Master of Beasts

Chapter 1373 Dumbfounded Jiang Huai

Last night, Yan Xiao wanted to recognize Henry Zhang as the master according to the agreement, but Henry Zhang didn't like this name, and it was too condescending for a seventh-rank alchemist to call him that, so Yan Xiao changed it. name.

Even now, Henry Zhang is still not used to it.

"Master Xiao, did they offend you?" Xuan Bingzi pointed at Ping Yingnan, and then pointed at Jiang Huai and Pingyi. This casual move scared them all pale.

This is a strong spirit!

If Xuan Bingzi wanted to kill them, they would all die here even if they had ten lives!

"That's right." Henry Zhang nodded slightly.


Jiang Huai, who had met Xuan Bingzi several times before, said tremblingly, "He is just a Northern Region alchemist who has just broken through to the sixth rank. You call him a master, do you think too highly of him?"

"Who said he was a sixth-grade alchemist?"

The icy aura erupted in his body, Xuan Bingzi looked at Jiang Huai coldly: "Master Xiao's alchemy is superb, at a young age, he stepped into the realm of seventh-rank alchemists, and yesterday he suppressed the alchemists of the four regions in the alchemy book Giant, he is not an alchemist, who is?"

The three of Ping Yingnan were immediately dumbfounded.

Seventh grade alchemist?

Suppress the giant Alchemist of the Four Regions?

This is what Henry Zhang did?

Can you talk a little more!

"I don't believe it!" Jiang Huai's face became extremely distorted.

In order to please Xun Feng, a sixth-rank alchemist, he was able to push his daughter out. In the end, Jiang Sheng's master, Xiao Yang, was actually a seventh-rank alchemist stronger than Huo Chizi?


Looking at Jiang Huai faintly, around Henry Zhang's body, a vast storm of spiritual power rolled up, the sky above Jiang's house darkened in an instant, and the chests of all the alchemists in Jiujue City felt a little stuffy.

"Soul storm!" Jiang Huai's eyes trembled.

Soul storm, the symbol of a seventh-rank alchemist!


Falling pale into the sky,

Ping Yingnan looked at Henry Zhang in fear, knelt down, and frantically kowtowed for mercy: "Master Xiao, the villain has eyes but no eyes, and he deserves death!"

A seventh-rank alchemist, even Hei Feng would condescend to please him.

He offended Henry Zhang, can he still have a way out?

After recovering from the sluggishness, Ping Yi also knelt on the ground, his body shaking like a sieve, and the huge fear swallowed him like the huge mouth of a wild beast.

Thinking of the previous arrogant attitude towards Henry Zhang, he was suddenly frightened.

If he had known that Henry Zhang was a seventh-rank alchemist, he would not have dared to offend even if he had the guts to be ambitious.

"Master Xiao, what Ping Yingnan and Hepingyi did has nothing to do with me, and has nothing to do with the Black Dragon Palace." Hei Feng said quickly, his voice was full of tension, and Ping Yingnan and Hepingyi, who were kneeling on the ground, had nothing in their minds.

Hei Feng, give up on them.

"Hallmaster, save me!" Ping Yingnan's eyes trembled.

"Don't look at me like that, you catastrophe!"

Hei Feng was furious: "Do you know, this Master Yan Xiao, in front of everyone in the alchemy book, severely defeated the four great alchemist giants in the Northern Territory, and even he obeyed Master Xiao's orders? How dare you provoke him? Aren't you afraid that the spirit-deficit powerhouse will descend and flatten the Black Dragon Hall?"

Ping Yingnan and Ping Yi were completely in despair.

In their hearts, Huo Chizi is the most unprovoked person in the Southern Territory. Henry Zhang, who is stronger than his alchemy, shouldn't be much more powerful?

They are over.

"Master Xiao, how do you want to deal with them?" Jiang Xu narrowed his eyes slightly.


The full moon-like light of the sword flashed past like thunder, Yan Xiao coldly held the long knife, and Ping Yingnan and Pingyi's heads flew high into the sky: "You guys saw me for the first time, so there is no need to worry about it too much." There is a lot of awe, but from now on, my name, Yan Xiao, will be heard again and again in the Southern Territory, until it spreads throughout the Southern Territory!"


Rolling his head on the ground for a few weeks, Ping Yingnan and Heping looked at the sky unwillingly, and swallowed their last breath.

They could have lived like emperors in the remote Gobi desert, but here they lost their lives in vain.

"Two trash." Yan Xiao threw away the long knife in disgust.

Even in Dizhou, with his superb alchemy, no one dared to speak loudly to him. The ignorant Ping Yingnan even dared to insult him and beat him up.

If it was Huo Chizi, Ping Yingnan would probably be scared out of his wits. This is all because he did not establish prestige in the Southern Region.

One can imagine how aggrieved he was.

"And you!"

Yan Xiao's icy eyes suddenly turned to Jiang Huai, Jiang Huai's face turned pale, and he couldn't help taking a few steps back, his whole body broke out in cold sweat.

He finally realized what an idiot he was.

With Henry Zhang present, can the Jiang family be kicked out of the four alchemist families?

Moreover, Yan Xiao, whom he has repeatedly provoked, is also a seventh-rank alchemist!

Suddenly, a strong regret surged from Jiang Huai's heart.

If he hadn't used Jiang Sheng as a bargaining chip in exchange for his own future at the beginning, then how brilliant and majestic he would be now.

The entire Jiujue City, he can walk sideways.

"Daughter, save me, you won't watch me get killed with your own eyes, will you?" Jiang Huai looked at Jiang Huai expectantly, his hypocrisy was disgusting.


Jiang Sheng's next actions made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"I don't have a father like you."

Turning around, Jiang Sheng walked back to his room expressionlessly: "Master, what do you want to do with him, don't take my feelings into account. I only have a mother and no father. My father died when my mother passed away. already dead."


The door was closed, and the last ray of hope in Jiang Huai's heart was extinguished like a candle.

"Abolish him, and then throw him out of the Jiang family." Henry Zhang said to Ke Qing of the Jiang family, but the sharpness in his eyes made Ke Qing immediately understand what he meant.

As Jiang Sheng's master, he couldn't really disregard Jiang Sheng's feelings, so he just abolished it here.

As Jiang Sheng's master, it is impossible for him not to really consider Jiang Sheng.

But after throwing Jiang's house, Jiang Huai must die.


With a little awe, Ke Qing crippled the howling Jiang Huai, then grabbed Jiang Huai and flashed out of Jiang's house, appearing above a barren mountain, a huge carrion ape was gnawing at the body of a rotten spirit beast below.


The terrified Jiang Huai was thrown down mercilessly, and was immediately torn into a rain of blood by the ecstatic carrion ape.

"Master Xiao's meaning, I should not have misunderstood it."

With a murmur, Ke Qing turned and left.

In the courtyard.

After giving the elixir to Xuan Bingzi and Hei Feng, Henry Zhang had some rare free time, and accompanied the depressed Jiang Sheng, wandered around Jiujue City for a while, and saw that Jiang Sheng had cheered up again, so he was relieved.

The smart Jiang Sheng would not be ignorant of what he did.

However, the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't mention it, tacitly.

The name Jiang Huai will forever become history.

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