Master of Beasts

Chapter 1349 Ice Soul

"Are you talking to me?"

The powerful coercion fell, and the ground around Henry Zhang, as if hit by a giant meteorite, collapsed with a bang, filled with dust, and a huge deep pit appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the sand and stones in it seemed to disappear out of thin air.

"So strong." A ninth-rank spirit king was shocked.

Can this kind of destruction be caused by coercion alone?

As expected of Lingxu!

Standing in the middle of the deep pit, Henry Zhang, whose black robe fluttered, had a calm expression, and there was no trace of damage on his body. Hei Feng didn't really attack him.

It's not that I don't want to, but I dare not.

Hei Feng knew a little about Henry Zhang's origins. Once Xingyun Peak, which has two spirit-deficit powerhouses, attacked him, within half an hour, the entire Black Dragon Palace would be razed to the ground.

Therefore, from coming to leaving, he did not target Henry Zhang.

I just didn't expect that Henry Zhang didn't give him face so much.

"Why don't you hide." Hei Feng spat out a cold voice.

"Why hide." Henry Zhang smiled faintly.

If the strong man with spiritual deficiency wanted to kill him, no matter how hard he struggled, it would be useless, so why bother to embarrass himself, besides, Hei Feng couldn't kill him either.

In the void, someone who has been watching here will not let him die.

Otherwise, you will get a bad reputation for being ungrateful.

That's right.

This person is Xuan Bingzi.


Accompanied by the sound of freezing, a huge invisible ice cover cracked and shattered, and fine pieces of ice fell from the sky, causing many people in the field to shrank their necks from the cold.

Ordinary ice, they can naturally ignore it.

But this is the ice condensed by a strong man with a spiritual deficiency!

"Who." Hei Feng rolled his eyes and shouted coldly.


icy blue ice storm,

It suddenly swept up from the sky, and immediately slammed into Hei Feng with an extremely violent attitude. Wherever it passed, the space froze.

Looking at the astonishing icy storm, Hei Feng's face turned cold: "Black Dragon, true dragon transformation!"


The long black dragon, like a wisp of smoke, soared into the sky around the black front, and when it reached the sky, it suddenly expanded dozens of times, turning into a huge black dragon, and facing the icy storm.

The two haven't collided yet.

The densely packed spatial cracks spread like a huge spider web, as if a smooth mirror had been forcibly shattered.


The spirit king powerhouses scattered in the sky fled in all directions.

The attack of void-level spirit beasts is so terrifying!

In everyone's horrified eyes.

The black dragon and the ice storm finally collided together.


Accompanied by a thunderous bang, a huge substantial ripple spread from the point of collision, and the mountain peaks surrounding Jiujue City, as if cut by a sharp blade, revealed a conspicuous gap.

Spatial disorder.

Spiritual power surged.

The space above Jiujue City was in a mess, like a towel that had been kneaded into a ball and covered with wrinkles.

However, although the battle above was fierce, the town below was still safe and sound. If it wasn't for Jiujue City, it might have been completely destroyed.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

The black dragon that hit the icy storm flew upside down a distance of a million feet, the majestic dragon head was torn apart, and drops of warm blood rolled down.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

Hei Feng's black dragon, injured?

This is a void-level spirit beast!


The ice storm dissipated, revealing an elf-like figure. Its body was crystal clear, and it stepped lightly in the void, with its eyes slightly closed. Delicate icy souls surrounded it, slowly following a specific trajectory. Turn slowly.

mysterious beast.

Ice Soul!

"Is this the Ice Spirit Soul?" Henry Zhang murmured in a low voice.

It is also the first-order medium void class, and the ice spirit is completely crushed against the black dragon.

The mysterious beast is still strong in the void class.

"Xuan Bingzi?"

Looking at the middle-aged man beside Bing Lingpo, Hei Feng's complexion changed uncontrollably, and then he said angrily: "When did I have a grudge against you, why did you suddenly attack me!"

Hei Ya and Hei Wei looked pale.

In their eyes, Hei Feng was invincible, but in the end, with just one blow, the black dragon lost its fighting power. What a disparity!

"I owe him a favor." Xuan Bingzi glanced at Henry Zhang and said lightly.

"Him?" Hei Feng couldn't believe it.

Can a ninth-rank Linghuang make Xuan Bingzi owe favors?

Who are you kidding!

He is not an alchemist, and he didn't pay much attention to the alchemy hall in Jiujue City, otherwise he would definitely know that Henry Zhang had refined the seventh-rank absolute alchemy.

If he had known earlier, he would definitely not let Hei Ya take Sun Xian to provoke Henry Zhang.

The Qiwen Jue Pill is enough to drive some spirit-deficit experts crazy.

Including him!

"Xuan Bingzi, you actually don't like me, so you don't need to make such cheap excuses, a little reptile can help you?" Hei Feng frowned.

"Seven Patterns Absolute Pill."

"What?" Hei Feng was taken aback.

"He helped me refine one, the seven-pattern Ice Spirit Sky Soul Pill."

Xuan Bingzi's indifferent voice came out, and after Hei Feng was stunned for a moment, his pupils dilated little by little, as if a turbulent sea was set off in his heart.

Qiwen Jue Pill?


What a joke!

Looking quickly, Hei Feng was shocked to find that those sixth-grade alchemists whose names he could name didn't change much, but showed a sympathy for him instead.


Hei Feng looked at the more familiar Master Rong Shan, hissed: "Is this true?"

"Indeed." Rong Shan sighed and nodded.

How could Hei Feng kick the iron plate of Henry Zhang.

Bad luck.

"Seven-pattern Absolute Pill, Seven-pattern Absolute Pill..."

His face was green and pale, and after a while, Hei Feng bowed his hands to Henry Zhang below, his expression instantly aged a lot: "The dog has no way to teach, please raise your hand and let him live."

Many residents of Jiujue City suddenly gasped.

Hei Feng bowed his head?

"Father!" Hei Ya was distraught and indignant.

He would rather die than see his father plead for mercy with his rival in love, and the rival in love is even younger than him.

Looking at Hei Feng who put his posture extremely low, Henry Zhang was slightly taken aback.

He also did not expect that things would develop to this point.

The powerful Lingxu actually begged him to let Heiya go.

"These are three low-level void-level spirit crystals."

Straightening up, Hei Feng took out a small box from the space boundary stone. After hesitating for a while, he took out a six-sided ice-shaped object: "This object is called Ice Star, an ice-type spiritual object. I got it by accident. The 800,000 Lingyu can be refined by your Yubingdie, please accept it."

Three void-level spirit crystals?

A spiritual object worth half a million spiritual jades?

Many people felt dizzy for a while. As for those powerful sixth-rank alchemists, there were not many surprises. An alchemist who can refine Qiwen Juedan is worth the price.

As for alchemists with lower alchemy skills, they are full of envy.

When will they be treated like this?

"Senior has a heart." Henry Zhang was silent for a while, and smiled wryly.

It would be too unreasonable for a man with a strong spirit to make amends with such a gesture, and besides, these items really touched his heart.

Looking at Henry Zhang under Jiangxi's hands, Heiya's face was as dead ashes.

he knows.

No matter how great his achievements are in the future, what happened today will become his shame. As for Henry Zhang, he will always become his demon and never dissipate.

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