclipse Fire Phoenix to the seventh throne level. If you can survive, I will spare your life."


The eclipse fire phoenix raised its head to the sky and screamed, its wings were tightly hugged together, and then it opened suddenly, and three huge burning fireballs spun in the shape of a letter, blasting down.

"Senior, offended!"

A cold light burst out in his eyes, Henry Zhang spread out his right hand, and three round pills emerged between his fingers, and quickly threw them into the mouth, his breath soared in an instant.


The surrounding ground collapsed several layers.

"Four Qi Tianyuan Pill?"

Lu Qingtan was a little astonished: "Isn't this a elixir used to enhance the strength of spirit beasts, and it seems that only one can be refined at the same time, is he crazy?"


Clapping both palms tightly, Henry Zhang's face was slightly distorted because of the pain, and three phantoms of spiritual power gathered in the palms, condensing into three roaring dragons of spiritual power.

"I see."

Lu Qingtan's eyes flickered: "His spiritual art seems to change its power according to the strength of the spirit beast. Using the four-qi Tianyuan pill and strengthening the three spiritual gates at the same time can indeed achieve a certain effect, but this pain is very painful for ordinary people. Unbearable."

She didn't know that Henry Zhang in the past was more adventurous.

Compared with the Nether Spring Fruit, which has a strong backlash, the medicinal properties of the Siqi Tianyuan Pill are much milder.


Henry Zhang shouted violently, and three spiritual light dragons whizzed out, colliding with pin-shaped fireballs respectively, and the burst of spiritual power made Henry Zhang retreat crazily. Shock, but the viscera were still churning endlessly.

"Sad." In the distance, Hua Wushuang smiled faintly.

I don't even care what kind of person I am, Lu Yunxuan is the kind of person you want to cling to.


Henry Zhang was about to fall down.


Two spiritual gates of different colors suddenly appeared in front of him, and there was a booming sound from the bodies of Kong Lingluo and Hurricane Bee Spirit, colliding with the remaining spiritual power.

"Breakthrough?" Mo Gong was a little stunned.

Is this Lu Qingtan's real purpose?

"How can it be!"

Hua Wushuang's face was also somewhat cloudy.

Didn't Lu Qingtan want to kill Henry Zhang?

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