Master of Beasts

Chapter 1328 Dumbfounded Xun Feng

Xunfeng's angry voice resounded over the area where Jiang's family was located, and a large group of alchemists all looked over, including several famous great alchemists.

When they saw that Xun Feng was targeting Jiang Sheng, their expressions became extraordinarily exciting.

This guy Xunfeng is really miserable.

As long as he has a few friends in Jiujue City, he will be notified immediately that there are a few people who cannot be provoked in Jiujue City today.

One is Henry Zhang.

The other one is Jiang Sheng.

As a result, he offended both.

What kind of luck is this?

"Answer me!" Seeing that Jiang Sheng remained silent, Xun Feng felt that his majesty had been challenged, and his voice immediately became much louder, deafening.

However, for his scolding, Jiang Sheng remained expressionless.

In the past, she might have been extremely afraid of Xunfeng, but today, she has met countless alchemists who are stronger than Xunfeng, and Huo Liezi also gave her the privilege of overriding the elders of the alchemy hall.

Xunfeng's behavior, in her eyes, is no different from a clown.

"It's just a good-looking trash!"

Anger rose on his face, Xun Feng stretched out his old right hand, and grabbed Jiang Sheng fiercely. The fierce wind lifted Jiang Sheng's long hair that was hanging down.

Long hair is disheveled.

A unique crest of Dandian appeared in Xunfeng's line of sight, making his outstretched palm freeze in place like an electric shock.

The silver badge is extremely bright under the sunlight.

Xunfeng's head buzzed with a bang.

Silver coat of arms!

How could Jiang Sheng have a silver coat of arms!

"Go on." Jiang Sheng raised his head, his icy eyes were like a dead pool of water, although beautiful, they were so cold that they pierced the bone marrow.


Xunfeng's throat,

As if blocked by something, I couldn't make a sound.

He doesn't believe it.

I can't believe it either.

The silver coat of arms of Dandian actually appeared on an ordinary Jiang family, Jiang Sheng, isn't he just good-looking, how could he be recognized by Dandian!

"Old Wu!"

Turning around quickly and gloomyly, Xun Feng said coldly to an elder of the Dan Palace who was passing by: "I suspect that someone stole the crest of the Dan Palace. For the majesty of the Dan Palace, it is necessary for her to apologise with death."

"Who?" The elder of the alchemy hall frowned slightly.

Such vulgar words displeased him.

Opening his mouth and shutting his mouth to death, Xunfeng still looks like an alchemist.

"Her!" Xun Feng pointed at Jiang Sheng and said coldly.

"Oh it's you."

Dazed for a moment, Elder Wu smiled at Jiang Sheng: "My name is Wu Hao, and I am the Sixth Elder of Pill Hall, responsible for managing elixir. If you need it in the future, come to me anytime."

"Thank you." Jiang Sheng nodded politely, neither alien nor close.

Xun Feng was dumbfounded.

how so!

Shouldn't Elder Wu be furious and take back Jiang Sheng's coat of arms?

Could it be...

Thinking of this possibility, Xun Feng's legs were a little weak. Jiang Sheng's coat of arms was actually bestowed by Dan Dian himself?

"Ha ha!"

"Xunfeng, you dare to touch the Elder Yinwen of the Pill Palace, you are quite courageous, and you still want to take her as a concubine by force?"

"I admire you!"

The other alchemists didn't dare to speak, but the sixth-rank alchemists didn't have so many scruples, and laughed out loud, making Xun Feng's face turn green.

Sitting down with difficulty, Xunfeng clenched his fists tightly.

His old face is completely lost.

"I will remember what happened today."

When Jiang Sheng's calm voice came, Xun Feng couldn't help shivering. He found sadly that he was actually afraid of this cold sentence.

He is Xunfeng!

The majestic Xunfeng in Jiujue City!

"It turns out that it's not you who is capable at all."

Raising his head, Xunfeng looked at Henry Zhang with a hoarse voice: "You dare to be arrogant to me when you hugged Jiang Sheng's thigh, a big man, making such calculations, ha ha."

"Your brain power is very strong." Henry Zhang finally spoke, but the expression was quite speechless.

This Xunfeng, I really dare to think about it.

"Did I said wrong thing."

Xunfeng said with hatred: "Before, you deliberately bluffed to show how powerful you are, but in fact you were just an empty shell, just pretending, so there is no real ability."


Just as Jiang Sheng wanted to defend himself, Henry Zhang waved his hand lightly.

Xun Feng loves to think whatever he wants.

Why bother explaining to this kind of person.

"A big man, relying on a little girl to pretend to be a tiger, how can people think highly of you." Xun Feng shook his head slightly, ignored Henry Zhang, and went to the Dantai, Henry Zhang will soon reveal his true colors.


A crisp chime made everyone look up.

On the alchemy platform, an old man in red robe slowly landed.

Although the costume was the same as Huo Liezi's, the edges and corners of his face were much more restrained, and his old face showed a little gentleness.


The only seventh-rank alchemist in the southern region!

As soon as Huochizi appeared, the atmosphere of the whole audience instantly ignited, the eyes of a famous alchemist were full of enthusiasm, and the eyes of the top six alchemists were even hotter.

Only they really know what a seventh-rank alchemist means.

For many people, this small step is difficult to cross in a lifetime.

Especially them.

In this life, they may not be able to touch the threshold of a seventh-rank alchemist!


Coughing lightly, Huo Chizi smiled and said: "Dan Dian intends to learn from each other, absorb experience together, and prepare for breaking through to the seventh-rank alchemist. This is the consistent purpose of Dan Dian. The alchemy code is purely a battlefield for competing for the alchemy seat."

"I won't talk nonsense. Dandian has been held so many times, so I won't repeat the specific rules."

"The first round of screening, start!"


After Huo Chizi's voice fell, thousands of alchemists, like dense locusts, flew into the sky, and the hovering positions were all square and square, very regular.

This cannot be called a Dan Code, it can only be regarded as a selection.

Only the true alchemy elites are eligible to participate in the alchemy ceremony!

"In this round, as long as you refine the elixir of the fifth grade and above, you can enter the next round." After Huo Chizi finished speaking, his figure appeared in a high hanging position like a flash.

There, there were several elders from the Pill Hall.

Firebolt is impressively on the list.

"I don't know what kind of medicine they will refine."

"As long as it is a fifth-grade high-level pill, it can pass."

"That's what they say, but they all have their own pride. How can they allow random pills to be refined? The first round of selection before the last pill ceremony was quite heated."

"There's a good show to watch."


While everyone below was discussing, Dan Ding emerged one by one. In the Dan Ding, flames of various colors were burning fiercely. Looking from the sky, hundreds of colors were beautiful.

"If you want to refine it, refine the sixth-grade elixir."

"Fifth grade? It's better not to participate."

Several sixth-rank alchemists began to control the fire temperature without hesitation. They had a good reputation in Jiujue City, so naturally they couldn't be so casual.

"Will the fifth-grade peak pill be enough?"

After pondering for a while, Henry Zhang caressed the boundary stone in the sky with his palm, and suddenly, two cold eyes stared straight at him, and that appearance was clearly Qiu Hao.

"Henry Zhang, I finally have a chance to play you to death."

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