Master of Beasts

Chapter 1356 Lost?

The fact that the Huang family became one of the four great alchemist families caused quite a stir. This family, which didn't have much sense of existence, came into people's sight for the first time, which naturally caused a lot of discussion.

As for the Huang family, their bodies trembled with excitement.

They originally thought that the winner would be the Song family, but they never imagined that luck would come to them. The Huang family was fortunate enough to become one of the four major families!

As for the number, they don't have much pursuit.

As long as it is the alchemy family, it is enough!

"Damn it!"

"how so!"

The Song family, who had been lucky before, all had ugly faces. Even if it is a waste pill, it should be able to compete in the previous pills.

But in this session, they are completely unqualified.

Any family is a finished pill.


The Song family couldn't help casting Xi Yi's eyes on the altar.

As long as the Jiang family or the Qiu family fails, they still have a chance!

The appearance of the two finished pills has aroused many heated discussions.

"There are already two families who have become alchemy."

"This year's Dan Ceremony is so exciting!"

"That's right, the only ones who became Dan last year were the Qiu family."

"In the stands!"

"The Qiu family is about to become a pill!"

Murray and Mu Ting's hands changed continuously, like phantoms.


The thunderous elixir quickly squeezed towards the middle, and under Qiu Bo's nervous gaze, the silver elixir slowly condensed, round and crystal clear.


The Qiu family was overjoyed.

It's done!

It's not over yet.

After the elixir was solidified, a conspicuous cloud-like pattern spread out from above the elixir, and Qiu Bo's heart stopped beating in excitement.

Dan pattern!

Seventh grade elixir with pill patterns!


In the stands of Dandian Square, countless people stood up suddenly, staring at the silver elixir held by Qiu Bo in shock, unable to speak.

The two elders, Murray and Mu Ting, actually refined the pill pattern.

This is the first time in the Dandian!

"Ha ha!"

On the seat of the elders of the Pill Palace, the elders of the Qiu family laughed loudly, and at the same time glanced at Henry Zhang contemptuously, so what if he could refine the seventh-rank elixir, wouldn’t he be dumbfounded when he encountered the seventh-rank elixir?

Now, he can only help others.

it's so funny!

"Not bad, not bad." Huo Chizi praised with a smile.

He can also refine the pill pattern, and it is still three ways.

However, with the strength of a sixth-rank alchemist, it is unimaginably difficult to refine a seventh-rank alchemist into a pill pattern. If Murray and Mu Ting can become a seventh-rank alchemist, one day they may also be able to refine it. Pill Wen's seventh-grade elixir.

Just when everyone was shocked.

An accident happened.


The sound of loud noise suddenly spread from the alchemy platform, and the alchemy fire controlled by Li Feng was suddenly extinguished, and the medicine mud that had been hard to condense also fell into the alchemy cauldron with a bang, smashing into a paste.


The Song family, whose faces were ashen, shouted excitedly.

Li Feng's medicinal mud is not as good as them!

The position of one of the four alchemist families is theirs!

"How could this be?" Some of the Jiang family's youths turned pale, and the hope that had been raised in their hearts was turned into nothing.

Is the Jiang family destined to have no relationship with the four great alchemist families?

"Li Feng, your alchemy still needs to be improved." Murray, who had not left the alchemy platform, said.


Li Feng didn't hurt the Jiang family's awareness at all, but laughed indifferently: "You two join forces, and you can barely reach the level of a seventh-rank alchemist. I am convinced that I lost. If I can have a decent Helper, even if you only know a little bit about alchemy, it won't be like this."

The square fell silent.

Countless people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Li Feng was saying that he did not succeed in refining the elixir because he had no helpers, and the implication was to belittle Xiao Xiao who didn't know elixir at all.

"Master Xiao's alchemy,

not bad. "Murray frowned indistinctly.


Li Feng said disdainfully: "It's okay for this son to pass the medicinal materials, but if you really refine the alchemy, it will only make jokes for us who know how to know it. It's useless to ask him."

"The guy who can only slow down, is useless, what use are you for!" Xun Feng pointed at Henry Zhang, and cursed angrily, as if Henry Zhang had ruined Li Feng's reputation.

"Jiang Family, lost." Li Feng turned around and smiled at the people in the audience, with an expression as if he was so open-minded.

"Shameless!" Jiang Sheng trembled delicately.

Because of Li Feng, the Jiang family lost the place of the four major alchemist families!

But Li Feng didn't care at all.


"Still going down?"

With his hands behind his back, he walked a few steps away from the wind, looked at Henry Zhang who was standing still on the stage, frowned and said: "Are you still going to hold on and not admit defeat? To be a human being, you have to afford to lose, otherwise in this life, alchemy There will be no progress, by the way, take my Dan Ding down too, don't get dirty."

Henry Zhang was unmoved.

"Three breaths, come down." There was a trace of anger in Li Feng's eyes.

Henry Zhang dared to disobey his orders?

Glancing at Li Feng, Henry Zhang picked up the medicinal mud and turned it gently.

"Get off!" Li Feng shouted violently with sharp eyes.

Looking at Li Feng who scolded Henry Zhang, many people felt uneasy in their hearts, you are a loser, what qualifications do you have to show off your power like this, why?

"Master Xiao, what are you doing?" Murray asked curiously.

"Alchemy." Henry Zhang threw the medicinal mud back to the alchemy cauldron.


Dazed for a moment, Xun Feng in the audience laughed so hard that tears almost came out: "Did you hear that, he actually wants to make alchemy and use that piece of garbage! Haha, if he can make it, I will kneel down and kowtow to him, laughing." dead!"

"Get off!" Li Feng shouted angrily again.

What happened to Zhang Yang.

Want to embarrass him on purpose?

"Can I stay here and watch you practice?" Murray asked with surprise in his eyes, ignoring Lifeng.


Under Li Feng's furious gaze, Henry Zhang flipped his hands, a ball of fiery pill fire burned from the pill cauldron, and the temperature on the pill platform rose again.

"What is he going to do?"


"Use a piece of discarded medicinal clay?"

Everyone was stunned, stupid.

Even if there is a pill to reshape, it can't be refined with the discarded medicinal mud.

Does Henry Zhang want to destroy his reputation?

"finally come."

Behind the crowd, the man in black stared at Henry Zhang, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he had been looking forward to this moment for a long time, and Jiang Xu and the elders of Jiang's family were also excited.

"Are your ears deaf? I'll tell you to roll down. Do you hear me?"

The fury was even worse, Li Feng stepped forward and grabbed Henry Zhang, Murray's eyes flashed, and just about to stop, a vast soul power suddenly spread from Henry Zhang's body.

That soul power actually formed a soul storm!

"Soul Storm!"

"Oh My God!"

"What did I see!"

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