Master of Beasts

Chapter 1382 Yin hand

"No!" Zhen Qin's face turned pale, and there was a hint of crying in her voice.

She regrets it.

If she had married Xie Yi instead of Gu Huang, she might not be in the present situation. If Gu Huang died, she would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"You don't want me to kill? Then I want to show you!" Xie Yi's expression became more and more cruel.

Although Qiu Sheng has an order, no one can be killed during the Baji Banquet.

But as long as Gu Huang is left with a sigh of relief, there will be no problem.


Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

Although they sympathize with Gu Huang, the mainland is so cruel, the strong are respected, and the weak do not even have the right to choose their own destiny. It is normal for them to be deprived of their love and life.

Double Bladed Owl's right sickle slashed down fiercely.



The space in the pavilion darkened in an instant, huge pupils flashed in the void one after another, and the body of the double-edged owl suddenly seemed to be frozen, motionless.

Spiritual skills, immortal snake pupils!

"What's going on!" Xie Yi's complexion changed drastically.

In the dark space, the bloodline primordial python didn't seem to belong to this place, its slender body slowly coiled up, its scarlet and deep eyes, as if from ancient times, stared coldly at the double-edged owl.

"Ancient Sky Snake Eyes!" Henry Zhang's heart shook.

This eye pupil actually came from the ancient sky snake!

The ancient sky snake, a spirit beast that only exists in ancient times according to legend, its pupils have the effect of turning living things into petrification, it is very terrifying, as long as the spirit beast that is stared at by it is almost impossible to escape.

Gu Huang's luck in these years is a bit against the sky, to be able to get the pupils of this kind of spirit beast.

The situation reversed instantly.

The bloodline Primordial Python with the ancient Sky Snake Eyes is capable of fighting even against the third-ranked Double-Blade Owl. It seems that he is worrying too much.

"How could it be!" Xie Yi and Zhen Tan's faces were ugly.

Double-bladed owl is about to lose!

"Damn it, I can't lose!" Xie Yi gritted his teeth fiercely, with a look of madness in his eyes. As Zhen Qin's fiancé, he came all the way from afar. If he loses the battle, he will only become the laughing stock of the young people in the Southern Region.

He robbed his fiancée, but was beaten to the ground instead.

It sounds ridiculous.

"Bloodline Great Desolate Python."

Gu Huang stood still, and a cold voice came out: "Blood waste line!"

"call out!"

The bloodline sticking to the body of the bloodline Honghuang python shot out with a whoosh, like a tiny strand of hair, shooting towards the head of the double-edged owl.

It was this small trace that made the eyes and pupils of the double-edged owl tremble wildly.

If hit, it will surely die!

"Kill!" Seeing that Shuangrenxiao's head was about to be pierced, Xie Yi's face suddenly became ferocious.

"call out!"

The blood shot out, the mouth of the double-edged owl opened, and a tiny formation rapidly expanded from it, and between the rotations, dazzling thunder spewed out.

This sudden scene happened in an instant, and no one could react.

"Not good!" Henry Zhang's eyes twitched.

By the time he saw clearly, it was already too late.


The thunder light shuttled past, smashing the blood line into nothingness, and then, it bombarded heavily on the head of the blood line Honghuang python, exploding into a circle of thunder light.


Suffering such a heavy blow, the bloodline Honghuang python hit the wall again, and the dark space slowly returned to its original state.


A small iron ball fell to the ground from the open mouth of the double-edged owl, making a crisp sound, and everyone's expressions changed at this moment.

For a while.

During the battle, Xie Yi actually borrowed foreign objects.

You know, Xie Yi is the ninth in the dragon list, and Gu Huang is just a nobody.

"Good job!" Chen Yao cheered.

Ancient Desolation is defeated!


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the ancient desolate breath was sluggish. He could feel that the bloodline Honghuang python was on the verge of death, and the backlash he suffered was extremely serious.

"Are you okay?" Zhen Qin looked anxious as he supported Gu Huang.

"Sorry, I lost." Gu Huang's face was bitter, he never imagined that Xie Yi would hide a magic circle in Shuangrenxiao's mouth.

"You didn't lose, Xie Yi cheated."

Zhen Qin shook his head again and again, then gritted his teeth and looked at Zhen Tan: "Brother, have you seen it? It doesn't matter that Gu Huang is a casual cultivator. His strength is not weaker than you and Xie Yi!"

"So what?" Zhen Tan's eyes were cold.

No matter how strong Gu Huang's talent is, what does it have to do with him? Can it do him any good?

Zhen Qin must marry Xie Yi.

"Gu Huang, you lost." Xie Yi's face was a bit unsightly, but he still forced a smile.

Seeing this, many people felt dissatisfied.

It was nothing more than a few years of Xie Yiduo's practice than Guhuang, and he even used the magic circle. No matter how you look at it, he is invincible in victory, and his reputation will not be good if he spreads it.

"Fazhenzi, you're really capable." Gu Huang panted heavily, and looked at Xie Yi coldly.

For a Dharma array of such a rank, one piece of spiritual jade is no less than 200,000.

In order to deal with him, Xie Yi also spent all his money.

"How long does it take to use it? You can use it if you have it. Can you afford it?" Chen Yao yelled from the side, her expression extremely cheerful.

She and Gu Huang both came from the Northern Territory, so she knew everything about the Gu family.

A magic circle worth 200,000 yuan?

Even the Patriarch of the Gu family couldn't get it out.

"It's fine if you beat me upright, but it's nothing if you use such a despicable method."

Clutching his chest, Gu Huang sneered and said, "After this incident got out, guess what other people will think of you. The ninth strong man on the dragon list actually used magic circles to defeat an unknown person. It's very majestic."

"Things you can't afford to lose, die to me!" Xie Yi shouted angrily.


The sharp double sickle opened, and the double-edged owl stared at Gu Huang fiercely. He raised his right sickle and stabbed it fiercely at Gu Huang's head, obviously intending to put him to death.

Gu Huang's eyes closed.

Perhaps, he was going to be buried here like this.

Just at this moment.


A glass-like palm held the double-edged owl's right sickle in it, and Henry Zhang stood quietly in front of Guhuang, holding the double-edged owl alive.

The people in the entire pavilion were silent.

Got it? by hand?

This is a second-tier high-level throne-level spirit beast. Even a fifth-tier spirit king wouldn't dare to accept it!

"Henry Zhang?" His closed eyes opened, and Gu Huang was stunned. He knew that Henry Zhang was much stronger than him, but he didn't expect that Henry Zhang could be so strong that he could catch the attack of the second-order throne-level spirit beast with his hands.

"Who are you?" Xie Yi's face turned cold.

"It's just the Ninth-Rank Spirit Emperor. I guess his hands may have been soaked in the blood of some ancient spirit beast, otherwise it wouldn't be so hard." Zhen Tan guessed self-righteously.


With a backhand shot, the double-edged owl flew out, Henry Zhang said lightly: "Three things, first, you are not allowed to interfere in the lives of Gu Huang and Zhen Qin in the future, and second, immediately admit defeat and apologize to Gu Huang , and thirdly, you secretly used magic spells and caused the ancient bloodline Honghuang python to be injured, as punishment, you slap yourself ten times in the face, and then get out."

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