Master of Beasts

Chapter 1320 Poison Dan?


"Sure enough, I guessed it right."

Henry Zhang sneered: "Third-level high-level throne-level double-knife sting, and comprehend the origin of the throne, this kind of strength, no matter which elixir family it is in, can be regarded as the mainstay. Take your body back, I am not afraid that no one will recognize it. out."


The sharp spears blocked the double knives slashed by the double knives, the sky sword master raised the sole of his foot, and the right foot that was raised at the same time as the double knives slammed into each other heavily.


After the muffled sound came out, the two retreated at the same time.

"kill me?"

The middle-aged man curled his lips in disdain: "It's up to you? This joke is not funny at all."

"Clang clang!"

The figures of Cang Qiong Sword Master and Double Saber Sting flashed in the sky, and immediately pierced through the mountains. A deep ravine was directly carved out of the desolate mountain.

"Double knives sting, double whirling blades!" the middle-aged man shouted.

The sharp double knives crossed, and the double knives slashed out suddenly, and the two arcs of purple-black knife light intertwined together, blasting on the blade of the sword master of the sky in an instant, spinning at a high speed.


The back of Sword Master Cang Qiong slammed heavily on the mountain, the hard rock shattered and cracks appeared, and the light of the sword spun for a while before dissipating.

"Come again!" The middle-aged man grinned.

"call out!"

The sword light swept out again, and the unsteady figure of the sword master of the sky directly smashed through the mountain. The cracked rocks splashed into the sky, and a huge back hole emerged from the mountain.

"Kill it!"

The middle-aged man's murderous voice came out, and the double swords stabbed and slashed horizontally, swung back heavily, and the ear-piercing sound of breaking the wind resounded through the world.

"Sword Master of the Sky, Silent Killing Sword!"

The golden giant sword collided with the two knives, and a fierce sword energy erupted. The uneven rocks below were chipped as smooth as a mirror, and the mountain peaks in the distance were a mess.

Stepping in the sky, the sword master of the sky and the two swords are looking at each other from a distance.

The next moment, the two rushed out and slashed at each other crazily. For a moment, it was a close call, which made the middle-aged man's face turn livid.

The strength of the double-knife sting is at the third level.

But the Sword Master of the Sky is only the second rank.

In the case of possessing a throne source at the same time, the double-knife sting can't help the sky sword master. If the strength of the two is the same, he will undoubtedly lose.

"It can't be delayed."

The eyes of the middle-aged man turned cold: "My double-knife sting is an assassin type after all. If you fight head-on, you won't be able to take advantage of it. It will only waste your spiritual and physical strength in vain."

"Spiritual skills, double sting!"

Hearing the middle-aged man's command, the eyes of the double-knife sting flashed, and a double-knife sting suddenly appeared behind the Sky Sword Master, and it slashed out with two knives.

"Stand-in? Two double knives sting, one empty and the other solid."

Henry Zhang analyzed it immediately: "Don't pay attention to the one opposite!"

Standing opposite the Sword Master Cang Qiong, he slashed fiercely with the double blades, and slashed at his vitals. If this move was successful, the Sword Master Cang Qiong would probably be torn apart from the middle like a wooden stake.

However, as soon as Henry Zhang's voice came out, the sword master of the sky immediately turned around and made a backhand.


Dazzling sparks splashed, and the double knives slashed by the two knives were picked up, and the Sky Sword Master took advantage of the situation to prop up his right knee and slammed into it fiercely.

The sound of vomiting blood and the crisp sound of bones shattering spread at the same time.

After being stung by the flying double knives, his aura was a bit sluggish, but the sting of the twin knives that slashed towards the sky sword master dissipated invisibly, and the double knives that swung across the body of the sky sword master did not bring a trace of blood.

"Sure enough." Henry Zhang's mouth twitched lightly.

The powerful soul power of the seventh-rank alchemist made it easy for him to identify the real body of the double-knife sting.

If it is a sixth-rank alchemist, I'm afraid it will be a lot of trouble.

"Damn it, these alchemists are trouble!"

The middle-aged man was cursing: "Double knives sting, fast knives net, force the sword master of the sky back!"

Looking at the sword master in the sky who was rushing straight up, Shuangdao Zing quickly swung his long sword, and the dense shadow of the sword turned into a layered network of swords, impenetrable.


Henry Zhang made a decisive decision and let the Sky Sword Master avoid it.

The Sky Sword Master could take this blow, but it was too costly. More importantly, the Double Knife Sting would probably take advantage of this gap to launch a counterattack against it.

Facts have proved that Henry Zhang's judgment is not wrong.

At the same time as the saber net fell, the double saber sting followed the previous combat experience and immediately appeared behind the sky sword master, slashing obliquely with the long saber.


The sound of bones breaking was particularly abrupt.

Without looking at the back, the Sword Master Cang Qiong held the hilt of the sword with his backhand, and slammed it back heavily, the two knives stung and vomited blood, and his chest was sunken.

This blow can be described as adding fuel to the fire.

The already existing injuries from the double-knife sting became more and more serious.

There was a huge pain from the part that was hit by the knee of the Sky Sword Master, and the body that was stabbed by the two knives kept shaking, and his eyes were painful.

"This kid, why is he so difficult!"

The teeth of the middle-aged man clenched together tightly.

Didn't it mean that alchemists are all weak scum with little combat experience?

But Henry Zhang's reaction and awareness are much better than his, a veteran who often assassinates, and Henry Zhang can't see through all his actions and purposes.


Unwillingness flashed across his eyes, and the middle-aged man glared at the pair of knives.

If you continue to fight, not only will you not be able to kill Henry Zhang, but he will also have to fall here.

"You can't go."

It was so hard to hit the double knife sting hard, how could Henry Zhang let it go like this: "The sword master of the sky, one sword sky, nail the double knife sting to death!"

"call out!"

The golden sword wheel bloomed from the tip of the sword, and the slender sword energy emanating from it swept across the space with the movement of the right arm of the sword master sky, causing the two swords to flee in embarrassment.

The moment he was forced to a certain position by the double-knife sting.


A pair of golden sharp swords descended from the sky, and the body that was stabbed by the two knives suddenly looked like a wooden stake, crossed and pierced by dozens of sharp swords.

Purple-black blood dripped along the tip of the sword.

Double knife sting, die!

"Although the accuracy of Jianliu Burial is questionable, its lethality is astonishing."

Henry Zhang looked at the middle-aged man, and said calmly: "You can't escape, tell the mastermind behind the scenes, maybe I can still think about it, and spare you."


His face was extremely pale, and the middle-aged man's eyes turned hard, and he roared angrily: "Henry Henry, you will come down to accompany me in a short time!"


While speaking, the middle-aged man exploded and turned into blood mist.

Henry Zhang froze for a moment, frowning slightly.


In this way, it is very difficult to find the real culprit behind the scenes.

Who is so arrogant to assassinate the alchemist who participated in the alchemy ceremony? Aren't you afraid that the alchemy hall will be angry?

At this moment, an anxious voice rang in Henry Zhang's mind.

"Master, where are you? Did something happen?"

"It's okay, the trouble has been solved."

"Come here quickly!"


"At the pill meeting, a poison pill appeared!"

This book comes from Reading Joy, Reading Joy is wonderful! (= Reading Joy)

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