Master of Beasts

Chapter 1317 Pyrolith

The white pill fire dissipated, Henry Zhang held the round pill, and looked at Qiu Yufei calmly, and the few people who questioned loudly just now shivered in shock.

Three breaths of time, one hand into a pill?

This is great ability!

"Impossible!" The skinny old man yelled in horror.

Henry Zhang, also a sixth-rank alchemist?

Stronger than Qiu Yufei?

I thought that I could take this opportunity to earn 10,000 more Lingyu, and please Qiu Yufei by the way, but in reality, I slapped him hard.

"How did you do it!" While Qiu Yufei was shocked, there was an unconcealable panic in her heart, the bet between her and Henry Zhang, but the loser died!

She hadn't participated in the Dandian yet, she was a blockbuster, how could she just die like this.

"You lost." Henry Zhang said indifferently.

"I didn't lose!"

Looking at the elixir in Henry Zhang's hand, Qiu Yufei calmed down, with an expression of refusing to admit it: "So what about the speed of refining, my elixir, like yours, has three elixir patterns, which are clearly divided equally. "

"I won't bother you anymore, let's just let it go."

After saying that, Qiu Yufei's eyes flashed coldness, she turned around and was about to leave.

Don't bother me?

Henry Zhang sneered in his heart.

What qualifications does Qiu Yufei have to make trouble for him.

When she thought she would win before, Qiu Yufei was aggressive and tried to put him to death in every possible way, but now that she lost, she put on a face of letting him go.


"How did you know that the Ziyang Lieguang Pill I refined has three pill patterns?"

As soon as Henry Zhang said this, the chill in Qiu Yufei's eyes became more and more intense, while the onlookers opened their mouths slightly and looked at Henry Zhang in astonishment.

Not three pill patterns?

Is it four ways?

"You are ridiculous."

Qiu Yufei turned around sarcastically: "Everyone knows that the pills with three pill patterns are the best, and the pills with more than three pill patterns are legendary pills. It doesn't exist!"

"Even if someone can refine it, it will definitely not be you!"

"You want me to commit suicide? Get rid of this heart!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded secretly.

They are all alchemists, so they naturally know that the quality of pills with pill patterns is much better than that of ordinary pills, among which one pattern is the worst, and three patterns are the highest.

As for the four pill patterns, they only exist in legends, and they are also called absolute pills.

An elixir of that quality has never appeared in Jiujuecheng, and Huochizi can't even be refined!

"Extreme pill? It's just sensationalism."

The skinny old man chuckled: "The old man has gained a lot of knowledge. The alchemists in the Northern Territory are all incompetent things. They can only talk nonsense, hehe."

Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly.

The relationship between alchemists in the four regions is not harmonious, especially the Southern Region, which is the largest region of alchemists, has always looked down on alchemists in the Northern Region, which can be seen from Di Kuan's attitude towards him.

"If you dare to say something about the Alchemist of the Northern Territory, I want your life." Henry Zhang turned his eyes to the thin old man, and an undisguised killing intent emerged from it.

"He just said, what can you do? A great alchemist who claims to have refined the ultimate alchemy?" Qiu Yufei's sinister voice came out, full of sarcasm.

"That's right, I'll say the same next time." The skinny old man said with a smile.

"Don't cry when you don't see the coffin."

Looking at Qiu Yufei calmly, the elixir in Henry Zhang's hand turned slightly, Qiu Yufei's eyes suddenly widened, and the expression on his face was extremely wonderful.

Below the third pill pattern, a small pattern runs across the bottom.

Dan pattern!

The fourth pill pattern!


As soon as the small alchemy pattern came out, it immediately erupted like a volcano, causing an uproar, and all the alchemists around were terrified and screamed.


The legendary pill!

"What happened?"

"Why do they all look like they have seen a ghost?"

Sensing the movement here, some alchemists in the square flitted over suspiciously, and immediately after, their bodies all froze above the sky.




various emotions,

The madness surged onto their faces, and some of the more famous sixth-rank alchemists even felt that their brains were stuck and their worldview collapsed!

Isn't the fourth pill pattern always a joke, and they treat it as a joke?

How could there really be!

"You can cut yourself off." Henry Zhang said to Qiu Yufei in a neutral tone!

"I do not believe!"

Qiu Yufei shuddered, and shouted: "This alchemy pattern is 100% fake! As a sixth-rank alchemist, you dare to falsify, do you still have a little sense of shame for a sixth-rank alchemist! It is suggested that you must be removed from the alchemy book this time, so as to rectify the ethos of the alchemist of Jiujuecheng!"

Although she was shouting like this, Qiu Yufei's body retreated unconsciously.

She can't guarantee whether the fourth pill pattern is real or not.

If it is true, her life will be lost!

"The fourth pill pattern?"

"real or fake?"

"Do you even believe this? It's hopeless!"

The news of the Siwen elixir was quickly spread in the elixir meeting. Some people rushed to the scene of the incident, some were skeptical, and more people scoffed.

Instead of believing that there are four-line pills in the world, it is better to believe that there is a second seventh-rank alchemist in Jiujue City.

Four lines pill?

Just a joke.

Due to the constant rush of people, Henry Zhang and Qiu Yufei, the two parties involved, were surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, and the sky was full of human figures, which became a spectacle at the alchemy meeting.

"Master Firebolt is here!"

Suddenly, an old man in a fiery red robe stepped on the void and walked over from the crowd. People passing by along the way respectfully stepped aside.

Huoliezi, the deputy head of the alchemy hall, the pinnacle of the sixth-rank alchemist.

It is said that it won't be long before he can become the second seventh-rank alchemist in the Southern Region.

"Master Firebolt, you are finally here."

Qiu Yufei pointed at Henry Zhang and said with a sneer: "This person does not know what despicable means he used to make the pill have an extra pill pattern to deceive everyone."

"This kind of alchemist with corrupt conduct should abolish his alchemy, so that he can never make alchemy, master, hurry up, lest he run away."

"The most poisonous woman's heart!" Jiang Sheng was angry.

This Qiu Yufei was really ruthless, she opened her mouth and kept her mouth shut, and was about to abolish Henry Zhang's alchemist.

For an alchemist, this is tantamount to killing him.

"Little brother, is that the four-pattern elixir you refined?"

Ignoring Qiu Yufei, Huoliezi said with a smile: "If it is possible, can you lend the old man a look at the elixir you just refined? Although the old man's elixir skills are not as good as senior brother's, his understanding of elixir is much better. But it is not inferior to him at all, if it is really the fourth pill pattern, I will rectify your name."


Slightly nodded, Henry Zhang threw the pill in his hand to Huo Liezi.

"Throwing it?"

Qiu Yufei laughed viciously: "Master Pyroko, he disrespects you so much, he just made it clear that he doesn't take you seriously, he deserves to be killed!"

"This pill..."

Turning the Ziyang Lieguang Pill in his hand, Huo Liezi let out a long breath, his voice trembling: "The fourth pill pattern is indeed a four-pattern pill!"

(End of this chapter) Joy of reading, Joy of reading! (= Joy of reading)

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