Master of Beasts

Chapter 1306 - Severe Killing


"Wait a minute, two."

Just as Henry Zhang turned around, Zhuo Yu's smiling voice rang out, causing a cold light to flash in his eyes.

Before entering the shop, he sensed Zhuo Yu's existence, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Yu dared to stop them.

"What is it?" Henry Zhang looked over indifferently.

"Zhuo Yu in the Ziyan Mansion, seeing your extraordinary bearing, I don't know if you can honor me, come to Ziyan Mansion and tell me?" Zhuo Yu smiled all over his face, and recited the three words Ziyan Mansion quite loudly.

Seeing this, a trace of pity emerged in the hearts of many people.

Anyone who is not a fool can tell that Zhuo Yu's goal is Jiang Sheng.

This little girl is miserable.

"Get out of the way." Henry Zhang said calmly.

Zhuo Yu frowned slightly, and his eyes suddenly darkened: "Your Excellency, don't give face to others. In Jiujue City, no one who dares to show face to Ziyan Mansion will end well."

If it was said that there was a knife hidden in a smile just now, it is already an obvious threat now.

After all, Zhuo Yu is a dandy, with no wealth in his chest, just a little stimulation can make him reveal his true colors.


Seeing Zhuo Yu tearing his face, Henry Zhang stepped down, and the tyrannical ripples of spiritual power spread, pushing Zhuo Yu back tens of feet, and took a few steps back before he stabilized.

"Master, how to deal with him."

The guard behind Zhuo Yu looked at Henry Zhang coldly.

"You don't have to drink a toast. If that's the case, let's kill him. However, don't move that beauty. The Jiang family's newly born fifth-grade alchemist has a noble status. I have never played with this kind of woman."

Jiang Sheng's face was sullen, while Henry Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Something is wrong.

Zhuo Yu came here just now, and he felt an obvious purpose. Saying this, he revealed something even more. Even Jiang Sheng's identity was clearly inquired. This group of people in Ziyan Mansion is obviously not Improvised.

"Master, let's ignore them." Jiang Sheng forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

The mansion master of Ziyan Mansion is a fourth-rank spirit king, and also a dual-source spiritual master. He once fought against a fifth-rank spirit king without losing. Henry Zhang will probably be in danger if he meets him.

"So it is." Henry Zhang murmured in his heart.

Borrowing a knife to kill someone?

It seems that it is not limited to times.

"In Baiyue Chamber of Commerce, fighting is strictly prohibited. Anyone who violates the rules will be hanged upside down for public display, or shot dead on the spot." The cold voice came from nowhere, making the faces of the people behind Zhuo Yu tremble.

Baiyue Chamber of Commerce is the name of this large shop. It is said that there is the shadow of Dandian behind them. In Jiujue City, it is not wise to offend them.

"Such a young fifth-rank alchemist, it must be very enjoyable to be under him. I'll wait for you outside." Zhuo Yu swept Jiang Sheng up and down with aggressive eyes, laughed, turned and walked out.

He didn't know that the scythe of death was already hanging over his head.


Jiang Sheng's face showed deep resentment, but despite this, she still persuaded: "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, so don't worry about it like him. Let's go back to Jiang's house and tell the owner about it. He has his own responsibility." Dealing with it by means, a small Ziyan Mansion is not qualified to be arrogant in front of the Jiang family."

"It's just a bunch of scraps."

Henry Zhang smiled, ignored Jiang Sheng's obstruction, and walked out behind Zhuo Yu.

"Little beauty, don't worry, I will take good care of you and make you happy."

Looking at Jiang Sheng who walked out of the shop, Zhuo Yu became more and more impatient. He had never possessed such a woman before: "Do it, kill that man!"

"Can I ask, who exactly did you instigate, or instigate?" Henry Zhang looked at Zhuo Yu and asked.

"Nothing to do with you."


Zhuo Yu's grinning laughter fell, and groups of black flames sprang up from the sky behind him. In each group of flames, there was a withered spirit beast, with its arms hanging down, and bandages one by one,

Wrapped tightly around the body, revealing a single eye, as if just crawled out of the cemetery.

Cremator, a fire-attributed spirit beast.

Among these cremators, the weakest ones are the first-rank throne ranks, and the strongest ones are the second-rank ranks. Normally, this lineup is more than enough to protect Zhuo Yu.

Unfortunately, it was Henry Zhang he met today.


Looking at Henry Zhang beside Jiang Sheng, bloodthirsty sneers appeared in the eyes of those people, and countless black fireballs fell towards Henry Zhang, like meteors from heaven.

"Boom boom boom!"

The black fireball instantly covered Henry Zhang, and exploded one after another in the muffled sound of thumping, and that space immediately turned into a black wave of fire.

"I said, don't hurt that beautiful woman, I haven't played yet!" Zhuo Yu looked anxiously.

Under this kind of offensive, I am afraid that Jiang Sheng next to Henry Zhang will also die without a whole body.

The black fire slowly dispersed.


Looking at the scene on the street, many spectators gasped, their faces full of incredulity, Henry Zhang standing indifferently, with his black robe fluttering, and a white fire cover, with light flowing.



The guards of Ziyan Mansion suddenly changed their expressions.

Kicked to the iron plate!

Being able to withstand such a powerful offensive with pure spiritual skills, the spirit beasts in Henry Zhang's spiritual gate are at least at the third-order high throne level, or even stronger.

They guessed right.

Although Chi Yan is only the first rank, due to its special flame and the blessing of the throne's origin, it can easily challenge even a third-rank high-throne-level spirit beast.


Stepping on the sky behind Henry Zhang, Chiyan's soft nine fire tails spread suddenly like a peacock spreading its tail, and white flames burned on each fire tail, gorgeous and shocking.


With his head lowered slightly, Chi Yan indifferently looked down at the guards of the Ziyan Mansion, his body flashed across a distance of thousands of feet, and the tail of fire that spread out suddenly swept the nine cremator ghosts into the air and lifted them up high .

Tightly entwined by Chi Yan's fire tail, those cremator ghosts struggled frantically, and the black flames on their bodies spewed desperately, but the brilliant flames on Chi Yan's body were completely unmoved.

With a slight movement of the palm and claws, Chi Yan's nine fire tails exerted force at the same time, and the nine cremators who were tightly entangled burst like fireworks one after another.

"Bang bang bang!"

The nine regiments of black fire rose, and the guards of the Ziyan Mansion were shocked. The strength of this Firefox was stronger than they expected!


Grinding nine cremator ghosts, Chi Yan's figure spun, and the long tail was like a sharp blade, quickly slashed across, and the guards of Ziyan Mansion immediately fell down like wheat cut by a knife, and the throat The blood line is quite conspicuous.

Just for a moment.

All the guards of the Ziyan Mansion perish!

Killing the guards of the Ziyan Mansion, Chi Yan did not kill Zhuo Yu immediately, but landed on the ground, slowly turning around him, and the nine soft fire tails turned, as if forming a white whirlpool.

"Your Mightiness!"

Surrounded by Chi Yan, Zhuo Yu's eyes trembled fiercely: "I'm so disrespectful today, please forgive me, I'll leave now."

(End of this chapter) Joy of reading, Joy of reading! (= Joy of reading)

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