Master of Beasts

Chapter 1355

"Feng Xun Sanhe leaves, remove the seeds, and pinch the flowers." With arrogance, Li Feng stretched out his hand, and his voice was full of domineering.

That casual appearance really seemed to be ordering Dantong around.

Smiling calmly, Henry Zhang removed the seeds and flowers from the leaves of Feng Xun's clover and put them in Li Feng's hands, as if he didn't care much.

Don't worry about it either.

In his eyes, Li Feng is a clown.

Clowns are just for fun, who would take it seriously.


Looking at Henry Zhang who was smiling and handing the Fengxun three-fold leaf to Li Feng, Jiang Sheng was so angry that his pretty face flushed, and he clenched his fists fiercely, wishing to go up and punch Li Feng.

"Jiang Sheng, just look at it." Jiang Xu squinted his eyes slightly, his heart was cold.

The more presumptuous Li Feng is now, the more painful his face will be beaten later.

If Li Feng knew that the person he was ordering like a servant was a seventh-rank alchemist, he wondered if he would be so frightened that he could lose control.

A seventh-rank alchemist is an existence that can sit on an equal footing with those who are strong in spirit deficiency.

Just one sentence can kill him on the spot.

"Continue to be arrogant, why don't you be arrogant? When my master comes, you can only pass the medicinal materials obediently, and you dare not even say a word?" Xun Feng looked at Henry Zhang, extremely proud.

Li Feng was avenging him, deliberately insulting Henry Zhang.

As expected of his master!

Time, little by little.



On the altar, flames soared into the sky, and two middle-aged men whose faces were pale from fright, their legs were weak, almost collapsed on the ground.

It's fried!

The two of them are not from Jiujue City, but visitors from other places. They want to shine in the alchemy book, get the title of one of the four alchemist families, and settle in Jiujue City.

Many families took root in Jiujue City in this way.

However, they clearly failed.


Flashing out of thin air to the sky above the alchemy platform, Huo Chizi's robe bulged without wind, his old hands slowly closed towards the middle, the bursting alchemy fire was condensed into a ball, and quietly extinguished.

Ashamedly saluted Huo Chizi, the two middle-aged men left Dantai.

Most of them are hopeless.

Holding a ball of blackened medicinal paste, Huo Chizi appeared on the chairman's seat, and then put the medicinal paste in a silver plate, and did not throw it away.

There are very few people who can truly achieve alchemy in the last round of the alchemy hall.

The ranking decision is mostly judged by Fei Dan.

"very good!"

Looking at the two middle-aged people who stepped down, a man from an unknown family, their eyes trembled with excitement. As long as another family fails, they will have hope!


Heaven fails to fulfill one's wishes.


"Control the fire!"

In the midst of a rush, the medicinal mud in the cauldron between them burned with a puff and turned into a pile of pitch-black ashes, which was worse than the two just now.

"There are only four families left!"

The people in the stands suddenly came to their senses.

There is basically no suspense about the ownership of the four great alchemist families, so there are not many people surprised by the elimination of those two families. What they really care about is the ranking of the four great alchemist families.

As the head of the four alchemists, can the Qiu family keep their position?

Who will be the replacement?

"Patriarch, we will not be kicked out from the four alchemist families!" A young man from the Jiang family was so excited that he couldn't contain himself. A few days ago, almost everyone in Jiujue City thought that the Jiang family had come to an end. up.

Even the Jiang family thinks so.

Right now, obviously not.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Xu and the elders of Jiang's family were speechless for a while.

If there is no Henry Zhang, they may still be on tenterhooks.

But now their goal is to be the head of the four alchemist families!

Don't look at Li Feng's practice is very happy at present, but we will have to rely on Henry Zhang later.

They believed that Xiao Rang would not let them down.

"The Jiang family's ability to retain their position as one of the four alchemist families is all thanks to my master. You don't have to thank me. After the matter is over,

Just send us a few sixth-grade pill recipes. "

Xunfeng Lion said with a big mouth, with a little sarcasm on his face: "Of course, Henry Zhang's contribution is not small. If he didn't hand over the medicinal materials, my master might be a little more troublesome, haha!"

Looking at Xun Feng who was smiling proudly, Lu Yunxuan narrowed her eyes slightly.

After Dan Dian passed, there was no need for this person to live.

The laughing Xun Feng didn't know that he was running out of time, and he was still laughing at Henry Zhang without saying a word, making Jiang Sheng's pretty face livid with anger.



Accompanied by the sound of the waves, a pill was slowly condensed under the shocked eyes of everyone.


It's done!

"Seventh grade elixir!" The Yu family's eyes lit up, and some family members with poor concentration suddenly stood up and stared at the elixir.

Last time, what the Yu family refined was only a half-waste elixir.

This time, it was so complete!

"That's right." Huo Chizi smiled and nodded.

The alchemy techniques of the Yu family have improved, which is exactly his original intention of holding the alchemy ceremony. The number of high-level alchemists in the southern region should be as large as possible, so that they can prosper.

He didn't hope that he would be the only seventh-rank alchemist in the Southern Region a few years later.

That was a little too lonely.

After delivering the elixir, members of the Yu family left the stage satisfied.

As for the ranking, they don't care anymore, if this continues, they will gradually reach the threshold of seventh-rank alchemist, and maybe one day, they can really step into that dreamed-for level.

Alchemy is still going on.

"Is that from that family?"

"I haven't seen it before."

After a brief commotion, some people looked at the middle-aged man in a yellow robe who was nervously concocting alchemy, and whispered to each other. Next to the middle-aged man stood a figure in a black robe.

Although the two were concocting alchemy at the same time, no matter how you looked at it, they looked like the middle-aged man in the yellow robe was helping the man in the black robe.

Moreover, the alchemy technique of the middle-aged man in the yellow robe is too unfamiliar, as if he has never been in contact with a seventh-grade elixir, which is really strange.

"Huang Can from the Huang family?"

Huo Liezi said in astonishment: "The speed of the Huang family's rise these years is indeed not slow, but compared with the four great alchemy families, it is too far behind. Where did he find help?"

"Hehe." Huo Chizi smiled without saying a word.

This Dandian is very interesting.

Now, it's time to surprise him.

After the Yu family, the second pill was formed, and the alchemist was Huang Can from the Huang family and the man in black.

Although the quality of the elixir is not as good as that of the Yu family, it is at least a elixir.

in the next ten years.

The Huang family will be one of the four alchemist families!

"Thank you, thank you."

After stepping down, Huang Can bowed his head gratefully. In the next ten years, the life of the Huang family will undergo a qualitative change, and it all depends on the man in black in front of him.

"You can go." The man in black had no expression on his face.

If he had tried his best, the result would not have been so, but he didn't have to.

"Yes, yes." Huang Can hurriedly left.

Raising his head, the man in black took a look at Henry Zhang, and then his sharp eyes fell on Huo Chizi, and the corner of his mouth evoked a slight smile.

"Brother, I'm back."

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