Master of Beasts

Chapter 1387 The Insidious Chen Yao

"Brother, I was just joking, don't blame, don't blame."

Stepping forward a few steps, the young man in Chinese clothes sat down with a smile on his face, picked up the jug, and poured it on the sulking young man: "I am Tao Feng, the son of the lord of Jiuxiang City, a poison attribute spiritual master. Jane is very interested, I don't have the real dragon blood, but I can buy it with Lingyu, seven or eight hundred thousand, as long as you ask for the price."

Many gasped.

This guy, what a big deal!

"This person's name is Tao Feng, and he is ranked nineteenth in the dragon list. Although his strength is mediocre, his father, the Lord of Jiuxiang City, is equal to Hua Zheng's master, extremely powerful." Jiang Sheng said.

"Really?" Henry Zhang raised his eyebrows.

"However, this Tao Feng is notoriously stingy. Even if he really has the blood of the real dragon, he would not be willing to hand it over, let alone seven or eight hundred thousand spiritual jade." Jiang Sheng added.

"I don't have the blood essence of the real dragon, but I still have ten drops of the blood essence of the Northern Sacred Beast." Henry Zhang stood up quietly, six drops of the blood essence of the Northern Sacred Beast, he could not help but feel pain, but for the sake of the Suppressing Demon Monument, I can only go all out.

the other side.

"I don't lack spiritual jade for the time being." The young man shook his head like a rattle.

"Throne level spirit crystal?"

"don't want."

"The favor of a half-step spirit-deficit powerhouse?"

"Not negotiable."

No matter what Ren Taofeng said, the young man kept refusing, without any sign of letting go.

What about the city lord of Nine Elephants City?

After the Octopus Banquet, he left this place immediately. He didn't believe that the Lord of the Nine Elephants City could still chase and kill him because of a jade slip that traced the sky demon spider?

That price is definitely higher than the trace jade slip of the Heavenly Demon Spider.

Therefore, he has no worries.

"How did you change it?" Tao Feng was about to get angry.

It is very difficult to find another spirit beast like the Heavenly Demon Spider if you miss it. For a poison attribute spiritualist like him, it is a rare contracted spirit beast.

"I said, as long as the blood essence of the real dragon, or the blood essence of the northern holy beast." The young man said firmly.

"You..." Tao Feng's chest heaved with anger.

"I have the blood essence of the Northern Holy Beast."

Walking to Tao Feng's side, Henry Zhang said softly: "Your name is Tao Feng, right? I can help you return this trail jade slip, but you have to exchange it with other items."

"What do you want? As long as I have it, I can give it to you!" Tao Feng was stunned for a moment, his excited eyes lit up, he wanted this trace jade slip too much.

"Three years ago, did you buy a similar stele here?" Henry Zhang spread his palm, and a black demon-suppressing stele was drawn from his sleeve robe.

Tao Feng was at a loss for a while.

After a while, his heart beat violently.

"Yes, yes, the old man was in urgent need of Lingyu at that time, so I bought it with five thousand Lingyu!" Tao Feng stood up and looked at Henry Zhang eagerly.

Five thousand spiritual jade?

The corner of Henry Zhang's mouth twitched slightly.

If those spirit-deficit powerhouses gathered in Suzaku City knew that the Demon Suppressing Tablet they wanted to collect had been traded for five thousand spirit jades, I don't know if they would scold their mothers on the spot.

"Give me that stele, and these six drops of the blood of the Northern Sacred Beast belong to you." Henry Zhang shook his right hand, and the six crystal blood essences shone brightly.

"No problem!" Tao Feng was ecstatic.

The rubbish bought with five thousand Lingyu can be exchanged for the Jade Slip of the Sky Demon Spider. Is there anything more profitable than this?

It's a fool not to change!

After the exchange.

Tao Feng happily took the trace jade slip into his bag.

The disappointed young man also had a happy expression on his face.

"Brother, can you wait here? I treat this kind of stone tablet as garbage and throw it in the treasure house. I will go back and get it for you." Tao Feng said sincerely.

"It's easy to say." Henry Zhang agreed.

He is not afraid of Tao Feng's repudiation.

Dare to play tricks with him, he will blow up the City Lord's Mansion in Jiuxiang City tomorrow.

"Brother Tai is so brave. I, Tao Feng, like it. It's just a stone tablet. It's useless to put it here. I'll go back and get it for you." With two beautiful women, Tao Feng left with a smile.

"You really trust him?" Sun Zi was dubious.

Henry Zhang smiled without saying a word.

If Tao Feng didn't want to ask for trouble, he'd better send the Demon Suppressing Tablet as soon as possible, otherwise, he wouldn't mind letting the City Lord's Mansion of Jiuxiang City pay a heavy price.

Get out of the attic.

"Hey, I have everything in my head, and I still want a stele? You are young and cute!"

Turning the jade slip in his hand, Tao Feng showed a mocking smile on his face: "The thing that needs to be exchanged for six drops of the blood of the Northern Sacred Beast must be a good treasure. I have misjudged it these years. , I will find a treasure appraiser to find out what it is."

"Master Tao, do we really want to do this?" A woman said with a smile.

"Of course, when did I, Tao Feng, suffer?"

Tao Feng raised his head proudly: "That kid, at first glance, looks like a rookie who has just walked in the mainland. He doesn't have much experience, so just treat me as a good person and give him a lot of experience. Don't thank me too much."

"Young master Tao is really a good man."

"That kind of stupid young man deserves to be tricked by you."

"It's his luck to be cheated by Mr. Tao."

The two women flattered each other, which made Tao Feng laugh wildly. He was in a good mood, not to mention getting a jade slip worth four drops of real dragon's blood for nothing, and he also knew that the stele on his table was a rare treasure.

Great harvest!

He doesn't know.

What kind of enemies has he provoked for himself by his arrogant approach.

In the darkness of night.

Baji Pavilion.

White Tiger City is divided into pavilions.

"Who are you, and you also want to see Master Qiu Jiu? Get out of here." The guard in front of the pavilion impatiently drove a woman away.

This woman is Chen Yao.

"I have something to ask, let me see Young Master Qiu Jiu, please." Taking advantage of no one's attention, Chen Yao handed a boundary stone to the guard.

"Is it really important?" The guard's palm turned around Chen Yao's body, and he said with a smile.

"Of course." Chen Yao suppressed her nausea and nodded repeatedly. The expression on her face was as charming as possible, and her body was almost on the body of the guard.

"That can't be done, Master Qiu Jiu is practicing, I dare not disturb." The guard's movements became more and more wanton.

"Please, after seeing Young Master Qiu Jiu, you can do whatever you want me to do." Chen Yao blinked her eyes coquettishly.

"It's easy to say."

Smiling evilly, he looked at Chen Yao a few times, and the guard withdrew his palm reluctantly, then turned around and said, "Come with me, if you don't have any serious problems, Young Master Qiu Jiu will definitely get angry, and by then, even I won't be able to protect you .”

Go around to the back of the pavilion.

Enter a courtyard.

Several miserable cries of women begging for mercy sounded from a part of the courtyard, and Chen Yao shuddered, only to see a young man coming out of a certain room cursing.

"You actually committed suicide, bad luck!"

The young man was furious: "Didn't I just kill her husband and child in front of her? I thought she would give up and follow me obediently, but I bit my tongue and killed myself."

Hearing this, Chen Yao's heart almost jumped out.

Qiu Jiu, the son of the head of the branch pavilion in Baihu City, is famous for his lust. If it wasn't for his father, he was an eighth-level spirit king, and he would have died countless times.

Raising her head, Qiu Jiu looked at Chen Yao with a sly smile on her lips.

"Just as I wanted to drink water, someone handed me the bowl. Gao He, you did a good job. After I finish enjoying it, I will give it to you, this woman."

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