Master of Beasts

Chapter 1396 Appear

Looking at Chen Yao, who was yelling like a shrew, many people frowned secretly. It's a little too self-respecting to actually cause trouble even after the Octopus Banquet has begun.

But Chen Yao didn't care, she just didn't want Gu Huang to be as she wished, whoever made Gu Huang abandon her first.

However, she didn't think about it.

Gu Huang never abandoned her. In the beginning, she hooked up with the suddenly appeared young man Tian for fame and fortune, and then kicked Gu Huang away, which led to the current situation.

"Chen Yao, what are you doing!" Gu Huang suddenly became angry.

The Qiyao Eagle is extremely important to Zhen Qin, no matter what, there must be no mistakes.

"I'm willing." Chen Yao raised her head proudly, with a look of contempt on her face, which she often did when she was in love with Gu Huang.


The ancient famine of the past has long since ceased to exist, so how could she be pampered again.

"If you don't show up, I almost forgot."

Gu Huang said coldly: "I seem to have said before that as long as I can survive today, I will definitely take your life. I have always spoken out in Gu Huang's words. After the Eight Extremes Banquet, it is your death date."

Hearing the venomousness of Gu Huang's voice, Chen Yao's face froze, and a look of horror climbed wildly from her pupils.

She finally remembered.

At this moment, she is already a stranger to Gu Huang, and she is not qualified to flirt.

If Gu Huang said to kill her, he would definitely do it!

Seven Luminaries Eagle was successfully bought by Gu Huang.

"Qin'er, here it is for you."

Delivering the cub of the Seven Luminaries Eagle to Zhen Qin, a rare tenderness appeared on Gu Huang's cold and resolute face. This kind of expression has never been seen by Xingyun Peak disciples.

"It's too precious." Zhen Qin dared not accept it.

Five hundred and twenty thousand Lingyu.

Even the Patriarch of the Zhen family would not dare to use so many spirit jades to buy an imperial level spirit beast.

"I bought everything, so I can't send it back. From now on, we will remember Henry Zhang's favor." Gu Huang said carelessly.

After persuading for a while, Zhen Qin reluctantly spoke.

Octopus Banquet, continue.

"Bastard, what should I do!" With her head lowered, Chen Yao's forehead was covered with sweat.

She doesn't want to die.

But she is only an eighth-level spirit emperor, how can she escape from Gu Huang's grasp, and if Gu Huang insists on killing her, her third-level spirit king's father will not be able to protect her.

not to mention.

It is a million miles away from the Chen family!

"It's all this guy's fault."

With crazy eyes, staring at Henry Zhang viciously, Chen Yao's expression is like a beast that chooses to eat people: "If it weren't for you, Gu Huang would have died a long time ago, and I wouldn't worry about being killed, but I'm just a soft food It's just rubbish, if it weren't for Jiang Sheng, Hua Zheng and Sun Zi would not be on your side!"

She didn't expect that if Henry Zhang really relied on Jiang Sheng, how could Hua Zheng's master invite Henry Zhang to drink, but she, a little Linghuang, didn't know what Hua Zheng's master meant in the Northern Territory .


Chen Yao narrowed her eyes slightly, and a vicious and fierce arc was raised from the corner of her mouth.

Not only did she want to embarrass Henry Zhang.

Let Guhuang, Zhenqin, and this pair of dogs be worse off dead than dead!

After getting up, Chen Yao sneaked out of the pavilion.

"Hmph." Gu Huang withdrew his gaze expressionlessly.

Just a Linghuang, even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he was sure to find Chen Yao out. What this woman did completely aroused his killing intent.

Except for Gu Huang, no one paid attention to Chen Yao who left quietly.

With the appearance of several treasures, the atmosphere of the Octopus Banquet was rising steadily.

"Master, the person who bought the stele is not here." Jiang Sheng looked around for a few weeks, scanned the people in the pavilion one by one, and said guiltily.

"No, no." Henry Zhang nodded slightly.

It seems that the third demon-suppressing tablet is temporarily unobtainable.

But he won't give up.

If there is really no other way, it is not difficult to find a young genius who has been in the southern region for a long time with the help of Dandian's methods and contacts.

Just in the middle of the Baji Banquet.

"The items in my hand, and even the trace jade slip of the Sky Demon Spider, I was lucky enough to meet a young Sky Demon Spider three months ago. Unfortunately, I am not a poison attribute healer, and I don't have a high-quality spirit world stone, so I can only put it away. It left, but I left a soul imprint on it, and this soul imprint is sealed in the jade slip!"


There was a bang in the pavilion, and an incredible uproar erupted.

Sky Demon Spider, one of the Eight Great Beasts.

This young man actually met?

"The Heavenly Demon Spider you saw must not be of pure blood." Someone questioned it.

"of course not."

The young man shook his head slightly: "If it's really a pure-bred Sky Demon Spider, even if the Spiritual Gate is polluted, I have to make a spiritual contract with it. According to my observations, the Sky Demon Spider's blood in its body is only 20 to 30%."

He didn't boast too much.

Most of the people who came to the Octopus Banquet had certain backgrounds and were able to meet each other from time to time. If he talked nonsense in order to trade higher quality items, he would suffer disaster sooner or later.

But that's exciting enough.

Even if it is only a Sky Demon Spider with 20% bloodline, it should not be underestimated!

"I know the value of the trace jade slip, so I don't want to open my mouth like a lion. Six drops of the blood essence of the Northern Sacred Beast, or four drops of the blood essence of the real dragon, just take this trace jade slip." The young man licked his lips, his eyes closed Some hot.

His main spirit beast is the rock horned dragon rhinoceros.

He has longed for the legendary dragon seal for a long time, but the blood essence of a real dragon is many times more expensive than the blood essence of a real phoenix, so his rock-horned dragon rhinoceros has not yet tasted the horror of the dragon seal.

"True Dragon Blood Essence? Where can I find it?"

"If it's the blood essence of the real phoenix, I can still find a few drops."

"A sky demon spider with 20 to 30% blood is not worth it!"

Some poison attribute spiritual masters who had just moved shook their heads one after another. Such things as real dragon essence and blood are not sold in Baji Pavilion, so it is difficult to find them.

Seeing this, a look of disappointment flashed across the young man's eyes.

Even these talented disciples don't have the blood essence of the real dragon in their hands. He wants to collect it by himself as a casual cultivator, but he doesn't know when He Xue will have to wait until he can get a drop of blood essence of the dragon.

Sighing, the young man was about to step down.

A young man in a fine attire and two maids came in swaggeringly, and shouted, "I don't have the blood of a real dragon, but can I use the blood of a real dragon?"

"It's him?" Jiang Sheng cheered up: "Master, it's him, and he bought that stele!"

Henry Zhang's expression moved slightly, and he let out a sigh of relief.

Is it finally here?


"Impossible!" The young man on the stage was slightly annoyed. Is this insulting his rock-horned dragon rhinoceros? How can real dragon essence blood be replaced by dragon blood!

"Twenty drops!" The young man in Huafu really wanted to get the trace jade slip, so he tried to bid again.

"No change!" The young man on the stage fell angrily, without even looking at that person, he went straight to a table next to the table, swallowing a mouthful of wine.


If the Octopus Banquet hadn't started yet, he would definitely teach this young man in fine clothes some lessons.

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