Master of Beasts

Chapter 1318 Unreasonable?

The sound of Fire Liezi's not-so-loud sound spread, and there was a moment of dead silence in the sky. Countless people opened their eyes blankly, and there was a storm in their hearts.

Qiu Yufei, in particular, was immediately dumbfounded as if struck by lightning.

Four lines pill?

Is there really a fourth pill pattern?

Doesn't that only exist in legends?

"Master Pyroiko, is your judgment wrong?" The skinny old man swallowed hard, with panic in his eyes.

This time, he offended Henry Zhang to death.

Once Henry Zhang survived, he would definitely die.

Just now, he still treated Henry Zhang as a joke, but now, he finally feels fear.

"Are you questioning me?" Huo Liezi's face suddenly turned cold, and the thin old man's heart trembled wildly, and he waved his hands in fright.

No one in Jiujue City knows Huoliezi's research on elixir.

Doubt about Firebolt?

He doesn't have the guts yet!

"I've known you for a long time."

Returning the elixir to Henry Zhang, Huoliezi hadn't come back to his senses, and sighed softly: "The effect of this elixir is more than three times stronger than the three-lined Ziyang Lieguang elixir, and the four-lined elixir is really Extraordinary."

"Little brother, are you interested in joining the alchemy hall? In time, you will be one step ahead of me and become a seventh-rank alchemist and look down upon the southern regions."

The hearts of many alchemists trembled violently.

Seventh grade alchemist?

Huo Liezi's evaluation of Henry Zhang is so high?

You know, there are many top alchemists in the Southern Region over the years, but there are only three alchemists who have truly broken through to the seventh rank.

Two of them were invited to the Imperial State, and the remaining one was Huo Chizi!

"Thank you for the kindness of the senior, but my personality is loose and wandering, and I will leave Jiujue City soon." Henry Zhang politely refused.


Huo Liezi shook his head, and said to Henry Zhang through sound transmission: "I have added a trace of soul imprint to your elixir. If you encounter trouble in Jiujue City, just crush the elixir, and I will show up immediately."

Glancing at Henry Zhang for the last time, Huo Liezi disappeared from here under everyone's respectful eyes.

Huo Liezi didn't know that Henry Zhang was a seventh-rank alchemist. The reason why he was interested in Henry Zhang was only because of the four-pattern Ziyang Lieguang Pill.

Since Henry Zhang doesn't want to join Dandian, he has no plans to invite again.

The four-line elixir is hard to see, but Henry Zhang is still too young, and no one can predict how much he will achieve in the future, so Huo Liezi did not put Henry Zhang in the same position as himself, so he Like the elders, he added a trace of soul imprint to the pill, wanting Henry Zhang to owe him a favor.

At that time, even if Henry Zhang didn't want to join Dandian, it was difficult to refuse.


Turning the elixir in his hand, Henry Zhang smiled lightly, he didn't have much dislike for Huoriezi's cautiousness, if it was him, he would do the same.

"Did I let you go?"

Just as Qiu Yufei was about to escape, Henry Zhang's indifferent voice made her pretty face distort immediately: "What do you want."

"You know." Henry Zhang watched Qiu Yufei calmly.

"I'm from the Qiu family!" Qiu Yufei threatened with a slightly angry face.

Henry Zhang, really want to kill her?

I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!

"It seems that you don't want to admit it."

With a flip of his palm, he put away the elixir, Henry Zhang's figure flickered, and with a series of afterimages, he rushed straight towards Qiu Yufei, the snow knife in his hand was cold and cold.

Looking at this scene, some alchemists were a little dazed.

Kill if you say kill?

Isn't Henry Zhang afraid of Qiu's revenge?

"Brother, save me!" Qiu Yufei yelled in horror, her voice extremely sharp.


The sound of gold and iron colliding suddenly spread, and a flaming spear was lying in front of Qiu Yufei. The young man who was holding the gun tightly had a gloomy expression.


The young man shouted coldly: "No matter what bet you make,

But my sister, you can't kill it, it's a big deal, I'll ask her to apologize to you. "


Many people stared.

Judging from the direction where the young man appeared, he appeared here early, watching the development of his gaffe, and he didn't show up until Henry Zhang wanted to kill Qiu Yufei.

If Zhang Yang is defeated, he will die.

Qiu Yufei lost and just apologized?

The Qiu family is really unreasonable.

"You want to intervene?" Henry Zhang held the snow knife in one hand and looked at the young man indifferently.

"He's my brother Qiu Hao, the number one genius in Jiujue City, how dare he act presumptuously in front of him? Ignorance!" Qiu Yufei snorted coldly, and her posture returned to her original arrogance, aloof.

"Is he Qiuhao?"

"It's the first time I've seen it."

"Just came back from training abroad?"

There was a commotion all around.

Qiu Hao, the head of the four major elixir families in Jiujue City, a genius child of the Qiu family, has stepped into the level of a sixth-grade alchemist a few years ago, traveled abroad for a long time, and only recently returned to Jiujue city.

When he left, he had already been able to refine a sixth-grade elixir of medium difficulty.

What is his current strength?

"I think, I have the qualifications to intervene." Qiu Hao looked at Henry Zhang flatly, and clusters of crimson flames condensed out around him.

"Sixth Rank Peak Pill Fire!"

Everyone's faces were instantly filled with shock.

Qiu Hao, the pinnacle of the sixth-rank alchemist!

The second alchemist of the Qiu family who is at the peak of the sixth rank!

And, so young!

"Brother, break his arm and give him a long memory." Qiu Yufei said with a smile, "Let him know that the Qiu family is not something he can provoke."


Before Qiu Yufei finished speaking, the clear water flowed past her, and then, her head suddenly flew into the sky.

"I am dead?"

Looking at the blood-spitting body below, Qiu Yufei's face was full of bewilderment.

Her life as the witch of Jiujue City ended like this?

With his back to Qiu Yufei, Henry Zhang held a space boundary stone in his left hand, and the snow knife in his right hand pointed obliquely at the ground, with a dazzling cold light flowing, which made everyone tremble.


Really kill!

This is to completely enmity with the Qiu family!

"Yu Fei!"

Hugging Qiu Yufei's head, Qiu Hao was stunned for a moment, and looked at Henry Zhang with grief and indignation, and the roaring voice contained surging killing intent: "I will kill you!"

Qiu Hao turned the spear in his hand, and frantically assassinated Henry Zhang.


A sixth-order spirit king suddenly flashed in front of Qiu Hao, frowning tightly: "What do you think of the Dan Palace? Do you think of the Danhui as your own banquet?"

"He killed my sister!" Qiu Hao was furious. If the other party was not the guard of the alchemy hall, he would immediately issue an alchemy order and recruit strong men to kill him.

"They have a bet first, so they should abide by it. Master Huo Chizi said that no fights are allowed until the end of the alchemy hall." The sixth-level spirit king said coldly.


Gritting his teeth, Qiu Hao glared at Henry Zhang viciously: "You will participate in the Dan Code, right, as long as you dare to go on stage, I, Qiu Hao, will definitely burn you alive to ashes!"

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