Master of Beasts

Chapter 1357 Li Feng who was frightened and foolish

The vast storm of spiritual power revolved crazily around Henry Zhang, and the people in the stands were stunned there, as if they were dumbfounded. Some women even covered their mouths tightly to prevent themselves from screaming.

The soul storm can only be condensed by alchemists whose soul power is strong enough to a certain level.

The minimum requirement is a seventh-rank alchemist.

Henry Zhang is actually the seventh rank!

Seventh grade alchemist!

"Damn it." Staring blankly at the soul storm, the Patriarch of the Yu family was buzzing in his mind, feeling absurd in his heart for what he saw.

His performance was relatively calm.

The elders of the Yu family behind him almost dropped their jaws to the ground, and their wide-eyed expressions were even more exaggerated than seeing a giant sea beast suddenly appear in Jiujue City.

"Seven...seventh grade?"

Grabbing the palm of Henry Zhang, he suddenly froze in mid-air, Li Feng was in a daze, and even forgot to breathe for a moment, just stood there in a daze.

Henry Zhang, is a seventh-rank alchemist?

Is there anything more absurd than this?


After recovering from the shock, Jiang Sheng clenched her pink fist, her beautiful eyes were a little annoyed, why did Henry Zhang hide the news that he was a seventh-rank alchemist from her!


Jiang Sheng was taken aback.

It seems that from beginning to end, Henry Zhang never said that she is a sixth-rank alchemist. Everything she thought was just her self-fantasy. Henry Zhang did not deliberately deceive her.

"It doesn't matter, it's a villain!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Sheng was extremely ashamed.

Although the younger generation of the Jiang family screamed in horror, Jiang Xu and all the elders of the Jiang family did not show too much surprise.

This shows that only she has been kept in the dark.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible..."

Staring at Henry Zhang on the altar table, Xun Feng's expression was stiff, and he kept repeating a sentence. The whole person seemed to be dazed and on the verge of collapse.

he knows.

I'm done!

"I see."

Rubbing their dizzy heads, Murray and Mu Ting looked at each other, and they both noticed the bitterness on each other's faces.

Henry Zhang was far away, leaving them behind.

It's ridiculous that they still regarded Henry Zhang as a junior before.

"Seventh rank alchemist? Henry Zhang?"

Stumbling under his feet, Qiu Bo slumped on the ground, his eyes full of panic and fear. It turned out that he had been targeting such a terrifying existence.

With just one sentence from Henry Zhang, they can wipe out their entire Qiu family.

And before he tried his best to deal with Henry Zhang, such as borrowing the hand of Hei Ya.

Who else could he turn to now?

Looking at Qiu Bo who was limp on the ground, sympathy and pity emerged in the hearts of many people. This time, the Qiu family has kicked the iron plate.

Still the kind that can't kick!


In a quiet and weird atmosphere, Henry Zhang shook his right hand, and the white flame suddenly rose, and a Nine-turn Broken Wind Pill with pill patterns appeared out of thin air.

On this elixir, there is a elixir pattern, which is of the same grade as the ones refined by Murray and Mu Ting.

"Master Huochizi, I've been waiting for a long time." Henry Zhang waved his hand with a smile, and the Nine-turn Broken Wind Pill crossed a parabola and landed on the silver plate in front of Huochizi.

"Li Feng, you've tasted how a dog looks down on a human being."

A sixth-rank alchemist who had a grudge against Li Feng sneered, "Master Xiao doesn't understand alchemy, he will only cause you trouble, and he is only worthy of helping you? Now, I admire you a little bit, how dare you let a Seventh-rank alchemist, get out, you said this news spread, how many people would take the initiative to separate themselves from you?"


There was a muffled sound.

Shocked uproar broke out in the entire Dandian Square.

Li Feng knelt down to Henry Zhang!

"Bang bang bang!"

His head hit the ground desperately, and Li Feng yelled in horror: "Master Xiao, I see people as inferior, I don't know how to flatter, I don't know alchemy, what happened today is all my fault, please forgive me One life!"

Everyone choked for a while.

This is Li Feng.

Lifeng, who has been traveling across the southern region for a long time!

He was begging for mercy from a young man!

"Forgive me now,

is that useful. "

The Patriarch of the Yu family said sarcastically: "How arrogant and arrogant I was before, I can't stand it for anyone who has nothing to do with it, let alone Master Xiao."

This moment.

Henry Zhang's image in everyone's heart was instantly elevated.

Although it is not as good as Huo Chizi, it is not much worse. A few people even exchanged the positions of Henry Zhang and Huo Chizi silently in their hearts.

the reason is simple.

Henry Zhang's age is not even a fraction of that of Huo Chizi.

This talent is much, much scarier than Huochizi!

"You ask me to spare you?"

Looking down slowly, Henry Zhang looked at the trembling Li Feng, and said softly: "Do you know why I didn't kill you, because I didn't take you seriously at all."

"But you belittled me in every possible way and let me go."

"How do you ask me to forgive you?"

"I would like you to be your Dan Tong... No, no, no, as a slave, as long as you say a word, I will never refuse, don't kill me!" Li Feng burst into tears.

How could he not know Huo Chizi's connections and abilities.

Just a casual sentence can kill him.

Henry Zhang is no exception.

The life of a sixth-rank peak alchemist is so comfortable. As long as he thinks about it, princesses from all over the world will kneel on the ground desperately and take turns to serve him. This kind of comfortable life is not enough for him.

He doesn't want to die!

"Master!" Xun Feng turned pale.

The omnipotent master in his heart knelt at Henry Zhang's feet like a dog, begging for forgiveness, besides sadness, he also had despair at this moment.

What will happen to him?

"Go down."

Henry Zhang's soft voice came out, and Li Feng had no time to rejoice, the next voice made his heart stop beating instantly: "Here, I will give Master Huo Chizi face, I will not kill you, but after nine After Juecheng, I will take your life, enjoy the rest of the time."

"Master Xiao..." Li Feng was terrified.

"You want to die right now?" Henry Zhang lowered his head, watching Li Feng calmly, the white flame on his right hand condensed into a ball, shrinking erratically.

Trembling violently, Li Feng dragged his legs that were filled with lead, and walked slowly towards the stage. There was no trace of vitality on his old, airy face.

Henry Zhang said to kill him, he will definitely kill him.

His life is over.

"Something happened."

He said with a smile, Huo Chizi flicked his sleeves, and the stone tablet shone with light, and several lines of dazzling small characters were arranged in order from top to bottom.

autumn family.

Jiang family.

Yu family.

The Huang family.

The four major alchemist families in Jiujue City are thus determined!

The elixir refined by Henry Zhang is of the same grade as those refined by Murray and Mu Ting, but because Li Feng ruined the medicinal materials and wasted time, he can only rank second.

But looking at Henry Zhang who was leisurely and calm on the stage, deep doubts welled up in everyone's hearts.

Is the Yiwen Qipin pill really the limit of Henry Zhang?

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