Master of Beasts

Chapter 1329 Big Bang

"Our location is really close, the sky has eyes." Qiu Hao smiled slightly as he licked the scarlet one, and there was bloodlust in his smile.

There are hundreds of ways to kill an alchemist.

In these years, countless alchemists died at his hands.

Henry Zhang is next.

"That person must be the bastard who killed Yufei."

In the Qiu family's camp, a middle-aged man stared at Henry Zhang fiercely, and said viciously: "Yu Fei just took out his empty boundary stone, and didn't do anything to him. What's the crime? He killed Without Yufei, do you still have any humanity! Do you have any! "

Qiu Yufei stepped on the Henry Zhangkong boundary stone and made a life-and-death bet, but he never mentioned it.

No matter what Qiu Yufei did, it was right.

It was Henry Zhang who was wrong.

Henry Zhang deserves to die!

"Patriarch Qiu, what you said is a little unreasonable."

Jiang Xu frowned: "You know what Qiu Yufei did. If she hadn't insulted Master Xiao repeatedly, and even made a bet to put Master Xiao to death, how could she have been killed?"

"Shut up!"

Qiu Bo furiously reprimanded: "What Yufei did is not wrong, it's all because of Henry Zhang, who is cruel and inhuman, and you, the head of the Jiang family who is about to be kicked out of the four major families, dare to speak to me like that ? I have decided that the alchemist you invited will not pass the first round of screening alive!"

Jiang Xu looked slightly angry.

His Jiang family, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, no matter what, it is also one of the four alchemy families in Jiujue City, and this is the first time he has been pointed at the nose and scolded like this for so many years.

"Not convinced?"

A murderous intent flashed across Qiu Bo's eyes: "Ever since that old guy Qiu Po ​​died, the Jiang family has long been disqualified from being one of the three major families. What else are you going to do besides asking for foreign aid to survive? , are also some dubious guys, I blush for you!"

Qiu Bo's words not only scolded Henry Zhang, but also scolded Xunfeng.

Xunfeng's character,

In Jiujue City, it is indeed considered dishonest and despised by others.

Except for the Jiang family who urgently needed help to tide over the difficulties, there were not many powerful alchemists who would look at him highly.


Jiang Xu laughed back angrily: "An alchemist who can refine elixir and poisonous elixirs is so unbearable in your mouth? Can you refine elixir? Can you refine poisonous elixirs? Can you be killed by Fire Liezi?" Did the Master invite you twice? Did you achieve this at his age?"

Under Jiang Xu's barrage of questioning, Qiu Bo's complexion immediately darkened, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a word of rebuttal.

"Dan Dian, it depends on personal ability."

Qiu Bo paused for a moment, then said in a cold voice: "What's more, whether that kid is qualified to participate in the alchemy ceremony is another matter. The higher you praise him, the harder you will fall."

"Wait and see." Jiang Xu was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Everything will be proved in a moment.


Hundreds of white-clothed disciples soared into the sky.

These are all disciples of Dan Dian.

The elixir and medicinal materials used in the first round of screening were all provided by the Alchemy Palace, so as not to prevent some alchemists from tampering with the materials and fooling around.

Of course, the cost of these materials is not a small sum

Therefore, all the pills refined by alchemists must be handed over to the alchemy hall in the end to make up for the loss.

"Magic holy vine, Guiyuan Ganoderma lucidum, Yin Liecao."

"Earth Sacred Wood..."

"Yang Linghua..."

The alchemists quickly talked about the elixir and medicinal materials they needed, and many people below were talking about it.

"After all, it is Master Lou Ming. The first round of screening involves refining the sixth-grade elixir."

"Master Rong Shan is too."

"Aren't they afraid of failure?"

"A man of high art is bold."

"Sanfu leaves, silver flower branches, and red wood balls." Henry Zhang casually said the elixir formula of the fifth-grade elixir to the alchemy disciples in front of him. Anyway, he could pass the first round of screening by refining it casually, so why bother asking for trouble.

"A majestic sixth-grade alchemist actually refines a fifth-grade elixir."

Looking sideways at Henry Zhang, Qiu Hao sneered and said: "I thought it would be great to be able to refine Jue Dan and Poison Pill? Once you compare your real skills, you will be exposed. Look, besides you, how can there be a sixth-rank Alchemist, I am so ashamed to be with you to refine the fifth-grade elixir."

Henry Zhang squinted his eyes slightly, and a sharp edge flashed in his eyes.

This sharpness was not aimed at Qiu Hao, but at one of the alchemists.

Just now, he actually felt a faint soul wave.

Seventh grade alchemist!

That is the powerful soul power that only seventh-rank alchemists can possess.

He can be sure.

That's not Huochizi!

"Why don't you talk anymore, I've poked you where it hurts?" Qiu Hao laughed provocatively.

"Shut up!"

After being disturbed by Qiu Hao and losing his target, Henry Zhang looked over impatiently: "Why do you talk so much nonsense, it's just a pill, if you can refine it, you can refine it, if you can't refine it, you can get out, if you really want to find fault, why not fight , wouldn't it be more comfortable to split up your life than to play lip service?"

The movement here attracted the attention of many people, and Qiu Hao's face turned livid.

His alchemy is strong, but his own strength is no more than the ninth-rank Linghuang.

If you fight with Henry Zhang, you will only be killed in seconds.

Being scolded and scolded in front of so many people made him look as embarrassing as he wanted, and what made him go crazy was that he couldn't even talk back about it.

If there is a difference between life and death, he must be the one who dies.

"A barbarian who only knows how to fight and kill, what can he do, it's disgusting."

Lowering his head, Qiu Hao said viciously: "You wait for me, I'll kill you right away, offending a pinnacle alchemist is the most stupid thing you've ever done in your life!"


After the alchemy materials were presented, the alchemists quickly immersed themselves in alchemy and began to alchemy.

After searching carefully several times, Henry Zhang slowly withdrew his soul power, frowning slightly, could it be that he really felt wrong just now?

It is indeed unlikely that there will be a second seventh-rank alchemist in the southern region.

Perhaps, he was suspicious.

As everyone knows, Huo Chizi, who was sitting on the chair of Dan Diandian, with a warm smile, also narrowed his old eyes slightly, but soon, he returned to normal.

That reaction was roughly similar to that of Henry Zhang.

"Patriarch, how likely is it that master will win the alchemist seat?" Jiang Sheng asked in a low voice, Jiang Xu, as the patriarch of the four major alchemist families, does not need to participate in the screening.

This is the privilege of the four masters.

It is not without reason that the major families in Jiujue City are desperately trying to squeeze into the ranks of the four major families.

"It's hard to say." Jiang Xu lacked confidence.

The Southern Territory is originally the great domain of alchemists, who can win the alchemist seat, which one is not the pinnacle of the sixth-rank alchemist, Henry Zhang can refine a wide variety of elixir, but the real alchemy...

At this time.


A huge sound suddenly resounded in the sky, and the people watching below stood up with a bang, their faces surprised and unbelievable.

There is a Dan Ding, it exploded!

And, it was a big bang!


Jiang Sheng's face was pale.

The center of the explosion was Henry Zhang!

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