Master of Beasts

Chapter 1265 One hit from you?

The violent spiritual impact spread out wave by wave, Lu Qingtan looked at Henry Zhang below, frowned slightly, and was extremely depressed: "Why is this kind of breakthrough?"


After coughing a few times, Henry Zhang cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, senior."

If Lu Qingtan really wanted to kill him, there was no chance of him surviving.

At the last moment, Lu Qingtan still held back.

"Thank me?"

Lu Qingtan sneered and said: "I won't accept your favor, I wish I could find a place to chop you into minced meat!"

Henry Zhang smiled embarrassingly.


The eclipse fire phoenix turned around at its feet, Lu Qingtan hesitated for a moment, turned around, and pretended to be fierce: "Little bunny, if you do something, you have to take responsibility, you don't know it yet, don't you? I don’t know how many times I’ve missed you.”

"Also, apart from summoning the Phoenix Spirit of the Nine Heavens Profound Flame Phoenix, the Phoenix Feather also has a huge function, that is, it is invulnerable to all poisons, including any Gu insects!"

After speaking, Lu Qingtan left quickly with a cold face.

"help me?"

Henry Zhang was a little confused, he was in the Eastern Region, and it was the first time he saw Lu Yunxuan, when did Lu Yunxuan save him, or many times.


Henry Zhang's complexion suddenly became very exciting.

Invulnerable to all poisons?

Doesn't that mean that Lu Yunxuan was not affected by the Spring Night Gu at all?

Then last night...

"Damn it!"

Staring at Henry Zhang, Hua Wushuang turned around with a cold face, and Lu Qingtan actually admitted Henry Zhang to a certain extent, which was not in line with his expectations.

Henry Zhang, a ninth-rank spirit king, is also worthy of getting his hands on Lu Yunxuan?

Although he has no interest in Lu Yunxuan, many men always have a strong desire to possess beautiful things.

Even if it's not your own, you don't want others to get it.

That's how he feels now.


Appearing in front of Henry Zhang without warning, Bei Chen sized it up and said in a concentrated voice: "Henry Yang, is there something wrong with your body? How long has it been? Why haven't you broken through to the Spirit King?"

"Maybe." Henry Zhang smiled bitterly.

The first hurdle of the Wan Ling Jue has finally come.

Step over and he will be smooth sailing.

If he can't step through, he will stop at the ninth-level spirit emperor forever, until one day, his own spirit door can't bear the load of the spirit beast and closes by itself.

"If you have any needs, you can tell me, and I will try my best to meet them."

Seeing that Henry Zhang didn't want to be exposed, Bei Chen smiled and said: "Go, there is a task for you, and it will be regarded as an experience for you."


A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, Henry Zhang left with Beichen, and Mo Gong followed closely behind.

Hundred Flowers Sect, in the main hall.

After what happened last night, Ye Yufeng's complexion was always gloomy, and he looked very unattractive. No matter how unattractive Ye Feiyu was, he was also his son.

He went to the best doctor in the Eastern Region, but to no avail.

From now on, Ye Feiyu will be a fool.

For a former spirit king, he might as well die.

Sitting in the Southern Region genius camp, Lu Yunxuan was dressed in red, her black eyebrows were slightly frowned, she was thinking about something, and the gaze cast on her was quite strange.

"I didn't expect that the former number one beauty in the Southern Region would be so unrestrained. If I knew this, why should I reject the young talents in the Southern Region? They are much more powerful than Henry Zhang."

"It's great in every way."

A strange voice sounded from a corner, and after finishing speaking, he added another sentence, which caused many young people in the hall to roar with laughter.

These people are all geniuses in the four major domains, there are as many as a hundred.

"Yin Lanyue, shut up!"

Beside Lu Yunxuan, a woman said coldly: "Others are qualified to say this, but you are not. A little bitch who can do his best by himself is also worthy of mocking Yunxuan?"

"As good as one can be, that's not the right word."

Yin Lanyue said with a smile: "Who is happy with me, who is not the best among people, who has no strength, wants to climb into my bed, go dreaming."

"I'm not like some people. I actually had a relationship with a humble ninth-level spirit emperor. If I were her, I would have died a long time ago."


The woman next to Lu Yunxuan was instantly furious. Just as she was about to scold something, Lu Yunxuan glanced at Yin Lanyue lightly: "Humble? Ninth-rank Spirit Emperor, is that humble? Your new love seems to be only a third-rank Spirit King, right?" , I don’t know if he can survive a move under my hands.”

"No matter how you look at it, the third-level spirit king is stronger than the ninth-level spirit king." A man beside Yin Lanyue said displeasedly.

His name is Wang Ze, and he is Yin Lanyue's new love.

"It's pretty strong."

Shaking the wine glass, Ji Jianli, who was in the Northern Territory camp, smiled lightly and said, "Especially the ability to wear a cuckold. I don't know how many feet tall my dear brother's hat is? Have you made a detailed list, or compared with those People, exchange and share the experience of a broken shoe.”

"Ha ha!"

There was a mocking laugh, and Wang Ze's face was extremely ugly.

What he hates the most is when someone brings up this matter in front of his face.

"Who are you calling broken shoes!"

As soon as he slapped the table, Yin Lanyue said coldly: "Ji Jianli, don't think I don't know, everyone here, who doesn't have a big background, what are you!"

"Big background?"

Shaking his head and smiling, Ji Jianli flicked his fingers, and a stream of light flew out: "Is the Lanyue Sect behind you very big? Say it again in front of it."

Grasping the streamer, Yin Lanyue fixed her eyes, and it was a sword talisman.

On the sword talisman, two large characters are inscribed.

Sky Sword!

"This is……"

Yin Lanyue's palm trembled uncontrollably, and a look of deep fear appeared on her face.

Ji Jianli, who is from that side?

How can it be!

"Take this thing, show it to the leader of your Lanyue Sect, and ask him if he dares to say that the Lanyue Sect is very big." Ji Jianli said as he poured himself a drink.

"excuse me."

With a pale face, Yin Lanyue sent back the sword talisman. Everyone in the hall looked surprised. Yin Lanyue, who has always been lawless, actually bowed her head?

What exactly did Ji Jianli show her?

"However, my thoughts will still not change in any way."

Yin Lanyue snorted coldly: "Ninth-rank Linghuang is a waste among wastes, and he is doomed not to be on the stage. If he can take Wang Ze's blow, I, Yin Lanyue, will walk backwards today!"

As soon as this remark came out, some people showed funny expressions on their faces.

Yin Lanyue just arrived in Suzaku City today, so she doesn't know the deeds of Henry Zhang's ninth-level spirit emperor. If she knows that Henry Zhang can kill even sixth-level throne-level spirit beasts, I don't know if he would dare to provoke Lu Yunxuan.

"Yes, he can take one blow from me. I will kneel down and kowtow to him, three times and nine times." Wang Ze mockingly looked at Lu Yunxuan, a huge water turtle, standing beside him. Shell, round and hard.

Heavy water turtle.

The symbol of water attribute defensive spirit beasts.

"Let that ninth-level spirit emperor fight me, does he dare?" Wang Ze looked around at the crowd contemptuously, seeming to like the feeling of being in the limelight.


There was a muffled sound, and a hurricane seemed to blow by Wang Ze's side. Before he could react, the heavy water turtle flew out heavily and smashed into the wall of the hall.

The hurricane was raging, and the heavy water turtle's shell was deeply embedded in the wall, making it impossible to remove it.

Standing in front of Wang Ze, Henry Zhang's faint voice rang in the hall.

"Let me take a hit from you? You deserve it too?"

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