Master of Beasts

Chapter 1374 Assassination Reappearance

"What do you want to do."

On the street, Lu Yunxuan, who was holding Xiao Xuan's little hand and wandering with Henry Zhang and Jiang Sheng, frowned slightly. A young man in black suddenly approached with a person.

Besides Hei Ya, who else could make Lu Yunxuan so disgusted.

"I didn't come to see you."

There was a hint of emotion in his eyes, Hei Ya pursed his lips, buried the emotion in his heart, and turned his gaze to Henry Zhang: "It was my fault a few days ago, I was unstable, lacking experience, and I was too rampant. You apologize."

"The past, let's go." Henry Zhang waved his hand.

He is not a person who cares about every detail, and Hei Ya has apologized so much, so naturally he will not hold on to it, not to mention, he has not suffered a disadvantage.

The death of Heilong was enough to make Heiya feel pain for a long time.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Sun Xian's younger brother, Sun Zi. Although he is two years younger than Sun Xian, he has already ranked eighth in the dragon list, and his talent is stronger than Sun Xian." Hei Ya said seriously.

"Xiao...Master Xiao."

Taking out a jade box from his clothes, Sun Zi presented it to Henry Zhang with both hands, and said respectfully: "The jade box contains the secret treasure Seven Spirit Chain, which the Sun family got by chance, which can enable the wearer to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and improve About 20%, please be sure to accept it, otherwise, I will feel uneasy."

"I have a heart." Henry Zhang took the jade box.

Sun Xian and Sun Zi are both from the Sun family. The patriarch of the Sun family is a ninth-rank spirit king, and he is considered a master in the local area, but he is not enough to stand in front of a seventh-rank alchemist.

It was expected that the Sun family would make such a move.


Straightening up, Sun Zia breathed a long sigh of relief: "After my father knew what my brother had done, he was furious, and immediately expelled him from the Sun family, and severely reprimanded the Sun family's children, asking us to strictly restrain ourselves. It will never happen again."

"Then why didn't your father come in person?" Henry Zhang had a half-smile.

"He didn't dare." Sun Zi held back for a long time before he said such a sentence. After knowing that Henry Zhang was a seventh-rank alchemist, his father was almost scared to death, and he shrank in the ancestral land and dared not come out. Even he felt It's embarrassing.

"Also a wonderful man.


Henry Zhang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When his eyes swept over Jiang Sheng, who was bowing his head, his heart moved: "Is there a second chain of seven spirits that you gave me? I can buy it with elixir or spirit jade."

"There are."

After hesitating for a while, Sun Zi took out one again, resisting the pain in his flesh, and handed it out: "Master Xiao, the refining method of secret treasures like the Seven Spirit Chain has long been lost, and I only got two, and I gave them all to you." You, still hope to let the Sun family survive."

After taking the Seven Spirit Chain, Henry Zhang couldn't laugh or cry.

Obviously, Sun Zi thought that he was using the Sun family as a threat, so the lion opened his mouth. If the last Seven Spirit Chain was not given away, the Sun family would be in danger of being wiped out.

"This is ten four-qi Tianyuan pills, and Yan Xiao's alchemy order. With this token, you can ask Yan Xiao to refine three pills for free." Henry Zhang spread his hands.

"No need!" Sun Zi waved his hands quickly.

What idea does Henry Zhang want to make?

Ten 4,000-day Yuan Pills are worth at least three million spiritual jades!

Moreover, Yan Xiao had the opportunity to refine the pill three times for free.

This is not comparable to a chain of seven spirits!

"Just take it if you tell me." Henry Zhang forced it.

Seeing that Henry Zhang was not hypocritical, Sun Zi happily accepted the elixir and the token, and Henry Zhang's cold-blooded and ruthless image in his mind changed greatly.

Hei Ya was a little jealous.

Siqi Tianyuan Pill, only Henry Zhang can refine it in the entire southern region, and even sent out ten pills at once. This is a high-quality pill that is priceless!

After the spirit beast is refined, not only can it leapfrog the battle, but it can also save its life at critical moments.

The night before yesterday, if he refined one of his black dragons, he might not be able to fight the King of Thousand Nights.

Of course, the value of Yan Xiao's alchemy order is even more terrifying.

Sun Zircon made a lot of money!


Rejecting Hei Ya and Sun Zircon's invitation to a restaurant, Henry Zhang gave two Seven Spirit Chains to Lu Yunxuan and Jiang Sheng respectively, secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, Sun Zircon has two, otherwise it would be difficult.

"This thing can increase the speed of cultivation, so you just gave it to us?" Lu Yunxuan asked in surprise.

"The effect of the spiritual power of the stars is five times that of this." Henry Zhang said via voice transmission.

It's better not to let Jiang Sheng know this kind of secret, otherwise it will only bring her danger.

"No wonder." Lu Yunxuan finally understood.

The reason why Henry Zhang's cultivation speed is so terrifying is probably the effect of the Star Dragon Ball, otherwise it would be too difficult to upgrade so many spirit beasts at the same time.

Double the speed of practice can make Henry Zhang much easier.

As Lu Lu Yunxuan guessed, with the help of the special effect of the spiritual power of the stars, Henry Zhang didn't devote himself to let the spirit beasts practice these few days, Chi Yan and Lei Dishi each improved a little.

However, Xue Youmei is still at the ninth level, without any sign of breaking through.

This made Henry Zhang very depressed.

If Xue Youmei doesn't advance to the throne level for a day, he will always be stuck in the realm of the spirit king. Unless the spirit contract with Xue Youmei is canceled, he can immediately become the spirit king.

However, it is impossible for Henry Zhang to give up his spirit beast for the sake of strength.

"Master, master wife, there are many interesting places in Jiujue City, I'll show you around." Wrapping the Seven Spirit Chain around his wrist, Jiang Sheng twitched his lips slightly, extremely happy.

It turns out that she still has a certain weight in Henry Zhang's heart.

This little thing can satisfy her.

"Well." Henry Zhang nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Then it's up to you to lead the way."

Several people walked slowly through the street.

Henry Zhang didn't notice it.

In the Fifth Spiritual Gate, Xue Youmei's eyes narrowed slightly, the spiritual power in her body fluctuated slightly, and the pendant worn on her neck silently absorbed the spiritual power supplied to it.

The crystal-clear and flawless snowflakes are moving slowly inside the pendant.

It was already evening when they returned to Jiang's house.

"The turbid water pond, the essence and blood of the turbid nine yin."

Holding the turbid water pond in his left hand, and holding a few drops of turbid blood in his right hand, Henry Zhang muttered to himself: "The only thing left is the last Nether Spring Stone Crystal, and the level of the emperor's axe can be improved. Just a note, it’s really inconvenient, I hope to collect the Nether Spring Stone Crystal before returning to Suzaku City.”

Putting the items into the space boundary stone, Xiao Yang just squinted his eyes.


The shiny blade brushed across his face, and a slender bloodstain emerged, Henry Zhang flipped into the air, the fist of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros, and the thunder wheel of Lei Dishi swung downward heavily.


Gold and iron buzzed, sparks flew everywhere, the ground below the room exploded, and the doors and windows of the house were also shattered like paper.

Double knife sting!

Under the cold moonlight, the two long knives held by the two knives glowed with a piercing luster, and then its figure flashed, escaped into the void, and disappeared suddenly.

"This assassination also failed."

Ruowu's light laughter sounded in Henry Zhang's mind: "However, there will be a next time, next time, if you don't want to die, you should tighten your nerves and never relax, your head, sooner or later I will Will accept."

In the dark night, a shadow quickly disappeared and melted into the darkness.

Looking at the place where the black shadow finally disappeared, Henry Zhang's eyes narrowed into a dangerous arc.

"I am waiting."

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