Master of Beasts

Chapter 1381 Double Bladed Owl


A huge sound sounded, and a substantial ripple of spiritual power rippling away, the noisy sound in the attic suddenly stopped, and all eyes turned to the entrance.

It was a resolute young man.

With his hands behind his back, he scanned the attic with sharp eyes, and finally stopped on Gu Huang, his slightly narrowed eyes were full of killing intent.

"Boy, you dare to plan on my sister Zhen Tan, you are very courageous."

Zhen Tan?

Everyone was shocked.

Zhen Tan, ranked 12th on the dragon list, although it is incomparable with Sun Zi and others, but it is not something they can offend, but Zhen Tan seldom has activities in the outside world.

Unexpectedly, it appeared in this way for the first time in people's sight.

"elder brother!"

Holding Gu Huang's arm, Zhen Tan's younger sister, Zhen Qin, bit her lip and stood up, mustering up her courage and shouting: "This is my private matter, it has nothing to do with you!"

"It has nothing to do with me?" The coldness in Zhen Tan's eyes grew stronger.

"So that girl is Zhen Qin?" Chen Yao was taken aback, trembling with excitement.

Very good!

Dare to get involved with Zhen Qin, Gu Huang will surely live a life worse than death!

"It has nothing to do with Brother Zhen, what about me, my fiancee." Behind Zhen Tan, a feminine man quietly walked out. As soon as he appeared, the temperature in the venue suddenly dropped a lot.

"Xie Yi!" Someone took a light breath.

Xie Yi, ninth on the dragon list!

He is Zhen Qin's fiancé?

All of a sudden, the eyes looking at Gu Huang were full of sympathy, and he was robbing Xie Yi, no matter how fateful Gu Huang was, he couldn't escape death.

"You are not my fiance." Zhen Qin looked at Xie Yi stubbornly.

The marriage contract between the Zhen family and the Xie family was only initiated by the elders, and she never agreed to it.

Even though Gu Huang's appearance is not as good as Xie Yi's,

The strength is not as good as Xie Yi.

But she just likes ancient wasteland.

"I'm not, is he?"

In front of so many people, Xie Yi's face was a bit dull, his eyes turned cold, and he said with a grin: "My fiancée, after I go back, I will take care of you slowly."

Zhen Qin suddenly panicked.

Xie Yi is capricious and has a violent personality.

In his hands, her fate is destined to be miserable.

"You are Gu Huang?"

Gently moving his wrist, Xie Yi's face suddenly became ferocious: "Get out of here, woman who dares to touch me, I will break off every bone in your body one by one!"

Standing up suddenly, Gu Huang's eyes were gloomy.

Although he is also a second-rank spirit king, and his talent is even stronger than Xie Yi, but he has only just broken through, and he is far behind Xie Yi, who is ninth on the dragon list.

Two people play against each other, his winning rate is very small, unless he exposes his hole cards.

But he can't fight.

If Zhen Qin is taken away, he will regret it all his life.

"Trash, bastard." Zhen Tan gave Gu Huang a disdainful look.

He had inquired before that Gu Huang was born in the Northern Territory Gu Family, a middle-class family that was not well-known, and the Patriarch of the Gu Family was only a fourth-rank Spirit King.

And the Patriarch of the Xie family is the eighth rank.

He naturally looked down on Gu Huang.

"Come out." Zhen Tan said lightly, wanting Xie Yi to defeat and insult Gu Huang here, express his resentment, and then take him outside to kill him.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Huang was about to leave.

"Are you afraid? Hurry up and get out!"

Chen Yao in the corner stood up excitedly: "Aren't you arrogant, aren't you arrogant, don't you look down on me, don't be a coward!"

She couldn't wait to see Gu Huang killed.

"You..." Zhen Qin was too angry to speak.

Gu Huang treated her sincerely, and told her all his experiences, how Chen Yao hurt Gu Huang, she was very clear.

As long as Gu Huang doesn't trouble Chen Yao, Chen Yao still has the face to add insult to injury?

"What about me, Gu Huang will die soon, and you also want to marry Xie Yi, I'm here to wish you happiness." Chen Yao smiled triumphantly.

"I regret."

Gu Huang looked at Chen Yao coldly: "If I can survive, I will take your life."

"I'm so scared." Chen Yao dismissed it.

Take her life?

Let's talk about Gu Huang first after surviving.

Not to mention Xie Yi, it is unknown whether Gu Huang can even win against Zhen Tan.

"Ancient Huang will definitely be defeated." Henry Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly, but he has no plans to make a move for the time being. In this battle, Ancient Huang must go through, otherwise he will be looked down upon forever.

"Young Master Xiao, that person named Gu Huang is your friend." Sun Zircon's voice sounded in his mind.

It has to be said that as a child of the Sun family, Sun Zi is much stronger than Sun Xian, and his ability to perceive words and emotions is not comparable to ordinary people. The scene of Henry Zhang clinking glasses with Guhuang Void just now was all in his eyes.

"That's right." Henry Zhang didn't hide it.

"Do you want me to take action? Those like the Zhen family and the Xie family don't even have the qualifications to be subordinate forces in front of the Sun family. I can make them kneel down and beg for mercy with a single word." Sun Zi transmitted again.

"Wait." Henry Zhang's eyes flickered slightly.

"Okay, I'll show up again when necessary." Standing in the crowd, Sun Zi fell silent, looking at Xie Yi and Zhen Tan like looking at a dead person.

"Kneel down!"

Violence rose to his face, and with a wave of Xie Yi's sleeve robe, a spirit beast with huge double scythes rushed towards the ancient wasteland with a biting cold wind.

Double-bladed owl, second-order high-level throne, ice attribute.

The double-edged owl rushed over quickly, and the crowd dispersed.

In this attic, private fights are not prohibited, and under the protection of a special formation, no matter the tables, chairs or carved wooden window lattices, will not be damaged.


Ancient Desolation opened the spiritual gate in anger.


The huge body quickly coiled, the blood-lined primordial python stuck out its scarlet tongue, and a prehistoric shock wave suddenly swept across the space.

Spiritual skills, prehistoric waves!

"Familiar spiritual skills." Henry Zhang murmured in a low voice, suddenly nostalgic.

Back then in Xingyun Peak, when Gu Huang fought against him, he had used this spiritual skill, but the power now is thousands of times stronger than that at that time.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The two sickles clicked together, tearing the shock wave apart, and the double-bladed owl flew into the air, with the ice wings stretching behind it, and a bright light flashed on the right sickle.

Sickle stab!


The surging wind and waves swept away, and many people couldn't help taking a few steps back, their faces were pale, and they looked at Gu Huang with a little surprise.

This young man is so strong?

Compared with Zhen Tan, it's not much better!

However, although Gu Huang's bloodline Honghuang python is strong, there is still a big gap compared with Xie Yi's double-bladed owl.


The ferocious light in his eyes flickered, and the right scythe of the double-edged owl stabbed down slowly, piercing into the body of the bloodline Honghuang python, and drops of blood spilled on the floor.

"Too strong!" Chen Yao shouted excitedly.

Didn't Gu Huang abandon her? Don't you want to get back together with her?

Take it upon yourself!


There was a muffled roar.

As soon as the double-edged owl exerted strength, the bloodline Honghuang python wailed and fell heavily on the wall. The whole pavilion seemed to shake several times at this moment.

"Kill Gu Huang!"

Accompanied by Xie Yi's cruel cry.

The double-edged owl turned around, and then quickly rushed down. The sharp right scythe spit out an ice spike, and stabbed down fiercely at Gu Huang's head.

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