Master of Beasts

Chapter 1305 Shienfu Takuha


"It's just Xunfeng's dog." Henry Zhang glanced at Xie Hao lightly, calmly.

Not to mention Xie Hao and others, even if Xun Feng came personally, he would love to ignore him.

A sixth-grade alchemist could not threaten him before, let alone now.


Looking at the sand ball falling from the sky, Rockhorn Rhinoceros charged straight up, and hit the center of the sand ball hard with its right fist bursting with silver light.


The sky is full of sand.

Several six-winged sand snake emperors wanted to condense again, but the thin wings turned into fine sand before condensing, and melted into the water stains on the ground.

"Do you really dare to do it?"

Glancing at Henry Zhang viciously, Xie Hao turned around and walked out of the alley: "Wait for me, Master Xunfeng, I won't let you go!"


Before Xie Hao finished speaking, crystal clear ice discs flew out quickly, beheading those who followed him on the spot.


The warm blood splashed on his body, Xie Hao was stunned for a moment, he turned his head and looked at the thugs from Xunfeng Mansion who were lying on the ground, his face was horrified.

Henry Zhang, killed them?

"How dare you..." Xie Hao's lips trembled, utterly terrified.


Henry Zhang flicked his sleeve robe lightly, and the corpses scattered on the ground were instantly burned. Xie Hao's pupils suddenly widened: "Sixth-rank alchemy? You are a sixth-rank alchemist!"

No wonder!

No wonder Henry Zhang doesn't take Xunfeng seriously!

As a sixth-rank alchemist, and a sixth-rank alchemist younger than Xunfeng, Henry Zhang really had no reason to be afraid of Xunfeng, and it was reasonable to kill them servants.

"Master, he asked me to kill." Jiang Sheng took a deep breath, and a gleam of hatred flashed in his eyes: "My mother was killed by him a few years ago."


Henry Zhang nodded slightly, and the icy blue ice jumped up along Xie Hao's feet, making his body freeze in place and unable to move.

"I will break his body protection spiritual power." Henry Zhang said softly.

With a hum, the pink flame on Jiang Sheng's right hand rose, and he walked slowly towards Xie Hao. Cold sweat broke out on Xie Hao's forehead: "Jiang Sheng, you can't kill me, the Jiang family and Xunfeng Mansion, It's an alliance!"

"Why didn't I remember when I wanted to kill someone just now?"

Jiang Sheng said indifferently: "This is a matter of the Jiang family and Xunfeng Mansion, and has nothing to do with me."

Said, the fiery pill fire slapped Xie Hao's chest heavily, and under Henry Zhang's control, the burning pill fire instantly covered Xie Hao's whole body.


Xie Hao's body twisted in pain.

Jiang Sheng's strength is too weak, and the lethality of Pill Fire is also not enough to kill him, the Spirit King. It is because of this that he has to endure more torture.

"Master, get out of here." Jiang Sheng looked at Xie Hao who had turned into a fiery man and writhed in pain on the ground, only indifference was in Jiang Sheng's eyes.

"Peach Blossom Fire."

Passing the glass vial to Jiang Sheng's front, Henry Zhang's palm brushed across his back without a trace, a transparent bug moved its limbs and feet.

Henry Zhang's eyes flashed, and he put the bug back.

Things seem to be getting interesting.

With the departure of Henry Zhang and Jiang Sheng, the dark alleyway became silent again, and several Jiang family elders walked out, looking at the corpse on the ground, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

Xie Hao is dead.

After knowing this news, Xun Feng must be furious.

I don't know how Henry Zhang is going to bear Xunfeng's anger.

After leaving the laneway, Henry Zhang and Jiang Sheng found a restaurant at random and had a simple meal.

After drinking and eating.

"Master, peach blossom fire can't be refined directly." Jiang Sheng asked, blinking her beautiful eyes.

"I can, but you're still a little short."

Henry Zhang pondered and said: "I have just been promoted to a fifth-rank alchemist, and it is too reluctant to directly refine the peach blossom fire, and it is also very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may be burned by the alchemy fire, and you must rely on foreign objects."

"Hold on."

walking down the street,

Henry Zhang took out the ancient book and flipped through it quickly.

He is proficient in alchemy, but he doesn't know much about these auxiliary methods.

"Found it." Henry Zhang's gaze stopped at a corner of the ancient book.

Quenching Essence can reduce the mania of the flame and is suitable for many people to use in alchemy. Similarly, it can also be used as an auxiliary thing to help alchemists refine alchemy.

Quenching essence is divided into three grades.

Each level has a different effect.

"Where is the largest store in Jiujue City?" Henry Zhang asked.

After half a quarter of an hour.

A majestic and tall building stood in front of Henry Zhang and Jiang Sheng. Without the slightest hesitation, the two walked in. A young man who followed behind smiled lightly and frivolously.


With a flick of his right hand, a transparent bug flew into the sky. With his hands behind his back, the young man walked into the shop with a group of strong men in special costumes.

"Zhuo Yu from Ziyan Mansion?"

"This guy, why are you here?"

"I don't know which girl is going to be unlucky."

"If his father hadn't been for the fourth-order dual-attribute spirit king, he would have been beaten to death long ago."

Everyone was discussing in low voices, they were obviously quite afraid of Zhuo Yu.

"Premium Quenching Essence."

Stopping in front of a small window, Henry Zhang lightly buckled the wooden sign. The scale of this shop is larger than any shop he has ever seen, and the form of sale of goods is also different.

"One Quenching Essence, 50,000 Spiritual Jade."


After taking enough Lingyu, the old man behind the window immediately turned around to look for it. It only took a moment for him to return: "Excuse me, are you an alchemist?"

"That's right." Henry Zhang nodded slightly.

"How many products?"

Henry Zhang looked around and found that no one was paying attention here, so he stretched out his hand, and a cluster of sixth-grade pill fire jumped quietly.

He didn't dare to summon the pill fire of the seventh rank, that would be too shocking.

He didn't want to attract too much attention before he got the Demon Suppressing Tablet.

"Sixth grade alchemist!"

The old man's face trembled violently: "A sixth-grade alchemist enjoys the highest privilege besides Master Huochizi. This quenching essence only needs 40,000 spirit jades."

Ten thousand less?

Henry Zhang smiled.

Same as Star Crystal City, the stronger alchemists enjoy more power, this is one of the reasons why many powerful alchemists are willing to gather in Jiujue City.

"Master alchemist, you didn't participate in the alchemy assessment, did you?" the old man asked in a low voice.


"It's a pity." The old man sighed softly.

If Henry Zhang goes, he will definitely be generous and glorious, and cause a sensation in Jiujue City. It is the first time that such a young sixth-rank alchemist has appeared in Jiujue City.

not far away.

Several youths in luxurious costumes looked at Jiang Sheng frivolously, and the eyes of the leader were even more evil.

"There really are such women." The corners of Zhuo Yu's mouth curled up in an obscene arc.

"In this way, the Peach Blossom Fire can be refined." Handing the quenching essence to Jiang Sheng, Henry Zhang smiled.

"This is my first time refining pill fire." Jiang Sheng took it expectantly.

Henry Zhang and Jiang Sheng were just about to leave.

"Wait a minute, two."

(End of this chapter) Joy of reading, Joy of reading! (= Joy of reading)

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