Master of Beasts

Chapter 1358 Senior Brother

"Qiu's number one, it's exactly as I expected." A man was so ecstatic that he almost jumped up from his seat.

He had placed a bet before, Du Qiu's family was number one, and made a huge profit.

"The Qiu family is number one, so what's the use?"

The person next to him sneered: "That guy Qiu Bo has repeatedly targeted Master Xiao. Last night, if Master Xiao was not powerful, he would have been killed by Hei Ya long ago. If you were Master Xiao, would you let the Qiu family go?"

The revenge of a seventh-rank alchemist is very terrifying.

Although the Qiu family is big, how can it compete with Henry Zhang?

Henry Zhang's random alchemy order can make the seemingly prosperous Qiu family fall apart.

It can be said.

The Qiu family is the most tragic family since the establishment of Dandian. Once they are destroyed, the Jiang family will become the biggest overlord in Jiujue City, except for Dandian.

At that time, whether the Qiu family was the head of the four alchemist families, so what?

"The Qiu family, it's over."

This idea emerged from people's hearts at the same time.

Sitting slumped on the seat, Qiu Bo drooped his head, his back was hunched, and he suddenly aged a lot. The members of the Qiu family behind him also showed sadness.

If they hadn't offended Henry Zhang, they should be celebrating with their families now.

But now, who of them still has that thought?

It is impossible for the Qiu family to stand up.

"Master Xiao, thanks to you." Jiang Xu was very excited.

Although he had already prepared for the Jiang family to become the head of the alchemist family in Jiujue City, it was still difficult for him to maintain his composure when this moment came.

This was a first for the Jiang family.

In the next ten years, the Jiang family's status in Jiujue City, the resources they obtained, and various rights were incomparable in the past.

Whether the Jiang family can rise will depend on the next ten years!

"Bad guy."

Folding her arms around her chest, Jiang Sheng glanced at Henry Zhang from the corner of her eyes, coldly humming and turning her head away, thanks to her being so worried before, it turned out to be just a false alarm.

"What's the matter?" Henry Zhang didn't know why.

"Stupid." Lu Yunxuan gave Henry Zhang an angry look.

What exactly did you do, don't you know.

"It's time to leave." Jiang Xu's face was full of joy.

After returning home, they must throw a big banquet and invite famous people in Jiujue City to come. This is the first time that the Jiang family has been so beautiful since its establishment.

Li Feng and Xun Feng's master and apprentice looked ashen.

Especially Lifeng.

If he had a choice, he would definitely not come to Jiujue City. Not only would he lose face, but he would lose his life immediately.

He had no doubts.

As long as the front foot steps out of Jiujue City, there must be countless strong spirit kings on the back foot, taking his life. At this juncture, there are not a few people who want to please Henry Zhang.

"It's not over yet." Henry Zhang said softly.

"What?" Jiang Xu was startled.

His voice just fell.


A vast soul storm suddenly rolled up from the crowd, making the noisy square suddenly quiet, and everyone's eyes were opened blankly.

Soul storm.

Another seventh-rank alchemist!


The crowd dispersed with a clatter, and the black-robed man standing in the open space looked expressionless. He raised his head, stepped a distance of 10,000 zhang, and landed on the altar platform.

"Damn it!" Yu Nian, the Patriarch of the Yu family, opened his mouth slightly, unable to make a sound, his throat seemed to be blocked by something.

Another seventh-rank alchemist?

There is no mistake!

"A seventh-rank alchemist?" Jiang Xu looked confused.

Counting Henry Zhang, there are three seventh-rank alchemists in Jiujue City.

What's the situation!

The entire square of the Pill Palace fell into dead silence in an instant, and everyone's eyes were on the man in black without moving the slightest.

What does this man in black want to do?

"It's finally here." Huo Chizi narrowed his eyes slightly, he had already vaguely guessed the identity of the man in black.


The soul storm surged around him, the man in black robe took off the hat that covered his face, and raised his head coldly,

A centipede-like scar hung obliquely on his face, extremely conspicuous.

"do you know?"

"do not know."

Master Lou Ming and Master Rong Shan looked at each other in blank dismay, and had no impression of this gloomy middle-aged man.

"What do you want?" Fire Lie Zi stood up and asked in a cold voice.

Appearing on the altar with such a posture must have bad intentions.

"Vice-Hall Master of the Pill Palace, Fire Liezi?"

The middle-aged man said indifferently: "You are not qualified to talk to me yet, just sit down obediently, if I accidentally kill you with a soul storm, it won't be fun."

"You..." Pyrotechnic was furious.

The strength of this middle-aged man cannot be too strong.

If Huoliezi wanted to, he could call all the spirit king powerhouses in Jiujue City to annihilate them.

He has been trampled on his head, he doesn't care whether this middle-aged man is a seventh-rank alchemist or not.

"Junior brother, leave this person to me."

Patting Huoliezi on the shoulder, Huochizi looked at the middle-aged man below, still smiling: "Yanxiao, I haven't seen you for several years, you are still the same."

Everyone sighed.

Master Huochizi, do you know this hostile seventh-rank alchemist?

"Huo Chizi, I don't want to talk nonsense with you."

Yan Xiao said coldly: "My talent is obviously much stronger than yours, but the master actually passed on the position of the master of the alchemy hall to you on the grounds that my xinxing needs to be settled."

"It's been a long time since we parted in the past. When I return to Jiujue City this time, I want to prove to Master and the old man that his choice was wrong."

After hearing these words, most of the people in Jiujue City were still at a loss, while a few old people took a breath: "It's him, he's back!"

"Jia Lao, do you know him?"

"The third apprentice of the old master of the Dan Palace, Yan Xiao!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

This middle-aged man is Huo Chizi's junior?

"Who is strong and who is weak, what can it explain?"

Huo Chizi sighed: "Brother, in terms of talent, I am not as good as you, but your heart is too complicated. If the alchemy hall is passed on to you, can it survive until now?"

"Stop making excuses!"

Yan Xiao was furious: "Master is biased, he just values ​​you, even someone as poor as Huo Liezi can be the deputy head of the Dan Palace, but I have nothing, is this fair!"

"Damn it!" Pyroko yelled.

He was accepted as an apprentice by the old palace master after Yan Xiao ran away in anger. He had never met Yan Xiao, but when he came up, he was stepped on.

Who did he provoke!

"Junior brother, this is too much."

Slowly ascending to the sky, Huo Chizi looked down at Yan Xiao below, and finally became angry: "The reason I tolerate you again and again is because you are my junior, apologize to Huo Liezi, immediately!"


A majestic soul storm shot up from Huo Chizi's body, and the clouds in the sky broke into countless pieces and fled in all directions.

The entire Jiujue City was stagnated.

Everybody knows.

The old man, who was always smiling, became angry.

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