Master of Beasts

Chapter 1375 Vicious

The loud sound of the broken room startled many people. Jiang Xu brought the elders of the Jiang family and Ke Qing, and they arrived in a flash. After they glanced around, the expressions on their faces were extremely angry.


In Jiujue City, who else dares to do this?

"Judging from the remaining aura, it is at most the sixth-order spirit king." Jiang Jiakeqing's eyes turned cold, and the surrounding space fluctuated endlessly, wanting to chase the assassin.

"No need."

The knife marks on his face disappeared quietly, Henry Zhang said calmly: "Assassination type double knife sting, void formation, the other party is well prepared, you can't catch up."

"Damn it." Jiang Xu cursed, Henry Zhang was assassinated in Jiang's house, which made him feel extremely insulted, and even felt like swallowing that person alive.

"What did the people in the city do?" Yan Xiao's hoarse voice came out.

Even though Henry Zhang shined in the Dandian, he also offended many people, such as the Qiu family, such as the Chen family, and some people whose interests were damaged because of him.

There are not a few people who want to kill Henry Zhang.

"It doesn't make sense." After thinking for a moment, Lu Yunxuan raised her eyes slightly.

Henry Zhang's identity as a seventh-rank alchemist is too simple to frighten Xiao Xiao in Jiujue City. Besides, if the people in Jiujue City kill Henry Zhang, they will not get any benefits, but may bring disaster to themselves.

As long as you are not a fool, no one will take this risk.

"Perhaps he came with us."

Henry Zhang looked at Lu Yunxuan, and said softly: "Before the Dan Code started, I suffered an assassination, but the person who died said that I had better not participate in the Dan Code, otherwise I would definitely regret it. At first, I thought he was A member of the alchemy family, but now it seems that it is just a cover."

Lu Yunxuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Things seemed to be getting more and more complicated. If the assassins really followed them, then it was possible for the major forces gathered in Suzaku City.

Hua Family, Hundred Flowers Sect, Da Lei Tian.

Either way, it's tough.

In the future, you must be extremely careful.

Jiang Xu, still angry,

He had no intention of revealing this, and after sending Jiang's guest Qing to search Jiujue City several times, he was unwilling to give up.

After a day.

Sixiang City.

"Master, we are here."

Falling from the back of a giant eagle with plump wings, Jiang Sheng's eyes were full of joy. The last time he came to Jiujue City was three years ago.

"Let's go." Henry Zhang smiled.

This trip, only the two of them.

Lu Yunxuan was not interested in this kind of thing, and those who participated in the Octopus Banquet were all young geniuses from the Southern Region, and there were countless people who knew her, so she was too lazy to deal with those people.

After walking a few streets, the two stopped in front of an ancient pavilion.

This ancient pavilion is exactly Baji Pavilion.

Looking up along the body of the pavilion, a huge eight-pole pattern is inlaid on the top of the pavilion, and a simple and majestic atmosphere emanates from it.

"The owner of the Baji Pavilion is a ninth-level peak spirit king. Although he is a little worse than Ping Yingnan, he is also very powerful and dominates Sixiang City."

"Ninth-order peak spirit king." Henry Zhang nodded slightly.

Those who are strong in spirit deficiency are rare in the four major domains, and they can reach the peak of the ninth-level spirit king.

Of course, it's just a qualification.

Fewer than one in ten are lucky enough to be promoted from a ninth-level peak spirit king to a spirit-deficit powerhouse.

But if this is the case, it still cannot conceal the power of the master of the Baji Pavilion, but Henry Zhang has seen too many strong men, not to mention those in the Northern Territory, even the Southern Territory has several, and he still owes him a lot of favors , so he didn't have much respect for the so-called master of Baji Pavilion.

Bypassing the Baji Pavilion, an exquisite attic is presented in front of you.

This attic is where the Octopus Banquet is held.

The host is Qiu Sheng, the young master of Baji Pavilion.

"Let's go in."

Just as Jiang Sheng was about to bring Henry Zhang in, a beautiful woman suddenly stopped them: "I'm sorry, your white runestones can only let you in, and you can't bring the second person."

"not good."

Startled for a moment, Jiang Sheng's pretty face was a little ugly: "Master, I forgot the rules of the Baji Banquet. If you want to participate, you must have four-color runestones."

Four-color runestones are divided into four colors: white, purple, silver, and gold.

The lowest white runestone can only be entered by one person, two purple runestones, three silver runestones, and no limit on the number of golden runestones. Only the top ten young geniuses on the dragon list can get the golden runestones.

The former Jiang Sheng was only a first-rank Linghuang and a second-rank alchemist. If he hadn't come from the Jiang family, a great alchemist family, he might not even be able to get white runestones.

"Can't you be more flexible, I am now qualified to obtain purple runestones, this is my master, he is enough to obtain golden runestones." Jiang Sheng looked at the woman anxiously.

"Sorry." The woman in fancy clothes shook her head slightly with a professional smile on her face, but secretly contemptuously in her heart.

Golden runestone?

Henry Zhang is also worthy?

The girl holding the white runestone probably doesn't know how enchanting the genius on the dragon list is. Looking at it like this, she knows that she doesn't have much knowledge.

"Forget it, just go in by yourself. If you meet someone who bought the Zhenmo Monument, please pay attention to me. I'll wait outside." Henry Zhang said indifferently.

He himself has no interest in the Octopus Banquet.

Except for Hei Ya, none of the geniuses on the Dragon List in the Southern Region could catch his eyes.

"Yeah." Jiang Sheng nodded helplessly.

Just as Jiang Sheng took a step, a female laughter with a yin and yang eccentricity suddenly sounded from behind.

"Hey, isn't this Jiang Sheng? I haven't seen you for a few years. Why did you come to the Octopus Banquet again? The one next to you must be your male companion. He has good eyesight. It's rare to see such a handsome boy." Very well, it's a good match for you."

"Keep your mouth clean!" Jiang Sheng turned his head angrily. A woman with heavy make-up was walking with a young man on her shoulders. The expression on her face was full of sarcasm.

This woman's name is Du Ziqi.

Three years ago, the two had become enemies because of fighting for one thing in the Octopus Banquet. Jiang Sheng was not valued by the Jiang family, so naturally he could not compare with the rich and powerful Du Ziqi.

Afterwards, whenever Jiang Sheng liked anything, Du Ziqi would deliberately fight for it.

Although the matter started because of her, what Jiang Sheng wanted was insignificant to her, but she just couldn't understand Jiang Sheng, who made Jiang Sheng's appearance much stronger than her.

"Why, he's just a little boy, why don't you let me tell you?"

Glancing at Henry Zhang, Du Ziqi said with a smile: "Jiang Sheng, even if you don't get attention in the Jiang family, you can't give up on yourself. The little boy you just find is not as strong as the Linghuang. If you really can't find it, you can see it." Yes, please beg me, let me introduce a few to you, haha!"

Jiang Sheng's eyes turned cold a little bit.

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