Master of Beasts

Chapter 1319 Assassination



With Qiu Yufei's mutilated body, Qiu Hao left furiously in the dead silence. No one dared to make a sound during the whole process.

Withdrawing their gaze, everyone looked at Henry Zhang's gaze with a trace of sympathy.

A vicious person like Qiu Yufei really deserves to be killed. I don't know how many people hate this witch in Jiujue City to the bone.

However, the Qiu family is not so easy to kill.

Or the extremely talented Qiu Yufei!

I'm afraid that Henry Zhang will hardly survive today.

"Your sky boundary stone."

Passing the empty boundary stone that was taken away by Qiu Yufei to Henry Zhang, the sixth-order spirit king hesitated, and persuaded: "Little brother, your talent in alchemy is enough for the alchemy palace to value, so don't think about it again." , How about joining the Pill Palace? In this way, even if the Qiu family wants to move you, they have to weigh it."

"Thank you for your kindness." Henry Zhang refused again.

As long as it wasn't for the seventh-rank Spirit King, his life would not be threatened.

What's more, with the Ichthyosaur King Wing around, even if he can't fight, he can escape.

Seeing that Henry Zhang didn't listen to the persuasion, the sixth-order spirit king moved his lips, but he didn't speak again after all. Immediately after he warned everyone, he returned to the alchemy hall.

"Qiu Yufei is dead, what about you?" Henry Zhang looked at the skinny old man with indifferent eyes.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

The skinny old man's scalp was numb, and he couldn't stop backing away: "Qiu Yufei's importance in Jiujue City is extremely high, and I can't provoke him. I dare not not sell that turbid water tree to her."

"Excuses." Jiang Sheng said angrily.

Did this skinny old man treat everyone present as fools? He targeted Henry Zhang several times, not only to please Qiu Yufei, but also to want Henry Zhang to die.

Once Qiu Yufei died, he didn't even dare to admit it.

"Too much nonsense."

Henry Zhang passed across the sky, holding the snow knife high, with the sound of the wind tearing the air, and slashed down on the thin old man, as if to split him in half.


The look of horror appeared in the eyes, and the figure of the thin old man disappeared in an instant, and at the same time Henry Zhangxue slashed down, he also disappeared into the sky.

Obviously, both of them used the ability of King Ling's instant ten thousand miles.

Jiujue outside the city.

On a desolate mountain range.


Henry Zhang's sharp snow knife slashed down, and the thin old man quickly dodged backwards. A metal-like substance suddenly appeared under Henry Zhang's knife, shocking him back a few steps.


Hovering in the sky, the skinny old man's huge spirit beast opened its mouth flamboyantly at Henry Zhang, and its sharp mouthparts collided constantly, making crackling sounds.

Iron armored centipede, metallic spirit beast, second-order high-level throne.

"Do you think I'm really afraid of you?"

Standing behind the armored centipede, the skinny old man smiled cruelly: "This old man is not only a sixth-rank alchemist, but also a second-rank spirit king. If I am not afraid that you will summon a powerful spirit king in Jiujue City, I can do it with a little finger." crush you."

Although in the heart of the skinny old man, he and Henry Zhang are both sixth-rank alchemists, but the value of the two is very different.

He just became a sixth-rank alchemist.

But Henry Zhang can refine the ultimate pill!

As long as Henry Zhang yells and pays a little price, there will be a lot of spirit kings who will sacrifice their lives for them. This is also the most important reason why he fears Henry Zhang.

"A second-tier throne class?"

Henry Zhang was unmoved, a sharp sword energy burst out from in front of him, cutting quickly, the body of the armored centipede slammed into thousands of pieces.

"Sword Master of the Sky!"

"Tier 2 throne class!"

"The origin of the throne!"

The grin on the skinny old man's face instantly turned into horror.


In his horrified eyes, a huge sword qi fell down, and his body was instantly wiped out, leaving only a faint trace of blood.


After killing the old man, Henry Zhang's eyes suddenly changed, and the sword master of the sky flashed back like lightning. The sharp long sword, like a shield, stood on the left side of Henry Zhang.


Dazzling sparks splashed, and then, the crisp sound of clanging continued in the sky, and countless sharp afterimages quickly intertwined around Henry Zhang.

"Want to kill me?"

Henry Zhang snorted coldly: "Sword Master Sky, force it out!"


Swinging the long sword, the opponent was forced into the void. The Sword Master of the Sky looked straight ahead, and with two fingers closed together, he slowly stroked the sword and stabbed out.


The figure staggered back and could no longer hide.

"Double knife sting?" Henry Zhang squinted his eyes.

Two sharp long knives protruded from the palms of his hands. The two knives stared coldly at the sword master of the sky. The hard armor on his body was shining brightly.

However, the luster was dark purple.

"Assassination type double-knife sting?" Henry Zhang's eyes flashed a sharp edge.

Double Sword Sting, a common spirit beast, has three branches to choose from after being promoted to the throne level.

One is the power type. Its double blades will become several times the size of the original. When it is swung, it carries a huge force, making it difficult for the opponent to parry.

This is also the most common type.

As for the second, it is defensive.

The defensive branch of the double-knife sting will produce a pair of insect wings on the back. These insect wings are hard shell-like blue-black, and when opened, they are as hard as a shield.

As for the last type, it is the assassination type.

This type is the rarest.

The assassin-type double-knife sting has no obvious change in appearance, only the shell, which has changed from gilt gold to dark purple, and has a strong concealment ability.

If Henry Zhang's soul power was not far superior to ordinary people, the blow just now might have killed him.

"Hehe, the strength is not strong, but the reaction ability is not weak." A middle-aged man stepped forward and stared at Henry Zhang coldly: "Hand over all the empty boundary stones, and I can let you live."

"Just for money?" Henry Zhang squinted.

"There are so many spirit jades in your space boundary stone, no one doesn't want them." The middle-aged man said coldly.

"How do you know that I have a lot of Lingyu, and you came here from Jiujue City? No, you were not among those people just now. It was just an excuse to seek money. Your real purpose is to kill me."

In Henry Zhang's eyes, the light flickered: "Who are you instigated by, why don't you dare to say it clearly."

Qiu's house?

The probability is very high.

He had just killed Qiu Yufei, and the Qiu family would definitely not let him go. However, Qiu Hao said that he would kill him in the alchemy hall to wash away his shame, so he probably wouldn't do that.

Besides the Qiu family, who else wanted his life?

"I said it, only for money." The eyes of the middle-aged man gradually turned cold.

"The person who wants to kill me is nothing more than a contender for the alchemist seat. Are you being instructed by one of the three major elixir families, the Qiu family, the Chen family, or the Yu family?"

Seemingly guessed by Henry Zhang, the middle-aged man's voice became furious.

"Too much nonsense, courting death!"


Flashing to the back of Henry Zhang, the double blades of the two knives stinging purple and black were raised, splitting the space, and slashing down with a swish, two slender knife marks were extremely conspicuous.

This book comes from Reading Joy, Reading Joy is wonderful! (= Reading Joy)

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