Master of Beasts

Chapter 1348 Spirit Void Appears

"I, Henry Zhang, issue the alchemy order here to besiege and kill the black guards. All participants, no matter how much they contribute, will be given one Siqi Tianyuan Pill, and the killer will get ten Siqi Tianyuan Pills!"

Henry Zhang's voice fell, and the space was silent for a while.

next moment.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

There was a sound of breaking wind, and the space was turbulent. One after another, high-ranking spirit king powerhouses appeared around the black guard, staring at the black guard as if they were prey.

That number is no less than thirty!

The palm of Heiwei's opening the spirit door stiffened immediately, his mind was in a daze, and Hei Ya, who was shouting behind him, was also dumbfounded, dumbstruck.

What's happening here?

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The number of high-level spirit kings is still increasing.

In just a moment, there were no less than fifty strong men surrounding Heiwei and Heiya!

Forty eighth-rank spirit kings and ten ninth-rank spirit kings.

This shocking lineup has great visual impact in the dark night.

"The allure of the Four Qi Tianyuan Pill is indeed great." Jiang Xu muttered to himself.

He can also summon the ninth-level spirit king, but the difficulty is much higher than that of Henry Zhang, and Henry Zhang just said a word, and most of the high-level spirit kings in Jiujue City came here.

That's the difference!

"Since there are so many high-level spirit kings in Jiujue City." A young man swallowed, moistening his parched throat.

In fact, Jiujue City is a great city of alchemists, and there are quite a few high-ranking spirit kings living here, but their main purpose of coming here is to seek alchemy, so they are very low-key and rarely show their presence.

Now, most of them have appeared.

Attracted by the Four Qi Tianyuan Pill.

"who are you."

Heiwei's face turned pale immediately: "I am Heiwei, the third elder of the Black Dragon Palace!"

No one answered.

Nobody cares.

The spirit king powerhouse who descended here just looked at the black guard calmly, under that calmness, there was a hint of fiery hidden in it, as if the black guard was the Four Qi Tian Yuan Pill.

The chilling atmosphere on the street suddenly became a little thicker.

"Third Elder..." Hei Ya's teeth trembled.

It's good that he is the number one young man on the Southern Region Dragon Ranking, but he has never faced such a situation.

In the past, none of the younger generation of geniuses in the southern region was his opponent. The older generation of strong men did not dare to attack him because they were afraid of his father, which made him so rampant.

This moment.

He was finally scared.

"Henry Zhang, I won't kill you anymore. Today's grievances are also written off. I will take Hei Ya and leave Jiujue City now." Hei Wei gritted his teeth tightly, his expression quite unwilling.

As the third elder of Heikuya, when had he been so humble.

If this is not Jiujue City, he must let Henry Zhang die without a place to bury him.

But right now, his greatest wish is to get out of danger.

"Don't kill me? It seems like you're letting me go." Henry Zhang smiled and shook his head. This black guard hasn't figured out his situation yet.

"If you dare to touch me and Hei Ya, the Black Dragon Palace will definitely not let you go!"

Hei Sansheng said forcefully: "However, as long as Hei Ya and I leave safely, the Black Dragon Palace will give you a low void-level spirit crystal."

"Third Elder!" Hei Ya was anxious.

There are only three low-level void-level spirit crystals in the Black Dragon Palace. Sometimes no amount of spirit crystals can be bought for this level of spirit crystals. Should it be given to Henry Zhang?

"Shut up!" Black Guard was a little annoyed.

When is it, do you still care about a low-level void-level spirit crystal?

"Hit a stick and give a date, the methods of you people are really old-fashioned."

Henry Zhang smiled: "If you just showed up with this kind of attitude, I may not think about it, but you are going to kill me, my life is more than one low-level void-level spirit crystal."

"Everyone... kill!"

Henry Zhang's voice fell, and the expressions of Hei Ya and Hei Wei changed wildly.

They thought that Henry Zhang was just scaring them. After all, a young master of the Black Dragon Palace, a third elder of the Black Dragon Palace, his identity is too sensitive.

But never expected that Henry Zhang really dared to kill!

"Explosive Flame Elephant, Explosive Flame Tale!"

"Thousand-legged centipede, strangle!"

"Mud Giant, Rock Fist!"

One by one spirit beasts appeared abruptly, their spirit power billowed, the space trembled wildly, and they came to attack Heiwei and Heiya, scaring the two of them out of their wits.

Seeing that the two of them were about to be blasted into nothingness.


The majestic snort suddenly came out from the void, shattering all the attacks towards Heiwei and Heiya, turning them into ripples of spiritual power and spreading.


Those powerful throne-level spirit beasts vomited blood and retreated violently. The high-ranking spirit kings in the world all looked solemn and stared at the void warily.

"Father!" Hei Ya's eyes trembled with excitement.

Hei Feng, a first-order spirit deficient powerhouse, his father!

He is saved!

"Useless things."

In the void, a middle-aged man stepped out slowly and looked at Hei Ya coldly: "I am very disappointed in you. If you lose, you lose. Why don't you dare to recognize the reality, and even ask the third elder to help you?" Killing the opponent, do you think that there is no hope of defeating him in the future, so that's why!"

"I..." Hei Ya's face suddenly turned pale.

Hei Feng's words were like a sharp sword, piercing straight into his heart.

That's right.

He was indeed afraid.

Next time, he will definitely not dare to face Henry Zhang.

What happened just now has completely destroyed his self-confidence and arrogance.

"Come back with me, and reflect on yourself." Hei Feng said coldly, from the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at Henry Zhang, as if Xiao Yang didn't exist at all.

"Yes." Hei Ya lowered his head, but he was relieved in his heart.

It's finally time to leave.

His life was saved.


Looking at Heiya who was about to leave, Jiang Xu sighed softly. Although the status of Heilongdian in the southern region is not as good as that of Dandian, it is also one of the overlord forces. If not, how dare Heiya be so presumptuous and directly He smashed the door of Jiang's family, and regarded him and Jiang's family as nothing.

Today, Henry Zhang is afraid that it will be difficult to kill Hei Ya.

It's not just Jiang Xu who thinks this way, but also the other people watching, including the strong spirit king who came to help him.

As soon as Hei Feng appeared, what else could Henry Zhang do, saving his life was already the best result.


Just as Hei Ya and Hei Wei were about to leave, Henry Zhang raised his head suddenly, and smiled at Hei Feng: "Master Hei, go back by yourself, it's better for these two people to stay in Juecheng."


Deathly silence.

Hei Ya and Hei Mu stared blankly at Henry Zhang with the raised soles of their feet, and then, there was raging anger in their eyes.

Hei Feng is here, Henry Zhang still wants to keep them?


In the cold eyes, there was a flash of sharpness, and Hei Feng slowly lowered his head, staring at Henry Zhang gloomyly, a powerful coercion fell suddenly.

"Are you talking to me?"

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